Wells Fargo additionally established an initiative Corporate and called Connect to More℠ to support the commercial customers development and growth of women-owned businesses by providing access to expertise and Wells Fargo strives to support its corporate and specialized resources. commercial customers as they seek financial solutions to execute their long-term resiliency, In collaboration with Community Reinvestment social impact, and sustainability objectives. In 2021, Fund, USA, Wells Fargo launched the Small Business Wells Fargo deployed more than $60 billion in Resource Navigator, an online portal helping connect sustainable 昀椀nancing with more than 80% of that small business owners to potential 昀椀nancing options in support of corporate customers’ environmental and technical assistance through Community and social activities. Wells Fargo is a leading onmental Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) across sustainability-linked loan provider helping customers the country. Since the launch, the Small Business 昀椀nance both environmental and social-related Envir Resource Navigator has connected millions of dollars activities across a range of industry segments in credit requests from underrepresented small and products in lending and capital markets. business owners to CDFIs. The Renewable Energy & Environmental Finance (REEF) team at Wells Fargo has invested more than $13.2 billion in ~600 wind, solar, and fuel cell Social projects across the U.S., providing 昀椀nancing to ~12% of utility-scale wind and solar capacity additions between 2005 and 2021. In 2021, Wells Fargo issued an Inclusive Communities and Climate Bond, its 昀椀rst ernance sustainability bond, which funded projects and v programs that support housing a昀昀ordability, Go socioeconomic opportunity, and renewable energy. The transaction built on Wells Fargo’s expertise in, and history of, underwriting green, social, and sustainability bonds, and advances the company’s commitment to accelerate a more inclusive and sustainable economy. Wells Fargo’s Sustainability Bond Framework (PDF) is available on the company website. Sustainalytics, an external 昀椀rm with expertise in ESG and sustainability, reviewed this Framework and issued a Second Party Opinion (PDF)†, which found it to be “credible and impactful,” aligned with the Sustainability Bond Guidelines 2018, Green Bond Principles 2018, and Social Bond Principles 2020. † Wells Fargo does not control this website. The link is provided for your convenience, but Wells Fargo does not endorse and is not responsible for 24 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022 the content, links, privacy policy, or security policy of this website.

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