U.S. employees 1,2 Diversity, equity, by gender Unit 2019 2020 2021 and inclusion Female % 57 56 56 Male % 43 44 44 onmental Global employees Envir 1,2 Wells Fargo is dedicated to diversity, equity, and by gender Unit 2019 2020 2021 inclusion with a belief that companies should Female % 55 54 53 have their executive ranks reflect the customers Male % 45 46 47 they serve and the U.S. population more broadly. The company also believes financial institutions Notes Social should strive to provide affordable, easy-to- 1. Data is based on active employee headcount as of Dec. 31 for use products and services, enable the dream of each calendar year. homeownership, and help in the formation and 2. Numbers may di昀昀er from other Wells Fargo reports that count employees based on full-time equivalent methodology. growth of small businesses in all communities. In addition to focusing on diversity across the company's workforce, Wells Fargo supports 2020 2021 strategic opportunities that include diverse Global suppliers in competitive sourcing and procurement employees Levels Levels Levels Levels ernance by gender 2-4 5-6 2-4 5-6 v opportunities within our supply chain. In 2022, and down down down down Go Wells Fargo released its inaugural Diversity, Equity, internal from from from from HR levels1,2 Unit CEO CEO CEO CEO and Inclusion (DE&I) report (PDF), providing important updates on our efforts in this space. Female % 40 40 45 40 In connection with its diversity initiatives, Male % 60 60 55 60 Wells Fargo voluntarily requests that its Notes employees and Board members self-identify 1. Results represent individuals in leader roles as de昀椀ned by their gender. The following tables present Wells Fargo’s Human Resources team as of Dec. 31 for each self-identification data covering both U.S. calendar year. and global employees. 2. Wells Fargo's internal Human Resources level data does not directly correlate to U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) job category data. 28 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

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