A letter from the CEO onmental Envir At Wells Fargo, we believe that to be successful as a company, we must consider a broad set of stakeholders in our decisions and actions, beyond shareholders. This is not in lieu of shareholders — in fact, we believe a broader focus will enhance our returns to shareholders over time. Consumers and Social businesses want to do business with a company that actively supports employees, customers, and communities — especially those most in need. In the pages that follow, you’ll 昀椀nd an overview of the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) work underway at Wells Fargo. This includes the ernance work we are doing to build a sustainable, inclusive v future in the communities we serve. These e昀昀orts Go span housing a昀昀ordability, small business growth, 昀椀nancial inclusion, addressing climate change, and other initiatives. We consider this work a sustained, long-term commitment. We know that there is much work to do, and Wells Fargo is well-positioned to make a di昀昀erence. — Charles W. Scharf CEO, Wells Fargo & Company 4 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report - Page 4 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report Page 3 Page 5