Environmental sustainability onmental Envir Wells Fargo’s focus on environmental sustainability is In addition to Wells Fargo’s net-zero greenhouse about working toward an equitable and sustainable gas emissions by 2050 goal, the company future and to support the transition to a low-carbon committed to deploying its resources and working economy. In March 2021, Wells Fargo announced closely with customers. To drive its execution its e昀昀orts to support the transition to a low-carbon e昀昀orts, Wells Fargo established an enterprise- economy by setting a goal of net-zero greenhouse wide climate initiative to promote leadership Social gas emissions — including its 昀椀nanced emissions — connectivity and accountability. In addition, by 2050. Wells Fargo’s Independent Risk Management (IRM) function provides holistic oversight of the integration of climate considerations into the Risk Management Framework. ernance v Go 8 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

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