data. Uncertainties, inaccuracies or omissions in herein, the Company does not undertake any duty to any of these inputs potentially have compounding restate or correct data should such information later e昀昀ects on the accuracy and completeness of resulting prove to be incorrect. emissions and resource consumption 昀椀gures. The suitability of the design and e昀昀ectiveness of the This document provides general information onmental third-party systems and associated controls over the regarding a number of the Company’s policies, accuracy and completeness of the data has not been procedures, and positions relating to ESG issues. Envir independently assessed. Accordingly, with respect Although this document aims to present the to data that is not also included in the Company’s general position of the Company, the policies, Statement of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, the procedures, and positions discussed herein may Company makes no representations or warranties as be subject to approved exceptions. to the quality, completeness, accuracy, or 昀椀tness for a particular purpose and shall not be liable for any use All third-party trademarks or brand names are Social by any party of, for any decision made or action taken the property of their respective owners. The use by any party in reliance upon, or for any inaccuracies of any third-party trademarks or brand names or errors in, or omissions from, such data. GHG- is for informational purposes only and does not Protocols require restatement if better information imply an endorsement by the Company or that yields materially di昀昀erent base year emissions. Since such trademark owner has authorized Wells Fargo methodologies and approaches continue to evolve, to promote its products or services. The Company information we are currently disclosing could later disclaims any representations or warranties ernance potentially yield materially di昀昀erent emissions and regarding the non-infringement of any v may result in restatement. Other than as stated information contained herein. Go 68 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

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