Supplier engagement onmental Envir Wells Fargo’s Supplier Code of Conduct (PDF) outlines the company's expectation that suppliers not only comply with applicable laws, regulations, and contract terms, but also conduct themselves with the highest standards of ethical business practices, environmental stewardship, and community investment. Integrating ESG into supplier selection and engagement¹ Unit 2019 2020 2021 Social Suppliers invited to participate in CDP survey # of suppliers 209 198 188 Supplier CDP survey participation % participation 64 72 74 Responding suppliers who have self-reported science- % of suppliers 33 35 47 based targets for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions Notes 1. Wells Fargo encourages its suppliers to demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability by participating in the CDP survey. The suppliers were selected to participate using a methodology that considered each supplier’s spend, operational criticality to ernance Wells Fargo, and whether the supplier is in a carbon-intensive industry. As a result, the majority of participating suppliers represent high v spend and/or high criticality with many in high-carbon industries. Go 15 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

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