Material topic disclosures Disclosure number Disclosure name Disclosure location GRI 3: Material topics 3-1 Material Topics Process to determine Wells Fargo ESG Report, Wells Fargo’s key ESG themes & focus areas material topics 3-2 Material Topics List of material topics Wells Fargo ESG Report, Wells Fargo’s key ESG themes & focus areas 3-3 Material Topics Management of Wells Fargo ESG Report, Risk management, Code of Ethics and material topics Business Conduct onmental Environmental and Social Impact Management Framework (PDF) Wells Fargo Code of Ethics and Business Conduct (PDF) Envir Environment GRI 301: Materials 301-1 Materials Materials used by Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability weight or volume Social 301-2 Materials Recycled input Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability materials used 301-3 Materials Reclaimed products and their packaging Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability materials GRI 302: Energy 302-1 Energy Energy consumption Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability, Growing the ernance within the organization renewable energy supply v Go 302-2 Energy Energy consumption Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability, Growing the outside the renewable energy supply organization 302-3 Energy Energy intensity Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability, Growing the renewable energy supply 302-4 Energy Reduction of energy Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability, Growing the consumption renewable energy supply GRI 303: Water and e昀툀uents 303-5 Water and Water consumption Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational sustainability E昀툀uents 61 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

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