Growing the renewable energy supply onmental Envir Consistent with the company's climate and sustainability goals, Wells Fargo is committed to supporting the development of new sources of renewable energy. Through the end of 2021, Wells Fargo contracted for 210 megawatts (MW) of new renewable energy generation across 13 states and three countries, supporting new job creation and creating resilient communities. Renewable energy consumed Unit 2019 2020 2021 Social Self-supply¹ MWh 586 534 551 Physical power purchase agreements (PPA)² MWh 10,694 7,503 62,858 Total long-term commitments supporting new MWh 11,280 8,037 63,409 renewable energy assets³ Unbundled Renewable Energy Certi昀椀cates MWh 1,814,780 1,658,740 1,610,463 (RECs)⁴ Total renewable energy purchased MWh 1,826,060 1,666,777 1,673,872 ernance v Percent of consumed electricity as renewable % 101 101 108 Go Total capacity from long-term agreements MW 40 186 210 supporting new sources of renewable energy⁵ Notes 1. Self-supply is when a consumer generates and supplies their own electricity. Wells Fargo’s self-supply refers to its on-site solar program. 2. Physical power purchase agreements are contracts for the purchase of power and associated Renewable Energy Certi昀椀cates from a speci昀椀c renewable energy generator (the seller) to a purchaser of renewable electricity (the buyer). 3. Wells Fargo met 100% of its electricity consumption with renewable energy, primarily from unbundled Renewable Energy Certi昀椀cates beginning in 2017. Its goal is to transition to long-term agreements (de昀椀ned as contracts with a duration of 昀椀ve years or longer) that directly support new sources of renewable energy. New sources of renewable energy are de昀椀ned as assets where commercial operation was achieved no earlier than 12 months prior to contract execution. 4. Unbundled Renewable Energy Certi昀椀cates are sold, delivered, or purchased separately from the electricity generated by the renewable resource. 5. This data includes cumulative new renewable energy generation capacity contracted by Wells Fargo. Some assets have not yet achieved commercial operation and are under construction. 14 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

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