Operational sustainability onmental Envir Wells Fargo is working to embed environmental sustainability throughout our operations to drive e昀케ciencies and responsible resource use, including reducing energy, water, and resource consumption as well as greenhouse gas emissions. Wells Fargo continues to work to reduce the emissions, water and energy consumption, and waste associated with its operations. Social Common factors used to measure relative environmental performance Unit 2019 2020 2021 Employees¹ # of employees 271,924 268,531 249,435 Revenue USD (in billions) 86.8 74.3 78.5 Square footage2 # sq ft 86,179,338 82,617,819 78,200,000 Notes ernance 1. Employee numbers for this section re昀氀ect employee headcount at Wells Fargo as reported in the company’s annual report for each v calendar year. Go 2. Includes square footage (sq ft) from Wells Fargo-owned and leased facilities worldwide, as well as its network of more than 12,000 ATMs in the U.S. Excludes square footage from land and parking lots. 3 Energy usage Unit 2019 2020 2021 Fuel (includes fuel oil, propane, MWh 24,713 16,979 20,330 and fuels for 昀氀eet vehicles) Natural gas MWh 383,277 353,183 310,483 Electricity1 MWh 1,816,629 1,654,354 1,550,417 Chilled water MWh 0 0 0 2 District heating MWh 13,518 13,211 12,911 Total energy consumption MWh 2,238,137 2,037,727 1,894,141 Reduction in total energy consumption % 0 9 15 (from 2019 baseline) Purchased electricity consumption kWh/sq ft 21.0 20.0 19.8 kWh/employee 6,992 6,161 6,256 Notes 1. Includes purchased and self-supplied electricity. Refer to table within Growing the renewable energy supply section for additional details. 2. District heating includes purchased steam. 3. To facilitate the calculation of total energy usage, all components are converted into MWh. 9 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

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