Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 04 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Chairman’s introduction In my letter in last year’s Annual Report, I talked I am also pleased to report that Venkat and In light of this incident and the environment in about the challenging times ahead. It is clear this Anna, the new Chief Executive and Chief which we operate, we must make sure that our We are was an understatement. The intervening year has Financial Officer respectively, have navigated well programmes embed a higher standard of seen war in Europe, increasingly frequent climate the challenges of their first year. However, they, operational performance, and demonstrate disasters, COVID-19 still a great threat in large their Executive Committee colleagues, and the measurable progress to shareholders. Thirdly, resilient parts of the world, a partial reeling-in of Board as a whole, are very conscious that there is our share price performance has not reflected globalisation and considerable pressure on much work ahead. First, the very uncertainty that the underlying business strength. It is only with households and businesses from rising costs. We has created the volatility that in turn powered the consistent performance, without the negative for the have left behind the economic comfort zone of results in Markets can have adverse impact of avoidable incidents, that we can hope low inflation and predictable interest rates. The consequences for households and corporate to earn a better reputation for reliable earnings reasonably free flow of goods, including sources of customers; we will work hard to support our and thereby materially reduce the discount at future energy, around the world can no longer be so customers and clients through this period. which the bank’s shares trade to our book value. easily taken for granted. As a result of these and Secondly, we have to improve aspects of the way other factors, free market capitalism is not just 2022 was a year of almost Barclays operates in order to eliminate the type Facts and figures under increasing pressure but, rightly, faces a of error that led to the loss relating to the unprecedented challenges more forceful requirement to demonstrate how it issuance of securities materially in excess of the can contribute to inclusive, sustainable and global limits under certain of our US registration for Barclays and for society economic growth. statements. This incident reflects internal 30.8p In such times it is good to be able to report that failings which we are determined to remedy; more broadly. As a bank, we Barclays remains financially and operationally elsewhere in this report we cover in more detail EPS continued to demonstrate resilient. We finished the year with both a return this issue, its causes and consequences and what 2021: 36.5p on capital and a capital ratio that met the target we have done and are doing to mitigate the risk our resilience, our ability levels which we had set. All of our businesses, of any similar failings. across consumer and wholesale, performed well. and commitment to support 7.25p customers, clients and Dividend 2021: 6.0p wider stakeholders in ever- changing economic Free market capitalism faces conditions. £1.0bn a more forceful requirement Announced buyback of shares 2021: £1.5bn to demonstrate how it can contribute to inclusive, c.13.4p a Total payout per share sustainable and global 2021: 15.0p economic growth. Note: a Includes total dividend for 2022 of 7.25p per share and total share buybacks announced in relation to 2022 of £1.0bn.

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