Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Index Wells Fargo’s SASB response is related to the Financials sector. The company reports on topics for the following industry categories: Asset Management and Custody Activities, Consumer Finance, Mortgage Finance, Investment Banking and Brokerage, and Commercial. onmental Disclosure topic Accounting metric Response/ Disclosure location Envir Business Ethics FN-CB-510a.1 Total amount of monetary losses as a result of FN-IB-510a.1 legal proceedings associated with fraud, insider Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Note 15: FN-AC-510a.1 trading, anti-trust, anti-competitive behavior, Legal Actions, page 153 market manipulation, malpractice, or other related 昀椀nancial industry laws or regulations FN-AC-510a.2 Description of whistleblower policies and Wells Fargo ESG Report, Code of Ethics and Social FN-CB-510a.2 procedures Business Conduct FN-IB-510a.2 Wells Fargo Code of Ethics and Business Conduct (PDF) Professional Integrity FN-IB-510b.2 Number of mediation and arbitration cases Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Note 15: associated with professional integrity, including Legal Actions, page 153 ernance duty of care, by party v FN-IB-510b.3 Total amount of monetary losses as a result of Go legal proceedings associated with professional Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Note 15: integrity, including duty of care Legal Actions, page 153 FN-IB-510b.4 Description of approach to ensuring professional Wells Fargo ESG Report, Corporate governance integrity, including duty of care and ethics Wells Fargo Code of Ethics and Business Conduct (PDF) Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), Human capital management, page 51 53 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

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