Work-life programs and Wells Fargo believes its success depends on the COVID-19 pandemic becoming increasingly collaborative and innovative. The company bene昀椀ts from employees seeing each Wells Fargo offers many benefits, programs, other on a regular basis. When together, it is easier and work arrangements intended to provide to build relationships, get in-the-moment coaching, employees with flexibility and work-life balance. identify career opportunities, and brainstorm ideas. During the COVID-19 pandemic, close to 100,000 Ultimately, when employees work together they Wells Fargo employees never left the workplace learn more about the customers and communities to ensure customers received the services and the company serves and how to serve them better. support they needed. Others transitioned to With this in mind, Wells Fargo's approach emphasizes working from home. In March 2022, Wells Fargo spending time together in the o昀케ce, and also onmental began its Return to Office program for employees provides 昀氀exible work options for employees in who had not been working from Wells Fargo certain jobs. Envir offices during the pandemic. The company's expectation for employees working Wells Fargo believes in a Wells Fargo location are based on what makes sense for di昀昀erent roles. For example, employees in its success depends on customer-facing roles in branches, advisor locations, and other customer-facing locations, have been in Social becoming increasingly the workplace for most of the COVID-19 pandemic. collaborative and Employees in non-customer-facing support teams are primarily o昀케ce-based, with 昀氀exibility. In practice, innovative this may mean 昀氀exibility to have up to two days a week of remote work, and spending a minimum of three days a week in the o昀케ce. Expectations for other roles, including operations, technology, and non-U.S. based employees, vary by business need. ernance v Wells Fargo understands the challenges faced during Go the pandemic and continues to look for ways to o昀昀er 昀氀exibility to more employees, while moving to an increasingly collaborative and innovative culture. The company continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation and will make adjustments as necessary. The health and safety of employees and customers has been our top priority and has guided planning e昀昀orts. All employees globally may take up to four hours of paid time away for each vaccine appointment (including boosters). U.S. employees are additionally eligible to receive free COVID-19 test kits from Wells Fargo or through their medical plan, at no additional cost. 37 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

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