Bene昀椀ts Wells Fargo provides eligible regular and part-time employees with a comprehensive set of bene昀椀ts designed to protect their physical and 昀椀nancial health and to help them make the most of their 昀椀nancial future. It also provides employees with a variety of competitive employer-paid 昀椀nancial protection bene昀椀ts including life insurance, critical illness insurance, short-term and long-term disability coverage, and business travel accident insurance. In many countries, Wells Fargo also provides additional top-up plans and 昀氀exible bene昀椀ts options, such as personal accident coverage. Employees may also participate in a stock purchase plan and take advantage of discounts on financial products, home mortgages, and more. onmental Envir Social ernance Behavioral health support We Care Fund v Go In addition to the mental health management The company's internal We Care Fund additionally bene昀椀ts included in Wells Fargo’s health plans, grants emergency aid to employees facing disasters Employee Assistance Consulting (EAC) is a global and other severe 昀椀nancial hardships. This employee resource that helps employees and their household relief program is funded by Wells Fargo and members through di昀케cult times. employees who want to help colleagues in need. Con昀椀dential individual consultations and referrals are Employee service available for personal and work-related concerns, and impact Unit 2019 2020 2021 including anxiety and depression, alcohol and drug We Care Fund - USD 5.6 27.2 1.2 use, stress management, relationship problems, dollars awarded1 (in millions) grief and loss, and 昀椀nancial di昀케culties. Support is We Care Fund - # of grants 2,550 23,098 1,506 also available to employees a昀昀ected by robberies, grants awarded1 threats, domestic violence, disasters, and Notes critical incidents. 1. The We Care Fund, a Wells Fargo employee relief fund, grants emergency aid to employees facing disasters and other severe 昀椀nancial hardships. 36 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

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