Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 21 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Engaging with our stakeholders Listening and responding to our stakeholders Barclays aims to create sustainable value for all those we serve, through the economic cycle. Colleagues Customers and clients How we responded How we responded For customers, we have developed the The 2022 Your View survey results showed Barclays Money Management Hub, progress on colleague engagement as well as containing advice on how to better against the primary cultural topics we understand their spending behaviours and measure. improve their financial wellbeing. • We brought forward part of the 2023 pay We continued to develop both our personal increase, awarding 35,000 UK-based junior and corporate apps, to provide our colleagues a £1,200 salary increase customers and clients with the tools required effective from August 2022, ahead of our to effectively manage their finances and annual salary review We are committed to serving our Our people and culture are our greatest transactions. The newly launched Barclays customers' and clients' best interests, assets. Together, they make a critical • During 2022, we made enhancements to Corporate app is now available in 150+ and engage with them regularly so difference to our success, and our drive further global consistency in how we countries. we can understand how best to adapt investment in our colleagues strengthens support our colleagues with disabilities and our products and services to their and protects our culture. We are developing a Client Transition health conditions, providing them with evolving needs. Framework, a methodology that allows us to greater control over their own individual evaluate our corporate clients' current and requirements, as well as improving the expected future progress in transitioning to a processes to self-serve and get the right What did they tell us? What did they tell us? low-carbon economy. The framework equipment they need for office and/or We engage in a wide variety of ways, including We have an established colleague comprises both a quantitative and qualitative home working running regular surveys, analysing customer engagement programme across a number of component to assess clients' trajectory • We supported colleagues with their next complaints, and drawing on data from millions platforms. These provide us with a robust against our targets and benchmarks, and the career move within Barclays, with 43% of of individual transactions and personal body of information and ensure we are ambition and achievability of their plans, vacancies being filled by internal customer interactions. attuned and listening to the different allowing us to engage with them at a more candidates, helping to retain our diverse perspectives, and responding accordingly to • As customers face a rising interest rate granular level for their transition financing and inclusive workforce and mitigate colleague feedback. Further detail can be environment and inflationary cost needs. redundancies found on page 32. pressures, they have asked for more support and advice on their finances • Our colleagues told us that with rising costs, they needed financial support • Customers are looking for full integration of services to ensure seamless digital • As colleagues embraced hybrid working, 90% 150+ transactions they required the right tools to undertake of colleagues believe their countries covered by their roles • Clients are asking for advice and finance in line manager supports our Corporate app support of their efforts to decarbonise their • Our colleagues wanted support to be able their wellbeing operations. to develop their own careers

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