Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 153 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Directors’ report: Our Governance Framework (continued) The Board was kept informed of key Board Risk Committee and Board Information provided business developments throughout the Remuneration Committee - each of which to the Board year through regular updates from the has its own terms of reference clearly Our Chair is responsible for setting the Executive Directors and senior executives, setting out its remit and decision-making Board’s agenda, primarily focused on in addition to the presentations delivered powers. This structure allows the Board to strategy, performance, value creation, to the Board and the Board Committees as spend a significant proportion of its time culture, stakeholders and accountability, part of formal meetings. focusing on the strategic direction of the and ensuring that Board members receive Group. You can read more about the Board’s key activities in timely and high-quality information to + 2022, including updates received, on pages 154 to 156. The Board Committees are comprised enable them to make sound decisions and solely of Non-Executive Directors, in line promote the success of BPLC. Where required to enable them to fulfil with best practice, and cross-membership their obligations as members of the Board, Our Group Company Secretary, working in between each Committee is shown in the Directors are able to seek independent collaboration with the Chair, is responsible for table below. and professional advice at Barclays’ ensuring good governance and information expense. flow, to support the Board’s effectiveness. In The Chairs of each Committee report on 2022, we continued to strive for simplicity and their Committee’s work at every Board Board Committees clear focus in the Board’s agendas, papers meeting and provide periodic written The Board is supported in its work by its and presentations, building on progress updates to the Board on the work of the Committees - the Board Nominations made in previous years. Committee. Committee, Board Audit Committee, You can read more about the Board Committees, their + membership and their work during 2022 later in this report. Board Committee cross-membership in 2022 The table below shows the number of cross-memberships of the Non-Executive Directors across the Board Committees as at 31 December 2022. Board Audit Board Nominations Board Remuneration Committee Committee Committee Board Risk 4 4 2 Committee Board Remuneration 1 Committee Board Nominations 2 1 Committee

Barclays PLC - Annual Report - 2022 - Page 155 Barclays PLC - Annual Report - 2022 Page 154 Page 156