Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 22 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Engaging with our stakeholders (continued) Investors Society How we responded How we responded • We provided further detail on our Markets We engaged with stakeholders at our 2022 performance, more granular transactional AGM, through our 'Say on Climate' advisory activity and additional insights into interest vote and attended COP15 on biodiversity as rate sensitivity well as COP27 on climate change. We engaged with NGOs, such as ShareAction, by • We delivered on our priority to return capital participating in their recent survey on key to shareholders, with an appropriate mix of climate and biodiversity metrics. returns amounting to a total capital return equivalent to c.13.4p per share We spoke to our suppliers and promoted the Engaging with our shareholders and other importance of diversity, equity and inclusion, Deep and thoughtful engagement with the • We listened to feedback on our Say on market participants has helped us to as well as the importance of our focus on numerous individuals and interest groups Climate advisory vote at the 2022 AGM as understand their priorities and drive modern slavery across our supply chain. that represent our wider society help us to well as other factors, published new a $1trn better outcomes for all stakeholders. shape our approach and ultimately deliver Sustainable and Transition Financing target, In support of the communities in which we long-term sustainable value. and are announcing in this report an operate, through our LifeSkills programme Δ updated policy on coal-fired power we have reached 18.1 million people since financing 2013. Through our Unreasonable Impact programme, since 2016 we have supported What did they tell us? • Investor Relations helped establish ESG What did they tell us? 269 ventures that are helping to deliver engagement with investors, which We continue to enjoy productive bilateral We engaged with a wide range of innovative solutions to pressing social and contributed to key investment decisions engagement with institutional equity and fixed stakeholders, including non-governmental environmental challenges. income investors, rating agencies, as well as • We continued to enhance transparency in organisations (NGOs) and others where our private shareholders. We were able to our external disclosures appropriate. We participated in various further our efforts in hybrid meetings, Notes sustainability forums including global and • Our efforts were recognised through Δ 2022 data subject to independent Limited Assurance under enabling deeper engagement with investors regional industry initiatives. ISAE(UK)3000 and ISAE3410. Current and previous limited Barclays winning the PwC award for Building irrespective of their individual location. In assurance scope and opinions can be found within the ESG Public Trust, and the Investor Relations Resource Hub for further details: Major themes we heard from them included: 2022, the focus of our dialogue has been: esg-resource-hub/reporting-and-disclosures/ team being shortlisted for best IR team at ▪ wanting to see continued progress, targets ▪ the factors driving current performance and the IR Society awards and development of the global climate expectation of further momentum from agenda, including appropriate social and changes in the macro economic environmental governance environment $1 trillion ▪ capital return to shareholders ▪ support for communities facing hardship c.13.4p target announced in December 2022 to ▪ continued engagement and progress on ▪ an increased focus on nature and Total capital return facilitate Sustainable and Transition the climate agenda biodiversity equivalent per share Financing by the end of 2030 ▪ the need for clearer, transparent ▪ transparency and harmonisation of data messaging on business performance

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