Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report Published September 2022

About Wells Fargo 3 A letter from the CEO 4 Wells Fargo’s key ESG themes & focus areas 5 Table of Environmental Environmental sustainability 8 Contents Operational sustainability 9 onmental Growing the renewable energy supply 14 Supplier engagement 15 Envir Social impact Supporting customers and communities 17 Climate-aligned philanthropy 25 Social Diversity, equity, and inclusion 28 Employees 34 Governance Corporate governance and ethics 42 Board of Directors 43 Executive compensation 44 Code of Ethics and Business Conduct 45 Risk management 46 ernance v Policy advocacy 47 Go Information and cybersecurity 48 Privacy protection 49 Understanding environmental and social impacts 50 Appendix Alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 52 Sustainability Accounting Standard Board (SASB) Index 53 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index 58 Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Index 65 Forward-looking statements 67 References and resources 69 2 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

About Wells Fargo onmentalonmental EnvirEnvir Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE: WFC) is a leading 昀椀nancial services company that has approximately Cautionary notes $1.9 trillion in assets, proudly serves one in three U.S. This document contains forward-looking statements households and more than 10% of small businesses about our future activities, plans, objectives, in the U.S., and is a leading middle market banking expectations, and other future conditions. Please SocialSocial provider in the U.S. We provide a diversi昀椀ed set see the Disclaimer and Forward-Looking Statements of banking, investment, and mortgage products section for more information about factors that and services, as well as consumer and commercial could cause actual results to di昀昀er materially from 昀椀nance, through our four reportable operating our forward-looking statements. segments: Consumer Banking and Lending, Data herein is as of Dec. 31, 2021, unless otherwise indicated. Commercial Banking, Corporate and Investment Banking, and Wealth & Investment Management. ernance Wells Fargo ranked No. 41 on Fortune’s 2022 ernance v Wells Fargo has provided external links within this document for v rankings of America’s largest corporations. In the your convenience, but Wells Fargo does not endorse and is not GoGo communities we serve, the company focuses its responsible for the content, links, privacy policy, or security policy social impact on building a sustainable, inclusive of these websites. future for all by supporting housing a昀昀ordability, small business growth, 昀椀nancial health, and a low- carbon economy. $1.9 and more than 10% Trillion of small in assets Serving 1 in 3 U.S. households businesses in the U.S. 3 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

A letter from the CEO onmental Envir At Wells Fargo, we believe that to be successful as a company, we must consider a broad set of stakeholders in our decisions and actions, beyond shareholders. This is not in lieu of shareholders — in fact, we believe a broader focus will enhance our returns to shareholders over time. Consumers and Social businesses want to do business with a company that actively supports employees, customers, and communities — especially those most in need. In the pages that follow, you’ll 昀椀nd an overview of the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) work underway at Wells Fargo. This includes the ernance work we are doing to build a sustainable, inclusive v future in the communities we serve. These e昀昀orts Go span housing a昀昀ordability, small business growth, 昀椀nancial inclusion, addressing climate change, and other initiatives. We consider this work a sustained, long-term commitment. We know that there is much work to do, and Wells Fargo is well-positioned to make a di昀昀erence. — Charles W. Scharf CEO, Wells Fargo & Company 4 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Wells Fargo’s key ESG themes onmental & focus areas Envir As a leading 昀椀nancial services company, Wells Fargo believes that it has a role to play in addressing Social social, economic, and environmental sustainability, and the company is committed to sound and e昀昀ective corporate governance practices. The company continues to take an active role in addressing pressing societal challenges to drive positive impact. Wells Fargo regularly assesses ESG and ernance sustainability themes and focus areas that it v believes are most relevant to the company and its Go stakeholders. The company monitors ESG trends, and has periodically engaged with stakeholders to identify top-of-mind ESG themes, which inform its strategies, goals, and reporting priorities. With those topics in mind, Wells Fargo continues to work to make meaningful progress with respect to these pressing ESG challenges. 5 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Wells Fargo focuses its work on three sustainability-related areas of critical importance. Environmental sustainability Wells Fargo believes that climate change is one of the most urgent environmental and social issues of our time. That is why in March 2021, Wells Fargo announced its e昀昀ort to support the transition to a low-carbon economy by setting a goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. In 2021, the bank also joined the Net-Zero Banking Alliance, an industry leadership group focused on implementing climate targets. In furtherance of this net-zero goal, in May 2022, the company published the Wells Fargo onmental CO2eMissionSM, a climate alignment and target-setting methodology for its 昀椀nancing portfolios, and set its 昀椀rst interim 昀椀nanced emissions targets for two high-emitting Envir sectors (Oil & Gas and Power). In 2021, the company also launched an Institute for Sustainable Finance to deploy $500 billion of 昀椀nancing to sustainable businesses and projects by 2030, as well as to support science-based research on low-carbon solutions, and advocate for policies that enable client transitions. Social impact Wells Fargo seeks to support a more sustainable and equitable economy by Social opening pathways to economic advancement, championing quality a昀昀ordable homes, empowering small business growth, and enabling a low-carbon economy. Through these and other e昀昀orts, the company hopes to help build wealth, enhance economic mobility, and strengthen diverse and historically marginalized communities. In collaboration with community organizations, civic leaders, and nonpro昀椀ts at the local, state, and national levels, Wells Fargo is working to address systemic barriers to 昀椀nancial inclusion and opportunity. Wells Fargo’s resources and expertise can make a positive impact in communities, addressing these complex societal issues to help build a more sustainable, equitable future for all. ernance v Diversity, equity, and inclusion Go Wells Fargo is dedicated to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The company is focused on increasing diverse representation at all levels, creating a more inclusive workplace, and better serving and growing its diverse customer segments and diverse suppliers across all lines of business. This approach is embedded in the company’s culture and business practices, products and services, and philanthropic giving. Additional details are discussed in the 2022 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Report (PDF). As Wells Fargo continues its work on key ESG themes, the company recognizes that its employees, culture, and governance are all critical ingredients for making meaningful progress. 6 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Environmental onmental onmental Envir Envir Social ernance v Go 7 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Environmental sustainability onmental Envir Wells Fargo’s focus on environmental sustainability is In addition to Wells Fargo’s net-zero greenhouse about working toward an equitable and sustainable gas emissions by 2050 goal, the company future and to support the transition to a low-carbon committed to deploying its resources and working economy. In March 2021, Wells Fargo announced closely with customers. To drive its execution its e昀昀orts to support the transition to a low-carbon e昀昀orts, Wells Fargo established an enterprise- economy by setting a goal of net-zero greenhouse wide climate initiative to promote leadership Social gas emissions — including its 昀椀nanced emissions — connectivity and accountability. In addition, by 2050. Wells Fargo’s Independent Risk Management (IRM) function provides holistic oversight of the integration of climate considerations into the Risk Management Framework. ernance v Go 8 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Operational sustainability onmental Envir Wells Fargo is working to embed environmental sustainability throughout our operations to drive e昀케ciencies and responsible resource use, including reducing energy, water, and resource consumption as well as greenhouse gas emissions. Wells Fargo continues to work to reduce the emissions, water and energy consumption, and waste associated with its operations. Social Common factors used to measure relative environmental performance Unit 2019 2020 2021 Employees¹ # of employees 271,924 268,531 249,435 Revenue USD (in billions) 86.8 74.3 78.5 Square footage2 # sq ft 86,179,338 82,617,819 78,200,000 Notes ernance 1. Employee numbers for this section re昀氀ect employee headcount at Wells Fargo as reported in the company’s annual report for each v calendar year. Go 2. Includes square footage (sq ft) from Wells Fargo-owned and leased facilities worldwide, as well as its network of more than 12,000 ATMs in the U.S. Excludes square footage from land and parking lots. 3 Energy usage Unit 2019 2020 2021 Fuel (includes fuel oil, propane, MWh 24,713 16,979 20,330 and fuels for 昀氀eet vehicles) Natural gas MWh 383,277 353,183 310,483 Electricity1 MWh 1,816,629 1,654,354 1,550,417 Chilled water MWh 0 0 0 2 District heating MWh 13,518 13,211 12,911 Total energy consumption MWh 2,238,137 2,037,727 1,894,141 Reduction in total energy consumption % 0 9 15 (from 2019 baseline) Purchased electricity consumption kWh/sq ft 21.0 20.0 19.8 kWh/employee 6,992 6,161 6,256 Notes 1. Includes purchased and self-supplied electricity. Refer to table within Growing the renewable energy supply section for additional details. 2. District heating includes purchased steam. 3. To facilitate the calculation of total energy usage, all components are converted into MWh. 9 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

LEED® buildings1 Unit 2019 2020 2021 Total sq ft of LEED-certi昀椀ed projects sq ft 43,111,577 44,521,605 44,941,226 Total number of LEED-certi昀椀ed # of projects 834 907 912 Notes 1. Includes certi昀椀cations and recerti昀椀cations under all Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating systems (for example, new construction, existing buildings, and interior design) for relevant leased and owned spaces. Paper consumption Unit 2019 2020 2021 Copy paper made from >30% onmental post-consumer waste % 81 77 76 Envir Waste Unit 2019 2020 2021 Recycling: plastic, metal, and short tons 5,536 4,104 3,992 cardboard Other recycling: compost, cable, short tons 2,220 698 850 media, and e-waste1 Social Paper recycled short tons 44,474 31,567 25,422 Total recycling short tons 52,230 36,369 30,265 Total waste to land昀椀ll short tons 28,582 24,647 19,874 Total waste stream short tons 80,813 61,016 50,139 Reduction in total waste stream % 0 24 38 (from 2019 baseline) ernance v Devices reused or recycled1,2 # of devices 30,617 13,117 23,130 Go Devices reused or recycled1,2 # of pounds 15,316 8,503 16,026 E-waste disposed of using certi昀椀ed % 100 100 100 responsible vendors1,2 Notes 1. Wells Fargo is a member of the e-Stewards Standards, which sets standards for disposal of hazardous electronic waste that includes electronic equipment, parts, and materials (for example, computers, monitors and peripherals, fax machines, printers, copiers, and cell phones destined for recycling or disposal, but not for direct reuse), which contain, consist of, or are derived from materials that pose potential threats to public health or the environment or meet any of the following criteria: a. Are listed, referenced, considered, or referred to as a hazardous waste in laws or treaties, or by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or other relevant U.S., state, local, or foreign governmental agencies; or b. Exhibit one or more of the characteristics of hazardous waste (ignitability, cohesiveness, reactivity, and/or toxicity); or is generated by the treatment of hazardous waste; or is contained in a hazardous waste. 2. Data is speci昀椀c to mobile devices (iPhone, iPad only). 10 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Water Unit 2019 2020 2021 Total water consumption Cubic meters 7,729,753 6,678,849 5,454,839 (municipal water use) Reduction in water consumption % 0 14 30 (from 2019 baseline) Wells Fargo calculates its operational Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Scope 1 emissions are direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that occur from sources that are controlled or owned by an organization. Scope 2 emissions are indirect GHG emissions associated with the purchase of electricity, steam, heat, or cooling, and are a result of the organization’s energy use. onmental Scope 1 and Scope 2 (location & market based) Emissions3 Unit1 2019 2020 2021* Envir 4 Stationary combustion MTCO2e 72,238 67,430 59,342 Mobile combustion MTCO2e 3,080 579 683 Refrigerants and 昀椀re suppressants MTCO2e 11,285 10,078 13,293 Total Scope 14 MTCO2e 86,602 78,087 73,319 Purchased electricity MTCO2e 768,266 691,019 569,079 Social District heating MTCO2e 3,061 2,992 554 Total Scope 2 (location) MTCO2e 771,327 694,011 569,633 Purchased electricity MTCO2e 1,927 623 1,238 District heating MTCO2e 3,061 2,991 554 Total Scope 2 (market) MTCO2e 4,988 3,614 1,792 Total Scope 1 and 2 (location)4 MTCO2e 857,929 772,098 642,952 ernance Total Scope 1 and 2 (market)4 MTCO2e 91,591 81,701 75,111 v Carbon o昀昀sets purchased² MTCO2e 98,981 92,019 81,809 Go Net Scope 1 and Scope 2 (market) MTCO2e 0² 0² 0² Reduction in total Scope 1 and 2 (location) GHG emissions % 0 10 25 (from 2019 baseline) Notes *Wells Fargo's environmental data included in the Statements of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions has been reviewed by an independent third-party accountant for the year ended December 31, 2021. 1. MTCO2e stands for metric tons carbon dioxide equivalent. 2. Wells Fargo has purchased carbon o昀昀sets to achieve carbon neutrality for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions since 2019. 3. A location-based method re昀氀ects the average emissions intensity of grids on which energy consumption occurs (using grid- average emission factor data). A market-based method re昀氀ects emissions from electricity that Wells Fargo has purposefully chosen. It derives emission factors from contractual instruments, which include any type of contract between two parties for the sale and purchase of energy bundled with attributes about the energy generation, or for unbundled attribute claims. 4. Total Scope 1 emissions in 2019 and 2020 have been restated to re昀氀ect a correction to the emissions calculation for stationary combustion. References Environmental Data Assurance (PDF) CDP Report (PDF) 11 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

1 Scope 3 Emissions Unit 2019 2020 2021* 2 Category 1: Purchased goods and services MTCO2e 2,304,829 1,639,281 1,429,619 Category 2: Capital goods2 MTCO2e 455,599 358,268 348,249 Category 3: Fuel and energy-related activities MTCO2e 148,420 123,970 121,357 (not included in Scope 1 or 2) Category 4: Upstream transportation and Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant distribution3 Category 5: Waste generated in operations MTCO2e 9,921 7,622 13,058 Category 6: Employee business travel MTCO2e 71,019 14,111 4,795 (air travel only)⁴ onmental Category 7: Employee commuting MTCO2e 613,405 313,757 218,795 Envir Category 8: Upstream leased assets3 Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant Category 9: Downstream Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant 3 transportation and distribution Category 10: Processing of sold products3 Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant Category 11: Use of sold products3 Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant Category 12: End of life treatment of sold products3 Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant Social Category 13: Downstream leased assets3 Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant Category 14: Franchises3 Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant 3,5 Relevant, not Relevant, not Relevant, not Category 15: Investments calculated calculated calculated Notes ernance *Wells Fargo's environmental data included in the Statements of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions has been reviewed by an independent v third-party accountant for the year ended December 31, 2021. Go 1. MTCO2e stands for metric tons carbon dioxide equivalent. 2. In 2020, Scope 3, Category 1 and Category 2 emissions reporting transitioned to USEEIO 1.0 emissions factors from previously utilized UK DEFRA emissions factors. This methodology change resulted in a large decrease in emissions. In 2021, USEEIO 1.1 emission factors were applied resulting in additional accounting re昀椀nements. 3. Categories listed above as "not relevant" or "relevant, not calculated" include activities that were not yet calculated, not applicable to Wells Fargo's business activities or they have already been included in Scope 1 and 2 emissions. 4. Category 6: Employee business air travel emissions in 2019 and 2020 have been restated to re昀氀ect a correction to the emissions calculation. 5. Wells Fargo is in the process of calculating this data, but has not made signi昀椀cant enough progress to report 昀椀gures. Refer to SM Wells Fargo CO2eMission for additional information. References Environmental Data Assurance (PDF) CDP Report (PDF) 12 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions intensity Unit 2019 2020 2021 Total Scope 1 and Scope 2 (location) emissions per revenue1 MTCO2e/revenue 10.1 10.7 8.2 (in millions USD) Total Scope 1 and Scope 2 (location) emissions per sq ft1 MTCO2e/1,000 sq ft 10.0 9.3 8.2 onmental Total Scope 1 and Scope 2 (location) emissions per employee1 MTCO2e/employee 3.3 2.9 2.6 Notes Envir 1. A location-based method re昀氀ects the average emissions intensity of grids on which energy consumption occurs (using grid- average emission factor data). Social ernance v Go 13 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Growing the renewable energy supply onmental Envir Consistent with the company's climate and sustainability goals, Wells Fargo is committed to supporting the development of new sources of renewable energy. Through the end of 2021, Wells Fargo contracted for 210 megawatts (MW) of new renewable energy generation across 13 states and three countries, supporting new job creation and creating resilient communities. Renewable energy consumed Unit 2019 2020 2021 Social Self-supply¹ MWh 586 534 551 Physical power purchase agreements (PPA)² MWh 10,694 7,503 62,858 Total long-term commitments supporting new MWh 11,280 8,037 63,409 renewable energy assets³ Unbundled Renewable Energy Certi昀椀cates MWh 1,814,780 1,658,740 1,610,463 (RECs)⁴ Total renewable energy purchased MWh 1,826,060 1,666,777 1,673,872 ernance v Percent of consumed electricity as renewable % 101 101 108 Go Total capacity from long-term agreements MW 40 186 210 supporting new sources of renewable energy⁵ Notes 1. Self-supply is when a consumer generates and supplies their own electricity. Wells Fargo’s self-supply refers to its on-site solar program. 2. Physical power purchase agreements are contracts for the purchase of power and associated Renewable Energy Certi昀椀cates from a speci昀椀c renewable energy generator (the seller) to a purchaser of renewable electricity (the buyer). 3. Wells Fargo met 100% of its electricity consumption with renewable energy, primarily from unbundled Renewable Energy Certi昀椀cates beginning in 2017. Its goal is to transition to long-term agreements (de昀椀ned as contracts with a duration of 昀椀ve years or longer) that directly support new sources of renewable energy. New sources of renewable energy are de昀椀ned as assets where commercial operation was achieved no earlier than 12 months prior to contract execution. 4. Unbundled Renewable Energy Certi昀椀cates are sold, delivered, or purchased separately from the electricity generated by the renewable resource. 5. This data includes cumulative new renewable energy generation capacity contracted by Wells Fargo. Some assets have not yet achieved commercial operation and are under construction. 14 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Supplier engagement onmental Envir Wells Fargo’s Supplier Code of Conduct (PDF) outlines the company's expectation that suppliers not only comply with applicable laws, regulations, and contract terms, but also conduct themselves with the highest standards of ethical business practices, environmental stewardship, and community investment. Integrating ESG into supplier selection and engagement¹ Unit 2019 2020 2021 Social Suppliers invited to participate in CDP survey # of suppliers 209 198 188 Supplier CDP survey participation % participation 64 72 74 Responding suppliers who have self-reported science- % of suppliers 33 35 47 based targets for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions Notes 1. Wells Fargo encourages its suppliers to demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability by participating in the CDP survey. The suppliers were selected to participate using a methodology that considered each supplier’s spend, operational criticality to ernance Wells Fargo, and whether the supplier is in a carbon-intensive industry. As a result, the majority of participating suppliers represent high v spend and/or high criticality with many in high-carbon industries. Go 15 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Social impact onmental Envir Social ernance v Go 16 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Supporting Financial health An inclusive economy is one where everyone has customers and a pathway to economic opportunity, including the 昀椀nancial knowledge, skills, and resources necessary onmental to support themselves and their families. That’s communities why Wells Fargo is committed to providing a Envir variety of resources and products designed to enable individuals to learn how to manage money responsibly, build and improve credit, plan and Wells Fargo focuses its social impact on building a save for the future, and reach their 昀椀nancial goals. sustainable, inclusive future for all by supporting Examples of Wells Fargo’s commitment to support 昀椀nancial health, housing a昀昀ordability, and small 昀椀nancial health include: Social business growth through employee volunteerism, † strategic philanthropy, and products and services. • Hands on Banking® is Wells Fargo’s free, noncommercial 昀椀nancial education program Philanthropy Unit 2019 2020 2021 intended to teach money management skills for all life stages, where users can learn at Total philanthropic USD their own pace. The program provides tools to giving (excluding Open (in millions) 455 390 280 help teachers, nonpro昀椀t 昀椀nancial counselors, for Business Fund) ernance and Wells Fargo employee volunteers deliver v Open for Business USD N/A 85 335 昀椀nancial education in schools and communities. Go Fund (in millions) • The Smarter CreditTM Center includes References resources to help customers understand, build, Community impact map and improve credit, as well as manage debt and plan for large purchases. Wells Fargo donated • Through CollegeSTEPS®, a website Wells Fargo created to help college students manage their nearly $615 million in money, students can access guidance and charitable contributions resources on topics such as paying for college, 昀椀nding scholarships, understanding credit, in 2021. managing money, and preparing for the next steps after college. † Wells Fargo does not control this website. The link is provided for your convenience, but Wells Fargo does not endorse and is not responsible for 17 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022 the content, links, privacy policy, or security policy of this website.

onmental Envir SM • Wells Fargo Assist o昀昀ers a variety of Family Advisory Network, Wells Fargo is options and support to customers facing committed to empowering service members 昀椀nancial hardship related to credit cards, and veterans, as well as their families, to gain home loans, loans, and other accounts. 昀椀nancial knowledge and skills that can help Social them manage all stages of life, from permanent • In 2021, Wells Fargo announced the Banking change of station to deployment to retirement. Inclusion Initiative, a 10-year commitment to help unbanked individuals gain access to • A national alliance between Wells Fargo and a昀昀ordable, mainstream, digitally enabled Disability:IN provides continuing education transactional accounts — making 昀椀nancial opportunities for disability-owned business education and advice accessible. enterprises and service-disabled veteran ernance disability-owned business enterprises. v • For the LGBTQ community, financial planning Go whether simple or complex can come with • The Wells Fargo Investment Institute (WFII) a unique set of challenges. Wells Fargo's provides education, guidance, and insights to LGBTQ Resource Center provides valuable inform investment decisions. The Wells Fargo information, from everyday banking to Investment Institute’s Social Impact Investing starting a new business. team specializes in managing sustainable and responsible investment portfolios for individuals • Wells Fargo invested a total of $50 million and institutions. In 2021, a new client-speci昀椀c in 13 African American Minority Depository ESG report was released, which utilizes vendor Institutions (MDIs). As part of the capital and proprietary data from the Global Manager investment, the MDIs will have access to Research team within Wealth and Investment Wells Fargo expertise and assistance. Management, to provide ESG risk, product • As the exclusive sponsor of the Military Family involvement, and carbon footprint data on Financial Readiness Council, led by the Military client holdings. 18 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

• Wells Fargo is committed to older adult consumers. In collaboration with the Aging Client Services Center of Excellence (ACSCOE) within the O昀케ce of Consumer Practices, Wells Fargo is enhancing the 昀椀nancial protection of older and vulnerable adult customers by advising its lines of business on best practices for preventing, detecting, reporting, and responding to older and vulnerable adult 昀椀nancial exploitation. For example, the ACSCOE recently advised on a major Wells Fargo elder fraud education campaign, which included direct customer emails, messaging on account statements, ATM banner alerts, and narratives delivered through Wells Fargo Stories. Additional consumer education resources were provided and include: Protecting those you love (PDF), Protecting older adults from fraud, and How to recognize scams targeting older adults. • Providing customers with free access to their FICO Score, as illustrated by the following table: onmental Customers accessing their FICO® Score Unit 2019 2020 2021 Envir Enabled customers to better manage # of customers their credit by providing free access to (in millions) 9.2 10.8 11.3 their FICO® Score1 Notes 1. Results represent distinct customers who actively viewed their FICO® Score in the stated calendar year. Social Wells Fargo provides products and services that give our customers choice and 昀氀exibility in meeting their 昀椀nancial health needs, and tools to help manage their accounts. Online, mobile, and text banking tools allow customers to monitor account activity, transfer funds, and help avoid unexpected overdrafts. Services include automatic zero-balance alerts that notify online banking customers by email if their account balances drop to zero or below. See below for data related to digital and mobile active customers. Expanding 昀椀nancial inclusion Unit 2019 2020 2021 ernance v Digital (online and mobile) active # in millions 30.3 32.0 33.0 Go customers¹ Mobile active customers² # in millions 24.4 26.0 27.3 Notes 1. Digital active customers include all customers that have logged into a Wells Fargo Online platform in the last 90 days of a given year, including online, mobile, text banking, 昀椀nancial management software, tablet full site, and tablet app. 2. Mobile active customers are all customers that have logged into Wells Fargo Online using a mobile device in the last 90 days of a given year. 19 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Financial health philanthropy In 2017, Wells Fargo pledged to create at Wells Fargo is also focused on improving the 昀椀nancial least 250,000 new Black and African American stability of low- and moderate-income communities homeowners in 10 years through lending through philanthropic programs that increase $60 billion for home purchases. Through the financial inclusion and access, reduce debt, drive end of 2021, the company helped over 81,756 savings and wealth-building behavior, and transform Black and African American families and systems so people can achieve better 昀椀nancial individuals become homeowners with outcomes in their lives. $21.4 billion in mortgage financing. The Wells Fargo Foundation's Financial Capability In 2016, Wells Fargo committed to increasing Grant Program helps people from diverse Hispanic and Latino homeownership over onmental populations who are underbanked by connecting 10 years through $125 billion in home Envir them to income support services and 昀椀nancial purchase loans. Through the end of 2021, the training. In 2021, program participants saved company helped 207,248 Hispanic and Latino nearly $18 million and reduced debt by roughly families and individuals become homeowners $38.4 million, more than 27,300 participants through $54.8 billion in mortgage 昀椀nancing. established or improved their credit score, and more than 7,800 participants acquired a 昀椀nancial asset. Grantees include Cities for Financial Social Empowerment Fund, International Rescue Housing a昀昀ordability solutions Committee, Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), National Association of Latino Community Wells Fargo recognizes that there is a shortage of Asset Builders, Operation HOPE, and others. a昀昀ordable housing for low- and moderate-income Additionally, grants expanded access to free, communities, and high housing costs have ampli昀椀ed virtual financial coaching and counseling, direct growing economic inequities. In 2021, the company SM cash assistance, and other financial resources to launched the Wells Fargo Dream.Plan.Home. ernance help people save money, reduce debt, and navigate mortgage, which o昀昀ers a down payment as low v other complex financial challenges. as 3% to eligible buyers and supports approval of Go those with nontraditional credit. In 2021, the company 昀椀nanced $29.6 billion and $7.8 billion for new purchase loans to serve over 58,000 minority households and over 38,000 low- and moderate-income households respectively. 20 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Housing a昀昀ordability philanthropy Wells Fargo has a $25 million total Wells Fargo’s housing a昀昀ordability philanthropic commitment to support Black and African strategies are focused on keeping people in their American, Hispanic, and Latino homebuyers homes, opening pathways to homeownership, with 昀椀nancial education and counseling, increasing initiatives that drive supply of a昀昀ordable with $15 million committed to Black and homes, and advancing innovation and transformation. African American homebuyers and Wells Fargo’s goal is to support solutions that allow $10 million committed to Hispanic and people to have a quality and a昀昀ordable place to call Latino homebuyers. Through the end of home. Since 2020, the company has helped keep 2021, more than $11 million and $9 million more than 320,000 renters and homeowners in in funding have been provided in support of their homes through e昀昀orts focused on eviction and onmental Black and African American homebuyers and foreclosure prevention assistance, rental assistance, Hispanic and Latino homebuyers respectively. Envir and financial counseling. Wells Fargo has also committed $1 billion in philanthropy to supporting housing a昀昀ordability solutions across the nation. Examples of Wells Fargo’s housing a昀昀ordability philanthropy initiatives include: • Through the Wells Fargo Builds program, in Social collaboration with Habitat for Humanity and Rebuilding Together, Wells Fargo funded more than 482 home build projects across the U.S. in 2021. This funding of a昀昀ordable and sustainable housing includes support for new home construction and repairs, helping older adults age in their homes, and neighborhood revitalization. ernance v • Through Wells Fargo's NeighborhoodLIFT® Go program, the company collaborates with NeighborWorks® America and local nonpro昀椀ts to support sustainable homeownership by delivering down payment assistance to low- and moderate-income homebuyers. This program supports individuals, both customers and noncustomers, in a number of communities throughout the U.S. While the LIFT program is focused on serving low- and moderate-income families regardless of race or ethnicity, the majority of LIFT homeowners represent those who identify as Black and African American, Indigenous, and people of color. 21 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Serving small business Small businesses are essential to a vibrant economy and for creating employment opportunities. Wells Fargo proudly serves over three million small business customers by putting the needs of customers front and center, innovating experience through digital enhancements, and evolving its support model to deepen relationships. Wells Fargo's goal is to be the bank of choice for all small businesses, with a strong emphasis on onmental supporting the needs faced by diverse and women- owned small business owners. Wells Fargo has Envir established a number of initiatives, tools, and programs to support small businesses to help them go from surviving to thriving. Wells Fargo has provided approximately 282,000 Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans through its 2020 and 2021 lending to support small Social businesses navigating the COVID-19 pandemic. Total lending was nearly $14 billion helping keep 1,739,000 Americans employed. The average loan amount for customers was $50,000, the lowest among all of the participating large 昀椀nancial institutions, and 42% of loans were for to provide grants for Community Development small businesses in low-to-moderate income Financial Institutions (CDFIs) and other nonpro昀椀t ernance neighborhoods, or those historically underserved, v organizations that provide capital and technical Go bringing funding to places where it could make the support to diverse-owned small businesses. In biggest impact. 2021, Wells Fargo ful昀椀lled its roughly $420 million Small business growth philanthropy Open for Business Fund commitment to support an inclusive economic recovery for small businesses Wells Fargo continues to deepen its commitment impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Through the to small business growth through supporting Open for Business Fund, from 2020 through the innovative nonpro昀椀t programs aimed at providing end of 2021, grants were awarded to more than entrepreneurs with increased access to a昀昀ordable 235 CDFIs and nonpro昀椀ts, which are estimated sources of capital and training so businesses can to serve more than 152,000 small businesses and grow, build assets, and create local jobs. preserve or create more than 255,000 jobs. Roughly 85% of small businesses served are projected to be Wells Fargo established the Open for Business those hardest hit by the pandemic, including Black Fund in 2020 by voluntarily donating all gross and African American, Hispanic, Native American, processing fees from PPP loans made in 2020 and Asian American-owned small businesses. 22 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Open for Business Fund Unit 2020 2021 # of awards funded 51 223 Open for Business Fund1,2,3 USD (in millions) 85 335 # of jobs 36,340 222,560 # of small businesses 12,580 139,450 Awardees with women, veterans, and those % of awardees 53 48 who self-identify as LGBTQ leaders4 Awardees with women leaders4 % of awardees 39 44 Awardees with Black, African American, Hispanic, Latino, Native American, Alaskan % of awardees 45 51 Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian, Paci昀椀c Islander or multi-racial leaders4 onmental Notes Envir 1. The number of awards funded includes only direct grants given to CDFIs/nonpro昀椀t organizations. An organization may have received more than one award and may be included in more than one of these totals. 2. The number of jobs preserved/created and the number of small businesses served are projected impact numbers. 3. In 2021, an updated process for tracking projected jobs created/preserved and projected small businesses served was implemented, relying on grantee data. This resulted in changes in 昀椀gures for prior years. 4. The leader percentage is representative of the CEO or Executive Director of the CDFI/nonpro昀椀t organization on the date they applied for the Open for Business Fund. Social The Wells Fargo Diverse Community Capital (DCC) program is a multi-year $175 million program to empower diverse small business owners with access to capital and technical assistance by teaming up with CDFIs to support borrowers in all 50 states; Washington, D.C.; and Puerto Rico. The program’s CDFI awardees leveraged Diverse Community Capital funds to provide $2.9 billion in 昀椀nancing and 2.6 million hours of technical assistance, enabling entrepreneurs to sustain more than 369,000 jobs. In 2021, Wells Fargo reached full funding of the $175 million program commitment. Diverse Community Capital Unit 2019 2020 2021 ernance v USD (in millions) 23.6 28.2 0 Go Diverse Community Capital (DCC) Program — grant capital awards1,2 # of CDFIs 27 34 0 DCC Program — debt capital awards1 USD (in millions) 2.8 19.1 12.0 # of CDFIs 4 7 3 Total DCC capital provided USD (in millions) 26.4 47.3 12.0 Jobs created/retained by diverse small businesses3 # of jobs 91,324 100,497 75,403 Technical assistance provided to diverse small # of hours 1,621,159 546,565 216,901 businesses3 Amount 昀椀nanced to diverse small businesses by USD (in millions) 858.3 681.2 693.0 CDFIs receiving a DCC award3 Loans to diverse small businesses by CDFIs # of loans 108,444 91,316 113,292 receiving a DCC award3 Notes 1. All CDFIs that received debt capital also received DCC philanthropic grant awards. 2. The 2020 results represent previously committed DCC awards and resources that were redeployed to support some DCC awardees serving small businesses located in COVID-19 hotspots. 3. Results re昀氀ect impact from only the Capacity Building portion of the program. 23 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Wells Fargo additionally established an initiative Corporate and called Connect to More℠ to support the commercial customers development and growth of women-owned businesses by providing access to expertise and Wells Fargo strives to support its corporate and specialized resources. commercial customers as they seek financial solutions to execute their long-term resiliency, In collaboration with Community Reinvestment social impact, and sustainability objectives. In 2021, Fund, USA, Wells Fargo launched the Small Business Wells Fargo deployed more than $60 billion in Resource Navigator, an online portal helping connect sustainable 昀椀nancing with more than 80% of that small business owners to potential 昀椀nancing options in support of corporate customers’ environmental and technical assistance through Community and social activities. Wells Fargo is a leading onmental Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) across sustainability-linked loan provider helping customers the country. Since the launch, the Small Business 昀椀nance both environmental and social-related Envir Resource Navigator has connected millions of dollars activities across a range of industry segments in credit requests from underrepresented small and products in lending and capital markets. business owners to CDFIs. The Renewable Energy & Environmental Finance (REEF) team at Wells Fargo has invested more than $13.2 billion in ~600 wind, solar, and fuel cell Social projects across the U.S., providing 昀椀nancing to ~12% of utility-scale wind and solar capacity additions between 2005 and 2021. In 2021, Wells Fargo issued an Inclusive Communities and Climate Bond, its 昀椀rst ernance sustainability bond, which funded projects and v programs that support housing a昀昀ordability, Go socioeconomic opportunity, and renewable energy. The transaction built on Wells Fargo’s expertise in, and history of, underwriting green, social, and sustainability bonds, and advances the company’s commitment to accelerate a more inclusive and sustainable economy. Wells Fargo’s Sustainability Bond Framework (PDF) is available on the company website. Sustainalytics, an external 昀椀rm with expertise in ESG and sustainability, reviewed this Framework and issued a Second Party Opinion (PDF)†, which found it to be “credible and impactful,” aligned with the Sustainability Bond Guidelines 2018, Green Bond Principles 2018, and Social Bond Principles 2020. † Wells Fargo does not control this website. The link is provided for your convenience, but Wells Fargo does not endorse and is not responsible for 24 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022 the content, links, privacy policy, or security policy of this website.

Climate-aligned philanthropy: The Wells Fargo Innovation Incubator Wells Fargo supports clean technology innovation and entrepreneurship through strategic philanthropy and community partnerships. The Wells Fargo Innovation Incubator (IN²) is a $50 million collaboration with the United States Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) that aims to speed the path to market for technology startups focused on sustainability and resiliency in the built environment (i.e., man-made environment), as well as sustainable agriculture. Wells Fargo 2 Innovation Incubator (IN ) Unit 2019 2020 2021 Grant dollars awarded USD 1,295,000 3,119,457 1,971,000 onmental Organizations supported # of 43 74 23 Envir Social ernance v Go 25 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Employee volunteerism onmental and impact Envir Wells Fargo is proud of the passion and generosity of its employees, who multiply the company's 2021 highlights include: community impact through the investment of Social their time, energy, and resources to their respective • The Global Fellows program provides communities. To help encourage this commitment, Wells Fargo employees a unique opportunity to Wells Fargo provides eligible employees with up donate their time and professional skills in support to 16 hours of paid volunteer time every year to of charities inside and outside of the U.S. In 2021, serve local communities where they live and work. the program doubled the number of projects Employees are encouraged to use their talents to and employees participating compared to the previous year. Additionally, the program expanded get involved in causes they care about. its partners to include national grant funded ernance organizations in the U.S. that are aligned with the v Wells Fargo provides Wells Fargo Foundation’s strategic priorities. Go • The Community Care Grants program recognizes eligible employees with Wells Fargo employees for their giving and service activities. Through personal giving or service up to 16 hours of paid activities, employees may qualify for up to $2,000 in Community Care Grants per year volunteer time every for their favorite eligible charities through year to serve local volunteering, giving, and leadership. • Nearly 4,500 charities bene昀椀ted from communities where Wells Fargo employees sharing their time and leadership skills by serving as nonpro昀椀t board they live and work. members, making a meaningful impact in the communities where they live and work. 26 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

onmental Envir Social ernance Employee service and impact Unit 2019 2020 2021 v Go Employee volunteer hours1 # of hours 1.9 0.6 0.6 (in millions) Global employee participation # of employees 102,463 26,951 19,182 in volunteer activities1,2 % of employees 37.8 10.1 7.0 Employee giving3 USD (in millions) 53.0 15.8 15.3 Notes 1. Wells Fargo’s COVID-19 safety protocols prohibited in-person, Wells Fargo-sponsored group volunteerism throughout 2020 and 2021. Employees volunteered virtually and in their individual capacity. 2. Employee participation percentage is based on the total number of active, global employees in Wells Fargo’s workforce as shown in the Employees section. 3. In 2020, Wells Fargo transitioned from an annual giving campaign to year-round giving campaigns, allowing employees more 昀氀exibility when determining how and when they want to support nonpro昀椀ts. This adjustment impacted programming and how employees log personal 昀椀nancial commitments in the company’s Community Care Portal. The 2020 and 2021 results re昀氀ect employee giving that occurred in the Community Care Portal throughout the respective 昀椀scal years. 27 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

U.S. employees 1,2 Diversity, equity, by gender Unit 2019 2020 2021 and inclusion Female % 57 56 56 Male % 43 44 44 onmental Global employees Envir 1,2 Wells Fargo is dedicated to diversity, equity, and by gender Unit 2019 2020 2021 inclusion with a belief that companies should Female % 55 54 53 have their executive ranks reflect the customers Male % 45 46 47 they serve and the U.S. population more broadly. The company also believes financial institutions Notes Social should strive to provide affordable, easy-to- 1. Data is based on active employee headcount as of Dec. 31 for use products and services, enable the dream of each calendar year. homeownership, and help in the formation and 2. Numbers may di昀昀er from other Wells Fargo reports that count employees based on full-time equivalent methodology. growth of small businesses in all communities. In addition to focusing on diversity across the company's workforce, Wells Fargo supports 2020 2021 strategic opportunities that include diverse Global suppliers in competitive sourcing and procurement employees Levels Levels Levels Levels ernance by gender 2-4 5-6 2-4 5-6 v opportunities within our supply chain. In 2022, and down down down down Go Wells Fargo released its inaugural Diversity, Equity, internal from from from from HR levels1,2 Unit CEO CEO CEO CEO and Inclusion (DE&I) report (PDF), providing important updates on our efforts in this space. Female % 40 40 45 40 In connection with its diversity initiatives, Male % 60 60 55 60 Wells Fargo voluntarily requests that its Notes employees and Board members self-identify 1. Results represent individuals in leader roles as de昀椀ned by their gender. The following tables present Wells Fargo’s Human Resources team as of Dec. 31 for each self-identification data covering both U.S. calendar year. and global employees. 2. Wells Fargo's internal Human Resources level data does not directly correlate to U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) job category data. 28 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

U.S. employees who self-identify as Unit 2019 2020 2021 # of employees 10,438 15,351 16,888 Having a disability¹ % of employees 4.3 6.5 7.9 LGBTQ # of employees 5,653 6,349 6,084 Veterans # of employees 8,745 8,959 8,072 Notes onmental 1. Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 regulations establish a representation goal of 7% for individuals with disabilities. Wells Fargo’s objective is that 7% of U.S. employees fall within this diverse segment via ongoing A昀케rmative Action, Equal Employment Opportunity, and Diversity Programs. Envir The following tables reflect information contained in EEO-1 reports filed for Wells Fargo. 1,2, 3, 4 U.S. employees by gender and speci昀椀c EEOC job category Social 2020 2021 Job category Unit Female Male Total Female Male Total Executive/senior-level # of employees 48 98 146 269 419 688 o昀케cials and managers First/mid-level o昀케cials # of employees 17,102 15,421 32,523 14,283 12,820 27,103 and managers Professionals # of employees 35,724 46,313 82,037 34,321 44,179 78,500 ernance v Technicians # of employees 654 605 1,259 558 524 1,082 Go Sales workers # of employees 3,084 4,250 7,334 3,481 4,944 8,425 Administrative support # of employees 77,623 37,668 115,291 65,757 30,519 96,276 workers Operatives1 # of employees 0 0 0 0 0 0 Service workers # of employees 6 13 19 6 11 17 Total # of employees 134,241 104,368 238,609 118,675 93,416 212,091 Notes: 1. Data re昀氀ects Wells Fargo’s U.S. employees aligned to job categories as outlined by the U.S. EEOC job category de昀椀nitions. EEO job categories have been omitted from the report where Wells Fargo did not have jobs aligned to these categories for a given reporting year. 2. Year-over-year 昀氀uctuation in job category totals may be attributed to realignment of jobs into EEO job categories, hiring, attrition, and employee movement within Wells Fargo. 3. Data is derived from actual Consolidated EEO-1 numbers from the respective reporting years, which typically re昀氀ects Wells Fargo's U.S. employee population as of Dec. 31 of each calendar year. 4. Numbers may di昀昀er from other Wells Fargo reports that count employees based on full-time equivalent methodology. Relevant EEO workforce data is compiled using data from Human Resources information system and re昀氀ects Wells Fargo U.S. workforce numbers only. 29 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

U.S. employees who self-identify within each race/ethnicity category and 1,2,3,4 held a job in the speci昀椀c EEOC job category Native Hawaiian/ American Black/ Other Indian/ Two or Caucasian/ Hispanic/ African Paci昀椀c Alaskan more Job Category Year White Latino American Islander Asian Native races Total Executive/senior- 2021 487 25 43 0 118 5 10 688 level o昀케cials and managers 2020 121 3 8 0 12 2 0 146 First/mid-level 2021 16,609 4,529 2,702 76 2,365 106 716 27,103 onmental o昀케cials and managers 2020 20,510 5,218 3,031 84 2,732 143 805 32,523 2021 51,890 5,042 6,735 132 12,515 242 1,944 78,500 Envir Professionals 2020 55,503 5,177 6,761 125 12,268 262 1,941 82,037 2021 729 71 89 3 153 5 32 1,082 Technicians 2020 852 71 105 4 192 5 30 1,259 2021 5,459 1,332 528 28 771 29 278 8,425 Social Sales workers 2020 4,899 1,070 410 20 677 22 236 7,334 Administrative 2021 41,903 24,434 17,973 398 6,928 606 4,034 96,276 support workers 2020 49,774 29,830 21,506 491 8,204 693 4,793 115,291 2021 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Operatives 2020 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2021 3 1 11 0 0 1 1 17 ernance v Service workers Go 2020 3 1 14 0 0 1 0 19 2021 117,080 35,434 28,081 637 22,850 994 7,015 212,091 Total 2020 131,662 41,370 31,835 724 24,085 1,128 7,805 238,609 Notes 1. Data re昀氀ects Wells Fargo’s U.S. employees aligned to job categories as outlined by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) job category de昀椀nitions. EEO job categories have been omitted from the report where Wells Fargo did not have jobs aligned to these categories for a given reporting year. 2. Year-over-year 昀氀uctuation in job category totals may be attributed to realignment of jobs into EEO job categories, hiring, attrition, and employee movement within Wells Fargo. 3. Data is derived from actual Consolidated EEO-1 numbers from the respective reporting years, which typically re昀氀ects Wells Fargo’s U.S. employee population as of Dec. 31 of each calendar year. 4. Numbers may di昀昀er from other Wells Fargo reports that count employees based on full-time equivalent methodology. Relevant EEO workforce data is compiled using data from HR information system and re昀氀ects Wells Fargo U.S. workforce numbers only. 30 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

U.S. female employees who self-identify within each race/ethnicity category 1,2,3,4 and held a job in the speci昀椀c EEOC job category Native Hawaiian/ American Black/ Other Indian/ Two or Caucasian/ Hispanic/ African Paci昀椀c Alaskan more Job Category Year White Latino American Islander Asian Native races Total Executive/senior- 2021 188 11 27 0 38 2 3 269 level o昀케cials and managers 2020 40 1 3 0 4 0 0 48 First/mid-level 2021 8,073 2,886 1,736 37 1,072 70 409 14,283 onmental o昀케cials and managers 2020 9,943 3,341 1,959 44 1,270 91 454 17,102 2021 21,304 2,467 3,944 71 5,591 106 838 34,321 Envir Professionals 2020 22,614 2,508 4,023 67 5,554 112 846 35,724 2021 365 39 53 3 80 5 13 558 Technicians 2020 439 40 60 4 95 5 11 654 2021 2,074 597 232 17 422 12 127 3,481 Social Sales workers 2020 1,893 482 185 14 371 10 129 3,084 Administrative 2021 27,308 16,915 13,403 289 4,724 445 2,673 65,757 support workers 2020 32,111 20,299 15,741 355 5,475 503 3,139 77,623 2021 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Operatives 2020 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2021 0 1 4 0 0 1 0 6 ernance v Service workers Go 2020 0 1 4 0 0 1 0 6 2021 59,312 22,916 19,399 417 11,927 641 4,063 118,675 Total 2020 67,040 26,672 21,975 484 12,769 722 4,579 134,241 Notes 1. Data re昀氀ects Wells Fargo’s U.S. employees aligned to job categories as outlined by the U.S. EEOC job category de昀椀nitions. EEO job categories have been omitted from the report where Wells Fargo did not have jobs aligned to these categories for a given reporting year. 2. Year-over-year 昀氀uctuation in job category totals may be attributed to realignment of jobs into EEO job categories, hiring, attrition, and employee movement within Wells Fargo. 3. Data is derived from actual Consolidated EEO-1 numbers from the respective reporting years, which typically re昀氀ects Wells Fargo's U.S. employee population as of Dec. 31 of each calendar year. 4. Numbers may di昀昀er from other Wells Fargo reports that count employees based on full-time equivalent methodology. Relevant EEO workforce data is compiled using data from HR information system and re昀氀ects Wells Fargo U.S. workforce numbers only. 31 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

U.S. male employees who self-identify within each race/ethnicity category 1,2,3,4 and held a job in the speci昀椀c EEOC job category Native Hawaiian/ American Black/ Other Indian/ Two or Caucasian/ Hispanic/ African Paci昀椀c Alaskan more Job Category Year White Latino American Islander Asian Native races Total Executive/senior- 2021 299 14 16 0 80 3 7 419 level o昀케cials and managers 2020 81 2 5 0 8 2 0 98 First/mid-level 2021 8,536 1,643 966 39 1,293 36 307 12,820 onmental o昀케cials and managers 2020 10,567 1,877 1,072 40 1,462 52 351 15,421 2021 30,586 2,575 2,791 61 6,924 136 1,106 44,179 Envir Professionals 2020 32,889 2,669 2,738 58 6,714 150 1,095 46,313 2021 364 32 36 0 73 0 19 524 Technicians 2020 413 31 45 0 97 0 19 605 2021 3,385 735 296 11 349 17 151 4,944 Social Sales workers 2020 3,006 588 225 6 306 12 107 4,250 Administrative 2021 14,595 7,519 4,570 109 2,204 161 1,361 30,519 support workers 2020 17,663 9,531 5,765 136 2,729 190 1,654 37,668 2021 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Operatives 2020 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2021 3 0 7 0 0 0 1 11 ernance v Service workers Go 2020 3 0 10 0 0 0 0 13 2021 57,768 12,518 8,682 220 10,923 353 2,952 93,416 Total 2020 64,622 14,698 9,860 240 11,316 406 3,226 104,368 Notes 1. Data re昀氀ects Wells Fargo’s U.S. employees aligned to job categories as outlined by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) job category de昀椀nitions. EEO job categories have been omitted from the report where Wells Fargo did not have jobs aligned to these categories for a given reporting year. 2. Year-over-year 昀氀uctuation in job category totals may be attributed to realignment of jobs into EEO job categories, hiring, attrition, and employee movement within Wells Fargo. 3. Data is derived from actual Consolidated EEO-1 numbers from the respective reporting years, which typically re昀氀ects Wells Fargo's U.S. employee population as of Dec. 31 of each calendar year. 4. Numbers may di昀昀er from other Wells Fargo reports that count employees based on full-time equivalent methodology. Relevant EEO workforce data is compiled using data from HR information system and re昀氀ects Wells Fargo U.S. workforce numbers only. 32 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Employee Resource Networks Wells Fargo’s Employee Resource Networks (ERNs) are open to all employees and are organized by employees connected by a shared background, experience, or other a昀케nity. They were formed to elevate and increase visibility to historically underrepresented groups. With Wells Fargo’s support, ERNs are focused on professional growth and education, community outreach, recruiting and retention, business onmental development, and customer insight. There are approximately 65,624 memberships across Envir Wells Fargo’s Employee Resource Networks. Social ernance v Go 33 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Employees Wells Fargo is committed to being an employer onmental of choice — a company where people matter; Envir teamwork is rewarded; everyone feels respected and empowered to speak up; diversity, equity, and inclusion are embraced; and how work gets done is just as important as getting the work done. Culture Social Wells Fargo is committed to a culture that attracts and retains the best people who help it become a better, stronger company. The company's culture is reinforced by a customer-centric focus, employee engagement and feedback, and expectations that guide how employees conduct themselves, work with customers ernance v and colleagues, and make decisions. Go Company expectations are part of the culture — from how employees develop and communicate, to how Wells Fargo evaluates performance and service of its customers and stakeholders. Do Champion Build high- Embrace candor what’s Be great at Learn diversity, performing right execution and grow equity, and teams inclusion 34 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Wells Fargo continues to re昀椀ne its culture, instilling e昀케ciency and e昀昀ectiveness throughout, leveraging employee feedback to enhance the employee experience and drive improvements. Throughout the year, employees are invited to share their thoughts through surveys, town halls, and other means. Wells Fargo launched a new company-wide employee feedback platform called Loudspeaker at the end of 2021. Employees have submitted thousands of ideas, some of which have been implemented, leading to e昀케ciencies, innovation, and employee engagement. Competitive compensation Wells Fargo's compensation program is linked to performance management and is designed to promote prudent risk management and reinforce its culture and operating standards: onmental Envir The compensation principles include: Pay for performance: Compensation is linked to company, line of business, and individual performance, including meeting regulatory expectations and creating long- term value consistent with the interests of shareholders. Social Promote e昀昀ective risk management: Compensation promotes e昀昀ective risk management and discourages imprudent or excessive risk-taking. Attract and retain talent: People are one of Wells Fargo's competitive advantages; therefore, compensation helps attract, motivate, and retain people with the skills, talent, and experience to drive superior long-term company performance. ernance v The company is committed to providing fair, competitive, and equitable compensation. In November 2021, Go Wells Fargo announced an increase in its U.S. minimum hourly base pay in the majority of its markets. The minimum hourly pay range in the U.S. is $18 to $22, based on the cost of labor in each Wells Fargo market. Pay equity review Wells Fargo is committed to fair and equitable compensation practices, and we regularly review our compensation programs and practices for pay equity. Each year, the company engages a third-party consultant to conduct a thorough pay equity review of employee compensation, which considers gender, race, and ethnicity. The results of the 2021 review, after accounting for factors such as role, tenure, and geography, show that women at Wells Fargo continued to earn more than 99 cents for every $1 earned by their male peers. In addition, U.S. employees of color continue to earn more than 99 cents for every $1 earned by white peers. The results of Wells Fargo’s most recent pay equity analysis and relevant commentary are available in the company’s 2022 Proxy Statement. 35 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Bene昀椀ts Wells Fargo provides eligible regular and part-time employees with a comprehensive set of bene昀椀ts designed to protect their physical and 昀椀nancial health and to help them make the most of their 昀椀nancial future. It also provides employees with a variety of competitive employer-paid 昀椀nancial protection bene昀椀ts including life insurance, critical illness insurance, short-term and long-term disability coverage, and business travel accident insurance. In many countries, Wells Fargo also provides additional top-up plans and 昀氀exible bene昀椀ts options, such as personal accident coverage. Employees may also participate in a stock purchase plan and take advantage of discounts on financial products, home mortgages, and more. onmental Envir Social ernance Behavioral health support We Care Fund v Go In addition to the mental health management The company's internal We Care Fund additionally bene昀椀ts included in Wells Fargo’s health plans, grants emergency aid to employees facing disasters Employee Assistance Consulting (EAC) is a global and other severe 昀椀nancial hardships. This employee resource that helps employees and their household relief program is funded by Wells Fargo and members through di昀케cult times. employees who want to help colleagues in need. Con昀椀dential individual consultations and referrals are Employee service available for personal and work-related concerns, and impact Unit 2019 2020 2021 including anxiety and depression, alcohol and drug We Care Fund - USD 5.6 27.2 1.2 use, stress management, relationship problems, dollars awarded1 (in millions) grief and loss, and 昀椀nancial di昀케culties. Support is We Care Fund - # of grants 2,550 23,098 1,506 also available to employees a昀昀ected by robberies, grants awarded1 threats, domestic violence, disasters, and Notes critical incidents. 1. The We Care Fund, a Wells Fargo employee relief fund, grants emergency aid to employees facing disasters and other severe 昀椀nancial hardships. 36 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Work-life programs and Wells Fargo believes its success depends on the COVID-19 pandemic becoming increasingly collaborative and innovative. The company bene昀椀ts from employees seeing each Wells Fargo offers many benefits, programs, other on a regular basis. When together, it is easier and work arrangements intended to provide to build relationships, get in-the-moment coaching, employees with flexibility and work-life balance. identify career opportunities, and brainstorm ideas. During the COVID-19 pandemic, close to 100,000 Ultimately, when employees work together they Wells Fargo employees never left the workplace learn more about the customers and communities to ensure customers received the services and the company serves and how to serve them better. support they needed. Others transitioned to With this in mind, Wells Fargo's approach emphasizes working from home. In March 2022, Wells Fargo spending time together in the o昀케ce, and also onmental began its Return to Office program for employees provides 昀氀exible work options for employees in who had not been working from Wells Fargo certain jobs. Envir offices during the pandemic. The company's expectation for employees working Wells Fargo believes in a Wells Fargo location are based on what makes sense for di昀昀erent roles. For example, employees in its success depends on customer-facing roles in branches, advisor locations, and other customer-facing locations, have been in Social becoming increasingly the workplace for most of the COVID-19 pandemic. collaborative and Employees in non-customer-facing support teams are primarily o昀케ce-based, with 昀氀exibility. In practice, innovative this may mean 昀氀exibility to have up to two days a week of remote work, and spending a minimum of three days a week in the o昀케ce. Expectations for other roles, including operations, technology, and non-U.S. based employees, vary by business need. ernance v Wells Fargo understands the challenges faced during Go the pandemic and continues to look for ways to o昀昀er 昀氀exibility to more employees, while moving to an increasingly collaborative and innovative culture. The company continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation and will make adjustments as necessary. The health and safety of employees and customers has been our top priority and has guided planning e昀昀orts. All employees globally may take up to four hours of paid time away for each vaccine appointment (including boosters). U.S. employees are additionally eligible to receive free COVID-19 test kits from Wells Fargo or through their medical plan, at no additional cost. 37 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Employee training and development Wells Fargo invests heavily in coaching and training for employees and managers because when our employees are properly supported, engaged, and con昀椀dent in their skills, they’re more e昀昀ective leaders and can provide a better customer experience. The company invests approximately $200 million annually in employee learning and development, which includes functional training, regulatory compliance, leadership and professional development, and early talent development programs for employees. Training and development Unit 2019 2020 2021 Total annual investment in USD (in millions) ~250 ~200 ~204 employee learning and development onmental Annual investment in employee learning and USD ~975 ~793 ~704 Envir development per employee¹ Average hours per employee of # of hours 44.0 51.0 44.0 learning and development time¹ Employee completion of Diversity % of employees Not available 69.0 77.0 and inclusion 1: Foundations² Employee completion of Diversity and inclusion 2: % of employees Not available 83.0 88.0 Social Understanding unconscious bias² Employee completion of trainings which contain a % of employees 99.9 99.5 99.0 focus on discrimination and other topics related to human rights³ Employee completion of % of employees 100.0 99.1 100.0 Information Security training⁴ Employee completion of ernance Anti-Harassment and % of employees 100.0 99.4 96.0 v Discrimination training⁵ Go Notes 1. Data is based on the number of active, full-time equivalent employees. 2. All employees are o昀昀ered training on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Completion is voluntary. The training courses were updated and released to employees in November 2019, and thus results for these courses are not available for 2019. 3. This training includes the company’s safety training, which covers topics such as emergency response and a violence-free workplace and is assigned to all employees. 4. This training is assigned to all Wells Fargo employees. 5. This training is assigned to all U.S. employees. In 2021, the Learning and Development team continued to support training virtually in response to COVID-19, and the company continues to implement enhancements to training programs to support more 昀氀exible delivery. Wells Fargo received 昀椀ve industry awards in 2021 in recognition of training excellence, including awards for programs in branch banking, small business, technology, and credit. 38 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Leadership and • Wells Fargo o昀昀ers displaced employees Career professional development Transition Services through an external vendor. Wells Fargo's leadership development training • Employees and their household family program contributes to the success of participating members can seek free, voluntary, con昀椀dential employees by partnering with them to drive learning consultation and support for any concerns and that is strategic and e昀昀ective. It is the company's challenges with Employee Assistance Consulting mission to contribute to the growth and pro昀椀tability (EAC), a team of behavioral health professionals. of Wells Fargo by providing employees with the tools and training necessary for job excellence and career advancement. onmental Leadership training opportunities are provided Envir through such programs as Leading Through Change and Transition, Extraordinary Leader, Coaching and Feedback in the Moment, and Crucial Conversations. Employment impacts As Wells Fargo continues transforming its Social businesses, the company recognizes that employees may be impacted, and strives to provide transparent communication so that employees are aware of the programs and opportunities available to support them. In some cases, restructurings result in employee ernance displacements or involuntary separations as a result v of economic or operational factors. In the event of Go a workforce restructuring involving displacements in the U.S., Wells Fargo supports its employees and provides tools to assist them with career transitions, including: In countries where Wells Fargo operates outside of • Wells Fargo’s Displacement policy requires that the U.S., the practices of managing redundancies or all displaced employees in the U.S. are provided a displacements, and workforce restructuring, vary 60-day notice period, unless otherwise required based on legal and regulatory requirements, and by business needs or federal, state, or local laws. local market practices. International support may Regardless of working or nonworking status, include enhanced severance pay arrangements, employees are still considered actively employed employee assistance programs, and career during the entire notice period. transition services. • Employees are eligible for eight to 52 weeks of severance pay, based on years of service. 39 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Employee safety and health Given the nature of Wells Fargo's business, cumulative trauma injuries, which are injuries that Wells Fargo recognizes the importance of providing occur as a result of repetitive activity, and those a safe and healthy environment for employees, resulting from slips, trips, and falls, are the most customers, and others who are on its premises. common workplace injuries. Training and awareness The company designed and implemented programs resources on these and other topics are accessible to help reduce the frequency and severity of for all employees internally via the company's injuries and illnesses. Wells Fargo also makes intranet. At some locations where cumulative special accommodations available to help injured trauma injuries could have higher frequency rates, employees return to work when they are able. the Site Ergonomic Coordinator Program provides Wells Fargo is required to comply with applicable access to on-site Wells Fargo employees trained in onmental facility-related, legally mandated standards for hazard identi昀椀cation and basic o昀케ce ergonomics. workplace safety and health in the countries and Emergency Response and Violence-Free Workplace Envir communities in which it operates. Employees are training is also provided on an annual basis. responsible for following safe work practices and Addressing harassment for reporting any unsafe working conditions. in the workplace Newly hired employees are expected to complete safety and health training, and certain employee Harassment is against Wells Fargo policy, may Social groups have quarterly refresher training violate the law, and will not be tolerated in the requirements. Additionally, it is expected that workplace or at work-related events. The company managers provide training on job-speci昀椀c hazards prohibits any form of harassment, including sexual at the time of an employee’s initial assignment harassment, of any employee, contingent resource, and to provide retraining whenever: vendor, employment applicant, or customer on the basis of an individual's race, color, gender, national • New substances, processes, procedures, or origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender equipment are introduced into the workplace identity, gender expression, genetic information, ernance v that represent a new hazard. physical or mental disability, pregnancy, marital Go • The manager is made aware of a new or status, hairstyles or hair texture, status as a previously unrecognized safety or health hazard. protected veteran, or any other status protected by federal, state, or local law in the U.S. • An employee is given a new job assignment and has not received training for that assignment. 40 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Governance onmental Envir Social ernance v Go 41 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Corporate governance onmental and ethics Envir Wells Fargo's Board of Directors is committed to sound and e昀昀ective corporate governance practices. Execution of Wells Fargo's sustainability initiatives Social is coordinated by the Public Affairs team, including groups such as: Sustainability, Social Impact, Communications and Brand Management, and Government Relations and Public Policy, in partnership with businesses and functions across the company. Various management councils and committees provide senior leadership steering ernance v and challenge, with formal governance provided Go by the company’s risk and control committees. At the Board level, the Governance and Nominating Committee (PDF) is responsible for overseeing the Company's corporate governance practices, and the Corporate Responsibility Committee (PDF) provides primary oversight for signi昀椀cant strategies, policies, and programs related to social and public responsibility. 42 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Board of Directors onmental The Board remains focused on regular enhancement of its composition, oversight, and governance practices, and on Board succession planning to enable it to continue to oversee the company and its business e昀昀ectively. Envir Wells Fargo's Board has adopted Corporate Governance Guidelines (PDF), which provide the framework for the governance of the Board and the company, including maintaining the independence of a signi昀椀cant majority of the directors on the Board, and all members of the Audit, Governance and Nominating, Human Resources, and Risk Committees. Additionally, the Board adopted the Director Independence Standards, which are appended to the Corporate Governance Guidelines. These Director Independence Standards consist of the New York Stock Social Exchange’s “bright line” standards of independence, as well as additional standards. Over the past few years, the Board has undergone signi昀椀cant refreshment to enhance the 昀椀nancial services, regulatory, 昀椀nancial reporting, business operations, and corporate governance skills and experiences represented on the Board. The Board’s current composition is a result of a thoughtful process informed by the Board’s own evaluation of its composition and e昀昀ectiveness, and feedback received from shareholders and other stakeholders. 1 Board diversity Unit 2020 2021 2022 ernance v 2 Executive directors # of directors 1 1 1 Go Independent directors³ # of directors (%) 11 of 12 (92) 11 of 12 (92) 13 of 14 (93) Total number of directors³ # of directors 12 12 14 Average tenure of independent directors # of years 2.6 2.4 3.5 Women on Board of Directors # of directors (%) 3 of 12 (25) 3 of 12 (25) 5 of 14 (36) Racial/ethnic diversity on Board of Directors # of directors (%) 3 of 12 (25) 3 of 12 (25) 4 of 14 (29) Directors with ESG quali昀椀cations/experience # of directors (%) 1 of 12 (8) 1 of 12 (8) 4 of 14 (29) Directors with 昀椀nancial services risk expertise # of directors (%) 5 of 12 (42) 5 of 12 (42) 6 of 14 (43) Notes 1. Data regarding board diversity relates to directors included in Wells Fargo & Company’s Proxy Statement for the respective year. 2. Executive directors are employees of the company serving in an executive function (for example, CEO) who also serve on its Board of Directors. 3. Independent directors are determined under the company’s Director Independence Standards, which are appended to the company’s Corporate Governance Guidelines. These Director Independence Standards consist of the NYSE’s “bright line” standards of independence, as well as additional standards known as categorical standards of independence, adopted by the company’s Board of Directors. References Corporate Governance Guidelines (PDF) 43 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Executive compensation onmental Envir The Board plays an important role in overseeing the company’s performance management and incentive compensation programs through its Human Resources Committee (HRC). Among other responsibilities, the HRC approves the company’s compensation philosophy and principles, and oversees executive compensation, human capital risk, and human capital management. Executive compensation Unit 2019 2020 2021 Social Annualized total CEO compensation1 USD 36,288,490 20,392,046 21,350,906 Median employee annual total USD 65,931 74,416 73,578 compensation (excluding CEO)2 Pay ratio1,3 550:01 274:01 290:1 Notes 1. The annualized total CEO compensation is equal to the CEO’s compensation as reported in the Summary Compensation Table. For ernance 2019, CEO Charlie Scharf’s reported compensation included a one-time award of restricted share rights with a grant date fair value of v $28,788,490 granted in connection with his hire. Go 2. The methodology for determining median employee annual total compensation is set forth in Wells Fargo’s Proxy Statement. 3. Pay ratio is the annual total CEO compensation divided by the median employee annual total compensation. 44 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Code of Ethics and Business Conduct onmental Envir The Wells Fargo Code of Ethics and Business Conduct (PDF) provides guidance on the ethical behavior expected of all employees and Board members. The Code reinforces Wells Fargo's commitment to always do what’s right by its customers, employees, communities, and stakeholders, and every employee is required to complete related training annually. The Code covers the following topics including, but not limited to: anti-bribery and corruption, antitrust, insider dealings, gifts, conflicts of interest, controls, Social money laundering, discrimination, confidentiality of information, and whistleblowing. Training - Code of ethics and business conduct Unit 2019 2020 2021 Active learners that completed % 99.8 100.0 100.0 Anti-bribery and corruption training ernance v Go 45 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

The BSA/AML Program encompasses Risk management requirements specifically related to BSA/AML compliance risks and includes the following core elements: BSA officer, policies, risk assessments, gap analyses, testing, training, data analytics, onmental Every employee has a role in managing risk at customer due diligence, sanctions screening, Wells Fargo. The company’s Risk Management transaction monitoring, reporting, other internal Envir Framework sets forth core principles for managing controls, and governing risk. Senior management sets the and independent audit. tone at the top by supporting a strong culture, 1 defined by the company’s expectations , that Global sanctions guides how employees conduct themselves and make decisions. The Board holds senior Wells Fargo has implemented a comprehensive Social management accountable for establishing and risk‐based sanctions compliance program maintaining this culture and for effectively designed to ensure compliance with applicable managing risk. economic sanctions laws and regulations in every jurisdiction in which it operates. Bank Secrecy Act and Anti-Money Laundering program Anti-bribery and corruption Wells Fargo’s risk-based global Bank Secrecy Act Wells Fargo has zero tolerance for bribery and ernance v and Anti-Money Laundering (BSA/AML) program corruption in any form. The Anti-Bribery and Go is designed to comply with applicable BSA/AML Corruption (ABC) program was reasonably designed laws commensurate with Wells Fargo’s risk profile. to comply with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices The program is approved by Wells Fargo’s Board of Act, the United Kingdom Bribery Act 2010, and Directors through its Risk Committee. applicable ABC laws in the jurisdictions where Wells Fargo does business or seeks to do business. 1 Please see the Culture and Corporate governance and ethics 46 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022 sections for more on the company’s expectations.

Policy advocacy onmental Wells Fargo's Government Relations and Public Policy team manages the company's legislative and political activities in a manner consistent with good corporate governance practices. Envir • Wells Fargo participates in the U.S. public policy arena on a wide range of issues that may impact the company. The company discloses federal lobbying activities in accordance with the Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA), which requires quarterly reports to be 昀椀led with the United States Congress. • Wells Fargo’s Political Action Committees (PACs) are funded through voluntary contributions from eligible exempt employees, and managed by the Government Relations and Public Policy team. Wells Fargo’s PACs Social report to the Federal Elections Committee and/or to state agencies, as required by law. • Pursuant to company policies, Wells Fargo does not use company money or resources to in昀氀uence any U.S. domestic or foreign candidate elections. It does not use company money to 昀椀nancially support candidate campaign committees, political parties, or caucuses, and does not make independent expenditures on other political committees, or partake in other types of election-related activity. The Board’s Corporate Responsibility Committee oversees the company's signi昀椀cant Government Relations strategies, policies, and programs. ernance v Information on the Wells Fargo Political Action Committee and corporate political spending can be found on Go the Government Relations and Public Policy page on wellsfargo.com. Public policy lobbying and corporate Political Action Committee (PAC) spending Unit 2019 2020 2021 Spending on federal lobbying activities1 USD 5,010,000 4,424,237 3,830,000 Corporate PAC contributions² USD 763,250 1,010,750 741,700 Notes 1. Federal lobbying activities are disclosed under the Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA), which requires reports to be 昀椀led quarterly with the United States Congress. LDA reports are available for review on the U.S. House website. 2. Contributions to federal and state committees from the employee-funded PAC. References Government Relations and Public Policy Wells Fargo Political Action Committees contributions (PDF) 47 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Information and cybersecurity onmental Envir Wells Fargo’s Information and Cyber Security organization is dedicated to protecting Wells Fargo systems, networks, and data, including customer and employee data, through the design, execution, and oversight of the Information Security Program. The Social Information and Cyber Security organization is led by the Chief Information Security O昀케cer, who reports to the head of Wells Fargo Technology. The Board's Risk Committee annually approves the Information Security Program. Wells Fargo’s Information Security Program is designed to comply with applicable laws and ernance regulations that are evolving and increasingly v complex, and is based on industry standards and Go best practices from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 27001/27002 Standards on Information Security Management, and Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) IT Handbook. Wells Fargo businesses and employees, as well as vendors, non-employees, and third parties with access to systems or sensitive information, are required to adhere to the Information Security Program’s policies, procedures, and requirements. 48 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Privacy protection onmental Envir Managing privacy risk is the responsibility of every Wells Fargo employee. Wells Fargo mandates company-wide privacy training, in addition to requiring comprehensive business line procedures to minimize data privacy risk. The company's businesses strive to e昀昀ectively manage risks associated with collecting, processing, and retaining and disposing of personal data pertaining to customers and employees. Social Privacy Center The Wells Fargo Privacy Center web portal is a resource for individuals to make requests to see certain personal data about themselves, or ask to delete certain data that Wells Fargo’s businesses, located in the U.S., have collected from them, subject to several exceptions and exemptions, which are explained in the Privacy Center Important Information (PDF). More ernance information about the types of data Wells Fargo collects, how it is used, and choices available v to individuals, is available on Wells Fargo's Privacy, Cookies, Security, and Legal page. Go 49 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Understanding In accordance with its policy, Wells Fargo assesses customers and transactions for environmental and social factors that have the potential to impact environmental various risk types, including reputation risk, credit risk, and strategic risk. This includes additional due onmental diligence on sensitive industries such as oil and Envir and social impacts gas, coal and metal mining, arms and armaments, consumer 昀椀nance, and in-scope Equator Principles transactions. Wells Fargo's Environmental and Social Impact Wells Fargo recognizes that all companies have a Management Framework (PDF) and associated responsibility to respect human rights and prevent policy help to identify, evaluate, and manage modern slavery from occurring in their operations, Social the potential environmental and social impacts including their supply chain. associated with the company's business activities. In 2021, Wells Fargo engaged a third-party law 昀椀rm with expertise in business and human rights The Environmental and Social Impact to undertake a Human Rights Impact Assessment Management Framework, which applies to (HRIA). In 2022, the company published the Priority global businesses with commercial customer Recommendations of the Wells Fargo Human Rights relationships, is informed by globally recognized Impact Assessment (PDF) and actions in response, as ernance standards and best practices, including: v well as its updated Human Rights Statement (PDF). Go • Equator Principles In addition, the company outlined its strategies, • UN Guiding Principles on Business policies, and programs related to the prevention of and Human Rights modern slavery, including human tra昀케cking in the UK Modern Slavery Act (UK MSA) Statement. • UK Modern Slavery Act (UK MSA) • International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards • Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) 50 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Appendix onmental Envir Social ernance v Go 51 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Alignment with the United Nations onmental Sustainable Development Goals Envir Social Wells Fargo recognizes that it has a responsibility to outcomes by 2030, serves as a guide for integrating do its part to help address the many global challenges sustainability more deeply into the company’s facing the communities the company serves. businesses. As part of Wells Fargo’s commitment to Wells Fargo is committed to strengthening its communities, it continues to provide both capital and business for the future. The United Nations (UN) 昀椀nancial solutions, which support the UN SDGs. ernance v Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a universal The seven goals above have been identi昀椀ed by Go framework for accomplishing 17 desired global Wells Fargo as its sustainability priorities. 52 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Index Wells Fargo’s SASB response is related to the Financials sector. The company reports on topics for the following industry categories: Asset Management and Custody Activities, Consumer Finance, Mortgage Finance, Investment Banking and Brokerage, and Commercial. onmental Disclosure topic Accounting metric Response/ Disclosure location Envir Business Ethics FN-CB-510a.1 Total amount of monetary losses as a result of FN-IB-510a.1 legal proceedings associated with fraud, insider Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Note 15: FN-AC-510a.1 trading, anti-trust, anti-competitive behavior, Legal Actions, page 153 market manipulation, malpractice, or other related 昀椀nancial industry laws or regulations FN-AC-510a.2 Description of whistleblower policies and Wells Fargo ESG Report, Code of Ethics and Social FN-CB-510a.2 procedures Business Conduct FN-IB-510a.2 Wells Fargo Code of Ethics and Business Conduct (PDF) Professional Integrity FN-IB-510b.2 Number of mediation and arbitration cases Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Note 15: associated with professional integrity, including Legal Actions, page 153 ernance duty of care, by party v FN-IB-510b.3 Total amount of monetary losses as a result of Go legal proceedings associated with professional Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Note 15: integrity, including duty of care Legal Actions, page 153 FN-IB-510b.4 Description of approach to ensuring professional Wells Fargo ESG Report, Corporate governance integrity, including duty of care and ethics Wells Fargo Code of Ethics and Business Conduct (PDF) Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), Human capital management, page 51 53 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Disclosure topic Accounting metric Response/ Disclosure location Customer Privacy FN-CF-220a.1 Number of account holders whose information is Wells Fargo does not publicly disclose this used for secondary purposes information. For additional information regarding customer privacy and data security, please refer to: Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Risk Management, page 60 Wells Fargo ESG Report, Privacy protection FN-CF-220a.2 Description of approach to identifying and Wells Fargo ESG Report, Information and addressing data security risks cybersecurity, Privacy protection Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Risk onmental Management, page 31; Risk Factors, page 72 Envir Discriminatory Lending FN-MF-270b.2 Total amount of monetary losses as a result of Wells Fargo does not publicly disclose incidents legal proceedings associated with discriminatory of discrimination and corrective actions taken. mortgage lending FN-MF-270b.3 Description of policies and procedures for Wells Fargo responsible lending - What It Means Social ensuring nondiscriminatory mortgage origination at Wells Fargo Employee Diversity and Inclusion FN-AC-330a.1 Percentage of gender and racial/ethnic group FN-IB-330a.1 representation for (1) executive management, (2) Wells Fargo ESG Report, Diversity, equity, and non-executive management, (3) professionals, inclusion, Employee resource networks and (4) all other employees Employee Incentives and Risk Taking ernance v FN-IB-550b.3 Discussion of policies around supervision, control, Go and validation of traders’ pricing of Level 3 assets Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Note 17: and liabilities Fair Values of Assets and Liabilities, page 164 Environmental Risk to Mortgaged Properties FN-MF-450a.3 Description of how climate change and other Environmental and Social Impact Management environmental risks are incorporated into Framework (PDF) mortgage origination and underwriting 54 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Disclosure topic Accounting metric Response/ Disclosure location Financial Inclusion and Capacity Building FN-CB-240a.1 (1) Number and (2) amount of loans outstanding quali昀椀ed to programs designed to promote small business and community development FN-CB-240a.2 (1) Number and (2) amount of past due and nonaccrual loans quali昀椀ed to programs designed to promote small business and community Wells Fargo ESG Report, Supporting customers development and communities, Small business growth FN-CB-240a.3 Number of no-cost retail checking accounts philanthropy provided to previously unbanked or underbanked onmental customers Envir FN-CB-240a.4 Number of participants in 昀椀nancial literacy initiatives for unbanked, underbanked, or underserved customers Incorporation of Environmental, Social, and Governance Factors in Credit Analysis FN-CB-410a.1 Commercial and industrial credit exposure, by Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Table Social industry 16, page 36 FN-CB-410a.2 Description of approach to incorporation of Wells Fargo ESG Report, Wells Fargo's key ESG environmental, social, and governance (ESG) themes & focus areas factors in credit analysis Incorporation of Environmental, Social, and Governance Factors in Investment Banking and Brokerage Activities FN-IB-410a.2 (1) Number and (2) total value of investments ernance and loans incorporating integration of Wells Fargo ESG Report, Wells Fargo's key ESG v environmental, social, and governance (ESG) themes & focus areas, Housing a昀昀ordability Go factors, by industry solutions FN-IB-410a.3 Description of approach to incorporation of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) Wells Fargo ESG Report, Understanding factors in investment banking and brokerage environmental and social impacts activities 55 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Disclosure topic Accounting metric Response/ Disclosure location Incorporation of Environmental, Social, and Governance Factors in Investment Management and Advisory FN-AC-410a.2 Description of approach to incorporation of ESG Wells Fargo ESG Report, Understanding factors in investment and/or wealth management environmental and social impacts processes and strategies FN-AC-410a.3 Description of proxy voting and investee Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), engagement policies and procedures Investor Engagement Program, page 3; Shareholder Proposals, page 112 Lending Practices onmental FN-MF-270a.3 Total amount of monetary losses as a Envir result of legal proceedings associated with Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Note 15: communications to customers or remuneration Legal Actions, page 153 of loan originators Selling Practices FN-CF-270a.4 (1) Number of complaints 昀椀led with the Consumer Wells Fargo does not publicly disclose this Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), (2) percentage information. However, this information is Social with monetary or non-monetary relief, (3) disclosed publicly on the Consumer Financial percentage disputed by consumer, (4) percentage Protection Bureau website that resulted in investigation by the CFPB FN-CF-270a.5 Total amount of monetary losses as a result of Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Note 15: legal proceedings associated with selling and Legal Actions, page 153 servicing of products Transparent Information and Fair Advice for Customers ernance v FN-AC-270a.2 Total amount of monetary losses as a result of Go legal proceedings associated with marketing Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Note 15: and communication of 昀椀nancial product-related Legal Actions, page 153 information to new and returning customers FN-AC-270a.3 Description of approach to informing customers Wells Fargo ESG Report, Supporting customers about products and services and communities, Financial health Wells Fargo Code of Ethics and Business Conduct (PDF) 56 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Disclosure topic Accounting metric Response/ Disclosure location Activity Metrics FN-MF-000.A (1) Number and (2) value of mortgages Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), originated by category: (a) residential and (b) Consumer Banking and Lending - income commercial statement and selected metrics, pages 15-16 FN-MF-000.B (1) Number and (2) value of mortgages Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Note 9: purchased by category: (a) residential and (b) Mortgage Banking Activities, pages 141-142 commercial FN-IB-000.A (1) Number and (2) value of (a) underwriting, (b) Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), WIM advisory, and (c) securitization transactions advisory assets, page 23; Note 8: Securitizations onmental and Variable Interest Entities, pages 136-140 FN-IB-000.C 1) Number and (2) value of market making Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Envir transactions in (a) 昀椀xed income, (b) equity, (c) Corporate and Investment Banking - income currency, (d) derivatives, and (e) commodity statement and selected metrics, page 20 products FN-AC-000.A (1) Total registered and (2) total unregistered Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), WFAM assets under management (AUM) assets under management, page 26 FN-AC-000.B Total assets under custody and supervision Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Social Corporate and Investment Banking - balance sheet, page 21 FN-CB-000.B (1) Number and (2) value of loans by segment: (a) Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), personal, (b) small business, and (c) corporate Consumer Banking and Lending - balance sheet, page 17 Commercial Banking - balance sheet, page 19; Corporate and Investment Banking - balance sheet, page 21 ernance v Go 57 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index Wells Fargo’s ESG Report was developed in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative Standards (GRI) “Core” option and contain many elements of the “Comprehensive” option. Disclosure number Disclosure name Disclosure location onmental GRI 2: General disclosures Envir The organization and its reporting practices 2-1 Organizational details Wells Fargo & Company (WFC) Mailing Addresses Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Wells Fargo & Co., page 204 2-2 Entities included in the Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Note 1, Summary of Social organization’s sustainability signi昀椀cant accounting policies, page 95 reporting 2-3 Reporting period, frequency Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Note 1, Summary of and contact point signi昀椀cant accounting policies, page 95 [email protected] 2-4 Restatements of information Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational Sustainability, Scope 1 and Scope 2 (location & market based) Emissions, Note 3; Scope 3 emissions, Note 4 ernance Wells Fargo ESG Report, Small business growth philanthropy, v Open for Business Fund, Note 3 Go 2-5 External assurance Environmental Data Assurance (PDF) Activities and workers 2-6 Activities, value chain, and Wellsfargo.com other business relationships Wells Fargo ESG Report, About Wells Fargo, Supplier engagement Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Wells Fargo & Co., page 204 Wells Fargo Stories 2-7 Employees Wells Fargo ESG Report, Employees 58 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Disclosure number Disclosure name Disclosure location Governance 2-9 Governance structure and Wells Fargo ESG Report, Corporate governance and ethics composition Wells Fargo Leadership and Governance Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), Board leadership and composition highlights summary, page iii; Board Composition pages 15-26 2-10 Nomination and selection of Wells Fargo ESG Report, Board of directors the highest governance body Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), Director election standard and nomination process, page 27 2-11 Chair of the highest Wells Fargo ESG Report, Board of directors governance body Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), Strong independent Board leadership, page 19 onmental Wells Fargo Leadership and Governance 2-12 Role of the highest governance Wells Fargo ESG Report, Wells Fargo’s key ESG themes & focus Envir body in overseeing the areas, Corporate governance and ethics, Culture management of impacts Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), The journey: rede昀椀ning culture, page 51 Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), The Board’s role in risk oversight, pages 31-34 Wells Fargo Corporate Responsibility Committee Charter (PDF) Social 2-13 Delegation of responsibility for Wells Fargo ESG Report, Corporate governance and ethics managing impacts Wells Fargo Leadership and Governance, Corporate Responsibility Committee 2-14 Role of the highest governance Wells Fargo ESG Report, Corporate governance and ethics body in sustainability reporting 2-15 Con昀氀icts of interest Wells Fargo ESG Report, Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, Alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development ernance Goals v Go 2-16 Communication of critical How to Contact the Board of Directors concerns Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), Year-round engagement process, page 3; Communicating with the Board, page 22; Board of Directors and Human Resources Committee, page 57 2-17 Collective knowledge of the Wells Fargo ESG Report, Governance highest governance body Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), Board quali昀椀cations and experience, page 17 2-18 Evaluation of the performance Wells Fargo ESG Report, Board of directors of the highest governance Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), Comprehensive body annual evaluation of Board e昀昀ectiveness, pages 35-39 2-19 Remuneration policies Wells Fargo ESG Report, Executive compensation, Code of Ethics and Business Conduct Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), Director compensation, page 42; Incentive compensation risk management, page 59; Executive compensation, pages 88-98 Wells Fargo Corporate Governance Guidelines (PDF), page 5 59 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Disclosure number Disclosure name Disclosure location 2-20 Process to determine Wells Fargo ESG Report, Executive compensation, Code of Ethics remuneration and Business Conduct Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), Director compensation, page 42; Incentive compensation risk management, page 59; Executive compensation, pages 88-98 Wells Fargo Human Resources Committee Charter (PDF) Wells Fargo Corporate Governance Guidelines (PDF) 2-21 Annual total compensation Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), CEO pay ratio and ratio median annual total compensation, page 62 Wells Fargo ESG Goals and Performance Data, Executive onmental compensation Strategy, policies and practices Envir 2-22 Statement on sustainable Wells Fargo ESG Report, A letter from the CEO development strategy Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), pages II-XIV 2-23 Policy commitments Wells Fargo ESG Report, Risk management, Code of Ethics and Business Conduct Environmental and Social Impact Management Framework Social (PDF) Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), Human capital management, pages 51-62 Wells Fargo Code of Ethics and Business Conduct (PDF) 2-24 Embedding policy Wells Fargo Code of Ethics and Business Conduct (PDF) commitments Wells Fargo Corporate Governance Guidelines (PDF) Environmental and Social Impact Management Framework ernance (PDF) v Human Rights Statement (PDF) Go UK Modern Slavery Act Statement (PDF) 2-25 Processes to remediate Wells Fargo Code of Ethics and Business Conduct (PDF) negative impacts 2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice Wells Fargo ESG Report, Code of Ethics and Business Conduct and raising concerns Wells Fargo Code of Ethics and Business Conduct (PDF), page 7 2-27 Compliance with laws and Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Note 15, Legal actions, regulations pages 153-155 2-28 Membership associations Wells Fargo Memberships and Commitments Stakeholder engagement 2-29 Approach to stakeholder Wells Fargo ESG Report, Wells Fargo’s key ESG themes & focus engagement areas Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), Reporting and evaluation of investor feedback, page 3 60 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Material topic disclosures Disclosure number Disclosure name Disclosure location GRI 3: Material topics 3-1 Material Topics Process to determine Wells Fargo ESG Report, Wells Fargo’s key ESG themes & focus areas material topics 3-2 Material Topics List of material topics Wells Fargo ESG Report, Wells Fargo’s key ESG themes & focus areas 3-3 Material Topics Management of Wells Fargo ESG Report, Risk management, Code of Ethics and material topics Business Conduct onmental Environmental and Social Impact Management Framework (PDF) Wells Fargo Code of Ethics and Business Conduct (PDF) Envir Environment GRI 301: Materials 301-1 Materials Materials used by Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability weight or volume Social 301-2 Materials Recycled input Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability materials used 301-3 Materials Reclaimed products and their packaging Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability materials GRI 302: Energy 302-1 Energy Energy consumption Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability, Growing the ernance within the organization renewable energy supply v Go 302-2 Energy Energy consumption Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability, Growing the outside the renewable energy supply organization 302-3 Energy Energy intensity Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability, Growing the renewable energy supply 302-4 Energy Reduction of energy Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability, Growing the consumption renewable energy supply GRI 303: Water and e昀툀uents 303-5 Water and Water consumption Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability E昀툀uents 61 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Disclosure number Disclosure name Disclosure location GRI 305: Emissions 305-1 Emissions Direct (Scope 1) GHG Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability emissions 305-2 Emissions Energy indirect (Scope Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability 2) GHG emissions 305-3 Emissions Other indirect (Scope Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability 3) GHG emissions SM Wells Fargo CO2eMission 305-4 Emissions GHG emissions Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability onmental intensity SM Wells Fargo CO2eMission Envir 305-5 Emissions Reduction of GHG Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability emissions SM Wells Fargo CO2eMission GRI 306: Waste 306-2 E昀툀uents and Waste by type and Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability Waste disposal method Social 306-4 E昀툀uents and Transport of hazardous Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability Waste waste Social impact GRI 411: Rights of Indigenous Peoples 411-1 Rights of Incidents of violations Wells Fargo ESG Report, Understanding environmental and social ernance Indigenous involving rights of impacts v peoples Indigenous peoples Wells Fargo Indigenous Peoples Statement (PDF) Go GRI 415: Public policy 415-1 Public Policy Political contributions Wells Fargo ESG Report, Policy advocacy Diversity, equity, and inclusion GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity 405-1 Diversity Diversity of Wells Fargo ESG Report, Board of directors, Diversity, equity and and Equal governance bodies and inclusion Opportunity employees 405-2 Diversity Ratio of basic salary Wells Fargo ESG Report, Pay equity review and Equal and remuneration of Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), Pay equity review, Opportunity women to men page 61 62 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Additional topic-speci昀椀c disclosures Disclosure number Disclosure name Disclosure location GRI 401: Employment 401-2 Employment Bene昀椀ts provided to full- time employees that are not Wells Fargo ESG Report, Employees, Bene昀椀ts provided to temporary or Wells Fargo Bene昀椀ts part-time employees GRI 403: Occupational health and safety onmental 403-1 Occupational Occupational health and Health and safety management system Wells Fargo ESG Report, Employee safety and health Envir Safety 403-2 Occupational Hazard identi昀椀cation, risk Health and assessment, and incident Wells Fargo ESG Report, Employee safety and health Safety investigation 403-3 Occupational Occupational health services Health and Wells Fargo ESG Report, Employee safety and health Social Safety 403-4 Occupational Worker participation, Health and consultation, and Safety communication on Wells Fargo ESG Report, Employee safety and health occupational health and safety 403-5 Occupational Worker training on Health and occupational health and Wells Fargo ESG Report, Employee safety and health ernance Safety safety v 403-6 Occupational Promotion of worker health Go Health and Wells Fargo ESG Report, Employee safety and health Safety GRI 404: Training and education 404-1 Training and Average hours of training Education per year per employee Wells Fargo ESG Report, Employee training and development 404-2 Training and Programs for upgrading Education employee skills and Wells Fargo ESG Report, Employee training and development transition assistance programs 404-3 Training and Percentage of employees Education receiving regular Wells Fargo ESG Report, Employee training and development performance and career development reviews 63 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Disclosure number Disclosure name Disclosure location GRI 417: Marketing and labeling 417-1 Marketing and Requirements for product Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Note 15, Legal actions, Labeling and service information and pages 153-155 labeling 417-2 Marketing and Incidents of noncompliance Labeling concerning product and Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Note 15, Legal actions, service information and pages 153-155 labeling 417-3 Marketing and Incidents of noncompliance onmental Labeling concerning marketing Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Note 15, Legal actions, communications pages 153-155 Envir Social ernance v Go 64 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures Index Disclosure Report Section or Other Documentation Governance a) Describe the Board’s oversight of Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), page 31 climate-related risks and opportunities. Corporate Responsibility Committee Charter (PDF) b) Describe management’s role in Environmental and Social Impact Management onmental assessing and managing climate-related Framework (PDF) risks and opportunities. Envir Strategy a) Describe the climate-related risks and opportunities the organization has identi昀椀ed over the short, medium and long term. 2022 CDP Report (PDF), Risks and Opportunities b) Describe the impact of climate- section (C2.1, C2.1a, C2.2a) related risks and opportunities on the organization’s businesses, strategy, and 2022 CDP Report (PDF), Risks and Opportunities Social 昀椀nancial planning. section (C2.1, C2.1a, C2.2a) c) Describe the resilience of the Wells Fargo ESG Report, Wells Fargo’s key ESG organization’s strategy, taking into themes & focus areas consideration di昀昀erent climate-related scenarios, including a 2°C or lower scenario. Risk Management a) Describe the organization’s processes 2022 CDP Report (PDF), Risks and Opportunities for identifying and assessing climate- section (C2.1, C2.1a, C2.2a) related risks. Environmental and Social Impact Management ernance Framework (PDF) v Go b) Describe the organization’s processes 2022 CDP Report (PDF), Risks and Opportunities for managing climate-related risks. section (C2.1, C2.1a, C2.2a) Environmental and Social Impact Management Framework (PDF) c) Describe how processes for identifying, 2022 CDP Report (PDF), Risks and Opportunities assessing, and managing climate- section (C2.1, C2.1a, C2.2a) related risks are integrated into the organization’s overall risk management. Environmental and Social Impact Management Framework (PDF) Metrics and a) Disclose the metrics used by the Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability Targets organization to assess climate-related Environmental Data Assurance (PDF) risks and opportunities in line with its strategy and risk management process. 2022 CDP Report (PDF) 65 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Disclosure Report Section or Other Documentation b) Disclose Scope 1, Scope 2 and, if Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability appropriate, Scope 3 greenhouse gas Environmental Data Assurance (PDF) emissions, and the related risks. 2022 CDP Report (PDF), Sections C6-C10 c) Describe the targets used by the Wells Fargo CO2eMission Methodology (PDF), organization to manage climate-related page 6 risks and opportunities and performance Wells Fargo CO2eMission Methodology (PDF), against targets. page 25 onmental Envir Social ernance v Go 66 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Disclaimer and While this document describes events, including potential future events that may be generally signi昀椀cant in the context of our ESG priorities and Forward-Looking related activities, any such signi昀椀cance does not necessarily equate to the level of materiality of onmental Statements disclosures required under U.S. federal securities laws. Envir This document should not be used as a basis for trading in the securities of the Company or for any other investment decision and should not This document contains forward-looking be construed as consisting of investment advice. statements about Wells Fargo’s future 昀椀nancial The Company is not providing any 昀椀nancial, performance and business. Because forward- economic, legal, accounting, or tax advice or Social looking statements are based on our current recommendations. This document re昀氀ects certain expectations and assumptions regarding the future, positions and approaches to ESG as of the date they are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties. of this document that are subject to change at Do not unduly rely on forward-looking statements any time in the Company’s sole discretion without as actual results could di昀昀er materially from notice, and we do not undertake to update this expectations. Forward-looking statements speak document to re昀氀ect any such changes. Any only as of the date made, and we do not undertake references to “sustainable investing,” “sustainable ernance to update them to re昀氀ect changes or events that 昀椀nancing,” “ESG,” or similar terms in this document v occur after that date. are intended as references to the internally Go For more information about factors that could cause de昀椀ned criteria of the Company, as applicable, actual results to di昀昀er materially from expectations, and not to any jurisdiction-speci昀椀c regulatory refer to our reports 昀椀led with the Securities and de昀椀nition that may exist. Exchange Commission, including the “Forward- Information contained herein is sourced from a Looking Statements” discussion in Wells Fargo’s variety of internal and external sources and may most recent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q as be based on emerging or evolving practices. In well as to Wells Fargo’s other reports 昀椀led with the addition, disclosures related to environmental Securities and Exchange Commission, including the sustainability, including disclosures related to the discussion under “Risk Factors” in our Annual Report Company’s resource consumption and greenhouse on Form 10-K for the year ended Dec. 31, 2021, gas emissions, as well as certain internal estimates available on its website at www.sec.gov. and assumptions, are based in part on third-party 67 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

data. Uncertainties, inaccuracies or omissions in herein, the Company does not undertake any duty to any of these inputs potentially have compounding restate or correct data should such information later e昀昀ects on the accuracy and completeness of resulting prove to be incorrect. emissions and resource consumption 昀椀gures. The suitability of the design and e昀昀ectiveness of the This document provides general information onmental third-party systems and associated controls over the regarding a number of the Company’s policies, accuracy and completeness of the data has not been procedures, and positions relating to ESG issues. Envir independently assessed. Accordingly, with respect Although this document aims to present the to data that is not also included in the Company’s general position of the Company, the policies, Statement of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, the procedures, and positions discussed herein may Company makes no representations or warranties as be subject to approved exceptions. to the quality, completeness, accuracy, or 昀椀tness for a particular purpose and shall not be liable for any use All third-party trademarks or brand names are Social by any party of, for any decision made or action taken the property of their respective owners. The use by any party in reliance upon, or for any inaccuracies of any third-party trademarks or brand names or errors in, or omissions from, such data. GHG- is for informational purposes only and does not Protocols require restatement if better information imply an endorsement by the Company or that yields materially di昀昀erent base year emissions. Since such trademark owner has authorized Wells Fargo methodologies and approaches continue to evolve, to promote its products or services. The Company information we are currently disclosing could later disclaims any representations or warranties ernance potentially yield materially di昀昀erent emissions and regarding the non-infringement of any v may result in restatement. Other than as stated information contained herein. Go 68 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Wells Fargo Stories References https://stories.wf.com/ Wells Fargo Quarterly Earnings and resources https://www.wellsfargo.com/about/investor-relations/ onmental quarterly-earnings/ Corporate responsibility Envir Corporate CDP: Wells Fargo & Company — Climate Change (PDF) Annual Report and Proxy Statement https://www08.wellsfargomedia.com/assets/pdf/about/ https://www.wellsfargo.com/about/investor-relations/ corporate-responsibility/climate-change-information- annual-reports/ request.pdf Social Board Committees and Charters Community Giving https://www.wellsfargo.com/about/corporate/governance/ https://www.wellsfargo.com/about/corporate- By-Laws of Wells Fargo & Company (PDF) responsibility/community-giving/ https://www08.wellsfargomedia.com/assets/pdf/about/ Community Reinvestment Act Performance Evaluation (PDF) corporate/governance-by-laws.pdf https://www08.wellsfargomedia.com/assets/pdf/about/ Code of Ethics and Business Conduct (PDF) community-reinvestment/performance-evaluation.pdf https://www08.wellsfargomedia.com/assets/pdf/about/ CO2eMission: Net-Zero Alignment Methodology ernance v corporate/code-of-ethics.pdf https://sites.wf.com/co2emission/ Go Corporate Governance Guidelines (PDF) Corporate Responsibility Goals and Reporting https://www08.wellsfargomedia.com/assets/pdf/about/ https://www.wellsfargo.com/about/corporate- corporate/governance-guidelines.pdf responsibility/goals-and-reporting/ Government Relations and Public Policy Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Report (PDF) https://www.wellsfargo.com/about/corporate- https://www08.wellsfargomedia.com/assets/pdf/about/ responsibility/government-relations/ corporate/diversity-equity-inclusion-report.pdf History of Wells Fargo Environmental Data Assurance (PDF) https://www.wellsfargo.com/about/corporate/history/ https://www.wellsfargo.com/assets/pdf/about/corporate- Leadership and Governance responsibility/environmental-data-assurance.pdf https://www.wellsfargo.com/about/corporate/governance/ Environmental and Social Impact Management Online Newsroom Framework (PDF) https://newsroom.wf.com/ https://www08.wellsfargomedia.com/assets/pdf/about/ corporate-responsibility/environmental-social-impact- management.pdf 69 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Human Rights Statement (PDF) COVID-19 response https://www08.wellsfargomedia.com/assets/pdf/about/ corporate-responsibility/human-rights-statement.pdf Resources and support for COVID-19 https://www.wellsfargo.com/jump/enterprise/ Inclusive Communities and Climate Bond Report (PDF) coronavirus-response https://www.wellsfargo.com/assets/pdf/about/corporate- responsibility/inclusive-communities-climate-bond- Wells Fargo Stories: Wells Fargo responds to COVID-19 report.pdf https://stories.wf.com/series/wells-fargo-responds- covid-19/ Indigenous Peoples Statement (PDF) https://www08.wellsfargomedia.com/assets/pdf/about/ Employees corporate-responsibility/indigenous-peoples-statement. onmental pdf Careers at Wells Fargo Innovation Incubator (IN²) https://www.wellsfargo.com/about/careers Envir https://in2ecosystem.com/ Careers for Military Veterans Priority Recommendations of the Wells Fargo Human https://www.wellsfargo.com/about/careers/veterans/ Rights Impact Assessment and Actions in Response (PDF) Diversity and Accessibility https://www.wellsfargo.com/assets/pdf/about/corporate- https://www.wellsfargo.com/about/diversity/ responsibility/human-rights-impact-assessment.pdf Wells Fargo Bene昀椀ts Social Sustainable Finance Reporting Methodology (PDF) https://www.wellsfargo.com/about/careers/bene昀椀ts/ https://www08.wellsfargomedia.com/assets/pdf/ about/corporate-responsibility/sustainable-昀椀nance- Wells Fargo Veterans Scholarship methodology.pdf https://learnmore.scholarsapply.org/wellsfargoveterans/ Task Force for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures Privacy and security (TCFD) Report (PDF) https://www.wellsfargo.com/assets/pdf/about/corporate- Privacy, Cookies, Security, and Legal ernance responsibility/climate-disclosure.pdf https://www.wellsfargo.com/privacy-security/privacy/ v Go UK Modern Slavery Act Statement (PDF) Privacy Center https://www08.wellsfargomedia.com/assets/pdf/ https://privacycenter.wellsfargo.com/pcc/portal/enter corporate/modern-slavery-statement.pdf Security Center Wells Fargo Stories: Supporting Sustainability https://www.wellsfargo.com/privacy-security/fraud https://stories.wf.com/series/supporting-sustainability/ Important information about the Privacy Center (PDF) Wells Fargo Stories: Environment https://www08.wellsfargomedia.com/assets/pdf/ https://stories.wf.com/category/environment/ personal/privacy-security/privacy-center-important- information.pdf Wells Fargo Volunteer and Corporate Community Impact Programs https://welcome.wf.com/impact/ 70 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Products and services Suppliers Card controls Supplier Code of Conduct (PDF) https://www.wellsfargo.com/online-banking/manage- https://www08.wellsfargomedia.com/assets/pdf/about/ accounts/card-controls/ corporate/supplier-code-of-conduct.pdf CollegeSTEPS® Supplier Diversity https://collegesteps.wf.com/ https://www.wellsfargo.com/about/diversity/supplier- diversity/ Diverse Community Capital program https://www.wellsfargo.com/com/昀椀nancing/real-estate/ The Private Bank – Social Impact Investing community-lending-investment/cd昀椀/ https://www.wellsfargo.com/the-private-bank/solutions/ social-impact-investing/ onmental Financial health https://www.wellsfargo.com/昀椀nancial-health Wells Fargo AssistSM Envir https://www.wellsfargo.com/昀椀nancial-assistance/ Hands on Banking® https://handsonbanking.org/ Wells Fargo Investment Institute https://www.wellsfargo.com/investment-institute Hands on Banking® for service members https://handsonbanking.org/military/ Wells Fargo’s Lending and Servicing Principles for U.S. Residential Real Estate Products Social LGBTQ Resource Center https://www.wellsfargo.com/mortgage/principles/ https://www.wellsfargo.com/lgbtq/ Wells Fargo’s Responsible Lending Principles Military Resource Center for Consumer Credit https://www.wellsfargo.com/military/ https://www.wellsfargo.com/help/consumer-credit- Mortgage Learning Center lending-principles/ https://www.wellsfargo.com/mortgage/learning/ ernance NeighborhoodLIFT® v https://www.wellsfargo.com/mortgage/lift/ Go Small Business Resources https://www.wellsfargo.com/biz TM Smarter Credit Center https://www.wellsfargo.com/goals-credit/smarter-credit 71 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report - Page 72