Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 384 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Balance sheet commentary Total assets Total assets increased £129bn to £1,514bn. Cash and balances at central banks increased by £18bn to £256bn, predominantly driven by strong growth in customer deposits. Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income increased £3bn to £65bn. Loans and advances at amortised cost increased £37bn to £399bn, which reflected increased lending to customers across Barclays International and Barclays UK, and increased investment in debt securities. Derivative financial instrument assets increased £40bn to £302bn, driven by market volatility and increased activity. Cash collateral and settlement balances increased by £20bn to £113bn. Trading portfolio assets decreased £13bn to £134bn due to reduction in equity securities as clients repositioned their demand, partially offset by increased trading activity in debt securities. Financial assets at fair value through the income statement increased £22bn to £214bn driven by increased reverse repurchase activity. Total liabilities Total liabilities increased £130bn to £1,444bn. Deposits at amortised cost increased £26bn to £546bn primarily due to an increase in short-term money market deposits and growth in Barclays International deposits. Derivative financial instrument liabilities increased £33bn to £290bn, driven by market volatility and increased activity. Cash collateral and settlement balances increased by £18bn to £97bn. Trading portfolio liabilities increased £19bn to £73bn due to increases in equity securities as clients repositioned their demand. Financial liabilities designated at fair value increased £21bn to £272bn due to increased prime brokerage deposits and repurchase agreements. Total shareholders’ equity Total shareholders’ equity decreased £0.7bn to £69.3bn. Other equity instruments increased £1.0bn to £13.3bn due to the issuance of three AT1 instruments (£1.25bn, $2.0bn and SGD450m), offset by two redemptions (£1.0bn and $1.5bn). AT1 securities are perpetual subordinated contingent convertible securities structured to qualify as AT1 instruments under prevailing capital rules applicable as at the relevant issue date. Other reserves decreased by £4.0bn, mainly due to a reduction in the cash flow hedging reserve of £6.4bn to £7.2bn debit, as a result of fair value movements on interest rate swaps held for hedging purposes due to an increase in major interest rate curves. This was partially offset by an increase in the currency translation reserve of £2.0bn to £4.8bn, driven by the depreciation of GBP against USD. Retained earnings increased £2.3bn to £52.8bn, mainly due to profits of £5.0bn, offset by share repurchases of £1.5bn and dividends of £1.0bn. Tangible net asset value per share increased to 295p (December 2021: 291p) with EPS of 30.8p and currency movements partially offset by net negative reserve movements due to higher interest rates, primarily in the cash flow hedging reserve.

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