U.S. employees who self-identify as Unit 2019 2020 2021 # of employees 10,438 15,351 16,888 Having a disability¹ % of employees 4.3 6.5 7.9 LGBTQ # of employees 5,653 6,349 6,084 Veterans # of employees 8,745 8,959 8,072 Notes onmental 1. Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 regulations establish a representation goal of 7% for individuals with disabilities. Wells Fargo’s objective is that 7% of U.S. employees fall within this diverse segment via ongoing A昀케rmative Action, Equal Employment Opportunity, and Diversity Programs. Envir The following tables reflect information contained in EEO-1 reports filed for Wells Fargo. 1,2, 3, 4 U.S. employees by gender and speci昀椀c EEOC job category Social 2020 2021 Job category Unit Female Male Total Female Male Total Executive/senior-level # of employees 48 98 146 269 419 688 o昀케cials and managers First/mid-level o昀케cials # of employees 17,102 15,421 32,523 14,283 12,820 27,103 and managers Professionals # of employees 35,724 46,313 82,037 34,321 44,179 78,500 ernance v Technicians # of employees 654 605 1,259 558 524 1,082 Go Sales workers # of employees 3,084 4,250 7,334 3,481 4,944 8,425 Administrative support # of employees 77,623 37,668 115,291 65,757 30,519 96,276 workers Operatives1 # of employees 0 0 0 0 0 0 Service workers # of employees 6 13 19 6 11 17 Total # of employees 134,241 104,368 238,609 118,675 93,416 212,091 Notes: 1. Data re昀氀ects Wells Fargo’s U.S. employees aligned to job categories as outlined by the U.S. EEOC job category de昀椀nitions. EEO job categories have been omitted from the report where Wells Fargo did not have jobs aligned to these categories for a given reporting year. 2. Year-over-year 昀氀uctuation in job category totals may be attributed to realignment of jobs into EEO job categories, hiring, attrition, and employee movement within Wells Fargo. 3. Data is derived from actual Consolidated EEO-1 numbers from the respective reporting years, which typically re昀氀ects Wells Fargo's U.S. employee population as of Dec. 31 of each calendar year. 4. Numbers may di昀昀er from other Wells Fargo reports that count employees based on full-time equivalent methodology. Relevant EEO workforce data is compiled using data from Human Resources information system and re昀氀ects Wells Fargo U.S. workforce numbers only. 29 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

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