Employee training and development Wells Fargo invests heavily in coaching and training for employees and managers because when our employees are properly supported, engaged, and con昀椀dent in their skills, they’re more e昀昀ective leaders and can provide a better customer experience. The company invests approximately $200 million annually in employee learning and development, which includes functional training, regulatory compliance, leadership and professional development, and early talent development programs for employees. Training and development Unit 2019 2020 2021 Total annual investment in USD (in millions) ~250 ~200 ~204 employee learning and development onmental Annual investment in employee learning and USD ~975 ~793 ~704 Envir development per employee¹ Average hours per employee of # of hours 44.0 51.0 44.0 learning and development time¹ Employee completion of Diversity % of employees Not available 69.0 77.0 and inclusion 1: Foundations² Employee completion of Diversity and inclusion 2: % of employees Not available 83.0 88.0 Social Understanding unconscious bias² Employee completion of trainings which contain a % of employees 99.9 99.5 99.0 focus on discrimination and other topics related to human rights³ Employee completion of % of employees 100.0 99.1 100.0 Information Security training⁴ Employee completion of ernance Anti-Harassment and % of employees 100.0 99.4 96.0 v Discrimination training⁵ Go Notes 1. Data is based on the number of active, full-time equivalent employees. 2. All employees are o昀昀ered training on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Completion is voluntary. The training courses were updated and released to employees in November 2019, and thus results for these courses are not available for 2019. 3. This training includes the company’s safety training, which covers topics such as emergency response and a violence-free workplace and is assigned to all employees. 4. This training is assigned to all Wells Fargo employees. 5. This training is assigned to all U.S. employees. In 2021, the Learning and Development team continued to support training virtually in response to COVID-19, and the company continues to implement enhancements to training programs to support more 昀氀exible delivery. Wells Fargo received 昀椀ve industry awards in 2021 in recognition of training excellence, including awards for programs in branch banking, small business, technology, and credit. 38 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

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