Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 175 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Directors’ report: Board Audit Committee report (continued) Areas of focus Matters addressed Role of Committee Conclusion/action taken The Committee reviewed BIA's audit The performance of BIA and During the year, the Committee: Internal audit delivery of the internal audit results and performance reports, and • scrutinised and agreed internal audit plans, plan, including scope of work quality assurance reports. The Committee methodology and deliverables for 2022 performed, the level of also reviewed and approved the annual • reviewed BIA's audit reports in relation to resources, and the review of BIA's Audit Charter. specific audits, key areas of focus and methodology and coverage of At the end of the year, the Committee themes the internal audit plan. approved the 2023 Audit Plan, detailing the • tracked the levels of adverse audits and number of audits to be undertaken in 2023 issues raised by BIA and monitored related and the focus areas. remediation plans The Committee reviewed the results of the • received regular updates on resourcing and external quality assurance exercise carried results of colleague engagement surveys out in respect of BIA and conducted an for BIA evaluation of BIA for 2022, the results of • discussed BIA's assessment of the which are summarised in the Chair’s letter management control approach and control on page 170. environment in the Group companies and functions • continued to monitor BIA's implementation of its three-year internal audit strategy ending December 2022. The work and performance of The Committee: The Committee approved the 2022 Audit External audit KPMG. Plan and the main areas of focus for the • met with key members of the KPMG audit year. team to discuss the 2022 Audit Plan and KPMG’s areas of focus The Committee received and considered reports from KPMG on the results of their • assessed regular reports from KPMG on 2021 CASS audits and management's the progress of the 2022 audit and any responses thereto. material accounting and control issues identified The Committee considered the results of • discussed KPMG’s feedback on Barclays’ the PRA Written Auditor Reporting for critical accounting estimates and 2022 and the PRA's feedback thereon, and judgements has also reviewed management's response to the matters raised. • discussed KPMG’s draft report on certain control areas and the control environment Read more about the PCAOB and AQR ahead of the 2022 year end inspection results and the Committee’s • received reports on the progress of the role in assessing the performance, PCAOB and AQR joint inspection of effectiveness and independence of the KPMG's audit of Barclays' 2021 financial external auditor on the next page. statements.

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