Understanding In accordance with its policy, Wells Fargo assesses customers and transactions for environmental and social factors that have the potential to impact environmental various risk types, including reputation risk, credit risk, and strategic risk. This includes additional due onmental diligence on sensitive industries such as oil and Envir and social impacts gas, coal and metal mining, arms and armaments, consumer 昀椀nance, and in-scope Equator Principles transactions. Wells Fargo's Environmental and Social Impact Wells Fargo recognizes that all companies have a Management Framework (PDF) and associated responsibility to respect human rights and prevent policy help to identify, evaluate, and manage modern slavery from occurring in their operations, Social the potential environmental and social impacts including their supply chain. associated with the company's business activities. In 2021, Wells Fargo engaged a third-party law 昀椀rm with expertise in business and human rights The Environmental and Social Impact to undertake a Human Rights Impact Assessment Management Framework, which applies to (HRIA). In 2022, the company published the Priority global businesses with commercial customer Recommendations of the Wells Fargo Human Rights relationships, is informed by globally recognized Impact Assessment (PDF) and actions in response, as ernance standards and best practices, including: v well as its updated Human Rights Statement (PDF). Go • Equator Principles In addition, the company outlined its strategies, • UN Guiding Principles on Business policies, and programs related to the prevention of and Human Rights modern slavery, including human tra昀케cking in the UK Modern Slavery Act (UK MSA) Statement. • UK Modern Slavery Act (UK MSA) • International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards • Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) 50 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

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