Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 29 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Customers and clients (continued) Some of the other ways we seek to support report published earlier this year, in conjunction Economic crime and scams Domestic abuse vulnerability and provide responsible and with Barclays, which includes Barclays’ Scams We have an established programme to educate To support customers impacted by domestic inclusive banking are set out below: Manifesto, outlining specific and actionable customers and prevent them from falling victim abuse, we have partnered with Refuge, a UK recommendations. Access to banking to scams. charity providing specialist support for women If you suspect that you have been approached by and children experiencing domestic abuse. Customers are looking for more convenient, fraudsters please tell the FCA using the share fraud We have also launched a new Fraud and Scams hub This enables us to direct those impacted by reporting form at simpler ways to bank that fit their lives, including on the Barclays website, which hosts a variety of domestic abuse to expert advice and assist banking digitally: our mobile app has over 10.5 You can also call the FCA Helpline on 0800 111 6768 or content and resources to help the public learn how through Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 survivors with the opening of bank accounts million active users. We are continuing to help to keep themselves safe. and gaining access to banking services in deliver these solutions at pace. Frontier Economics report on Tacking Fraud and Scams: Additionally, to help keep our customers safe, + situations where they may not have the Alongside our investment in technology news/PressReleases/Tackling-Fraud-and-Scams-An- we’ve continued to invest in multi-layered security requisite documentation. Ecosystem-Wide-Approach.pdf enabling digital customers to access tools and systems that protect against fraud and scams, products whenever they need them, we’re including ‘Confirmation of Payee’, an account In 2022, the Barclays Refuge Partnership, has Digital accessibility transforming the role of physical locations name checking service that helps to make sure been recognised at the Better Society Awards across the UK to ensure older and more payments aren’t sent to the wrong bank or building and the Charity Times Awards. We aim to ensure that our digital services are vulnerable customers can still access banking. society account. easy to see, hear, understand and use for all We have also signed up to the revised UK We have launched our own initiatives, including a customers, including those with disabilities. We introduced app ID, which allows Barclays Finance Domestic Abuse Code of Practice, cashback without purchase service and Barclays colleagues to verify to customers that they’re a which sets out how participating banks and Collectively we seek to deliver digital services Local, and we are working with other banks, the legitimate caller and not an impersonator. building societies should support customers and workplace tools that promote disability Post Office and LINK, to keep Barclays at the who are victims and survivors of economic or We are part of the ‘Do not originate’ scheme, inclusion and meet accessibility requirements heart of the community. financial abuse. created in partnership with the set out in the Web Content Accessibility Alongside these changes, we are investing in telecommunications industry, UK Finance and Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA level. Homelessness multi-skilled training for our colleagues so they Ofcom, to prevent our most common inbound We continue to support those with limited The Barclays Accessibility statement are better able to serve customers in ways that helpline phone numbers from being used in a scam. + documentation such as homeless people to meet their needs today as well as breaking down We are also proud initial signatories of the open a basic current account. This year, the UK internal barriers to enable quicker resolution of Gambling Contingent Reimbursement Model Code, providing has seen its fastest cost of living increase in 40 customer queries. measures to help prevent Authorised Push years. Barclays has partnered with charities to Barclays understands that gambling and Further details on mobile banking vans and how to book an Payments scams taking place and building help those most impacted by the current + financial difficulty can often go hand in hand and appointment can be found at: increased consumer protection standards for environment through dedicated financial that customers may sometimes find it hard to customers of signatory firms. inclusion support. ask for help. We have continued to work in We are founding members of Stop Scams UK, a partnership with GamCare, a UK charity which cross-industry group made up of banks, telecoms provides information, advice and support for and tech firms that have come together to seek to anyone affected by problem gambling. put an end to scams by collaborating, sharing best GamCare provided additional training for our practices and engaging with the government and specialist financial assistance teams helping regulators to make it harder for scammers to them have conversations with customers who operate. Through Stop Scams UK, we have created are impacted by problem gambling, directly a dedicated hotline for customers to call if they transferring those who need further support to think they are being targeted by a scammer. trained GamCare advisers. Further detail and evidence with regards to our Further details can be found at: + position can be found in the Frontier Economics

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