Employee safety and health Given the nature of Wells Fargo's business, cumulative trauma injuries, which are injuries that Wells Fargo recognizes the importance of providing occur as a result of repetitive activity, and those a safe and healthy environment for employees, resulting from slips, trips, and falls, are the most customers, and others who are on its premises. common workplace injuries. Training and awareness The company designed and implemented programs resources on these and other topics are accessible to help reduce the frequency and severity of for all employees internally via the company's injuries and illnesses. Wells Fargo also makes intranet. At some locations where cumulative special accommodations available to help injured trauma injuries could have higher frequency rates, employees return to work when they are able. the Site Ergonomic Coordinator Program provides Wells Fargo is required to comply with applicable access to on-site Wells Fargo employees trained in onmental facility-related, legally mandated standards for hazard identi昀椀cation and basic o昀케ce ergonomics. workplace safety and health in the countries and Emergency Response and Violence-Free Workplace Envir communities in which it operates. Employees are training is also provided on an annual basis. responsible for following safe work practices and Addressing harassment for reporting any unsafe working conditions. in the workplace Newly hired employees are expected to complete safety and health training, and certain employee Harassment is against Wells Fargo policy, may Social groups have quarterly refresher training violate the law, and will not be tolerated in the requirements. Additionally, it is expected that workplace or at work-related events. The company managers provide training on job-speci昀椀c hazards prohibits any form of harassment, including sexual at the time of an employee’s initial assignment harassment, of any employee, contingent resource, and to provide retraining whenever: vendor, employment applicant, or customer on the basis of an individual's race, color, gender, national • New substances, processes, procedures, or origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender equipment are introduced into the workplace identity, gender expression, genetic information, ernance v that represent a new hazard. physical or mental disability, pregnancy, marital Go • The manager is made aware of a new or status, hairstyles or hair texture, status as a previously unrecognized safety or health hazard. protected veteran, or any other status protected by federal, state, or local law in the U.S. • An employee is given a new job assignment and has not received training for that assignment. 40 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

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