Financial health philanthropy In 2017, Wells Fargo pledged to create at Wells Fargo is also focused on improving the 昀椀nancial least 250,000 new Black and African American stability of low- and moderate-income communities homeowners in 10 years through lending through philanthropic programs that increase $60 billion for home purchases. Through the financial inclusion and access, reduce debt, drive end of 2021, the company helped over 81,756 savings and wealth-building behavior, and transform Black and African American families and systems so people can achieve better 昀椀nancial individuals become homeowners with outcomes in their lives. $21.4 billion in mortgage financing. The Wells Fargo Foundation's Financial Capability In 2016, Wells Fargo committed to increasing Grant Program helps people from diverse Hispanic and Latino homeownership over onmental populations who are underbanked by connecting 10 years through $125 billion in home Envir them to income support services and 昀椀nancial purchase loans. Through the end of 2021, the training. In 2021, program participants saved company helped 207,248 Hispanic and Latino nearly $18 million and reduced debt by roughly families and individuals become homeowners $38.4 million, more than 27,300 participants through $54.8 billion in mortgage 昀椀nancing. established or improved their credit score, and more than 7,800 participants acquired a 昀椀nancial asset. Grantees include Cities for Financial Social Empowerment Fund, International Rescue Housing a昀昀ordability solutions Committee, Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), National Association of Latino Community Wells Fargo recognizes that there is a shortage of Asset Builders, Operation HOPE, and others. a昀昀ordable housing for low- and moderate-income Additionally, grants expanded access to free, communities, and high housing costs have ampli昀椀ed virtual financial coaching and counseling, direct growing economic inequities. In 2021, the company SM cash assistance, and other financial resources to launched the Wells Fargo Dream.Plan.Home. ernance help people save money, reduce debt, and navigate mortgage, which o昀昀ers a down payment as low v other complex financial challenges. as 3% to eligible buyers and supports approval of Go those with nontraditional credit. In 2021, the company 昀椀nanced $29.6 billion and $7.8 billion for new purchase loans to serve over 58,000 minority households and over 38,000 low- and moderate-income households respectively. 20 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

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