Open for Business Fund Unit 2020 2021 # of awards funded 51 223 Open for Business Fund1,2,3 USD (in millions) 85 335 # of jobs 36,340 222,560 # of small businesses 12,580 139,450 Awardees with women, veterans, and those % of awardees 53 48 who self-identify as LGBTQ leaders4 Awardees with women leaders4 % of awardees 39 44 Awardees with Black, African American, Hispanic, Latino, Native American, Alaskan % of awardees 45 51 Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian, Paci昀椀c Islander or multi-racial leaders4 onmental Notes Envir 1. The number of awards funded includes only direct grants given to CDFIs/nonpro昀椀t organizations. An organization may have received more than one award and may be included in more than one of these totals. 2. The number of jobs preserved/created and the number of small businesses served are projected impact numbers. 3. In 2021, an updated process for tracking projected jobs created/preserved and projected small businesses served was implemented, relying on grantee data. This resulted in changes in 昀椀gures for prior years. 4. The leader percentage is representative of the CEO or Executive Director of the CDFI/nonpro昀椀t organization on the date they applied for the Open for Business Fund. Social The Wells Fargo Diverse Community Capital (DCC) program is a multi-year $175 million program to empower diverse small business owners with access to capital and technical assistance by teaming up with CDFIs to support borrowers in all 50 states; Washington, D.C.; and Puerto Rico. The program’s CDFI awardees leveraged Diverse Community Capital funds to provide $2.9 billion in 昀椀nancing and 2.6 million hours of technical assistance, enabling entrepreneurs to sustain more than 369,000 jobs. In 2021, Wells Fargo reached full funding of the $175 million program commitment. Diverse Community Capital Unit 2019 2020 2021 ernance v USD (in millions) 23.6 28.2 0 Go Diverse Community Capital (DCC) Program — grant capital awards1,2 # of CDFIs 27 34 0 DCC Program — debt capital awards1 USD (in millions) 2.8 19.1 12.0 # of CDFIs 4 7 3 Total DCC capital provided USD (in millions) 26.4 47.3 12.0 Jobs created/retained by diverse small businesses3 # of jobs 91,324 100,497 75,403 Technical assistance provided to diverse small # of hours 1,621,159 546,565 216,901 businesses3 Amount 昀椀nanced to diverse small businesses by USD (in millions) 858.3 681.2 693.0 CDFIs receiving a DCC award3 Loans to diverse small businesses by CDFIs # of loans 108,444 91,316 113,292 receiving a DCC award3 Notes 1. All CDFIs that received debt capital also received DCC philanthropic grant awards. 2. The 2020 results represent previously committed DCC awards and resources that were redeployed to support some DCC awardees serving small businesses located in COVID-19 hotspots. 3. Results re昀氀ect impact from only the Capacity Building portion of the program. 23 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

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