Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index Wells Fargo’s ESG Report was developed in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative Standards (GRI) “Core” option and contain many elements of the “Comprehensive” option. Disclosure number Disclosure name Disclosure location onmental GRI 2: General disclosures Envir The organization and its reporting practices 2-1 Organizational details Wells Fargo & Company (WFC) Mailing Addresses Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Wells Fargo & Co., page 204 2-2 Entities included in the Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Note 1, Summary of Social organization’s sustainability signi昀椀cant accounting policies, page 95 reporting 2-3 Reporting period, frequency Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Note 1, Summary of and contact point signi昀椀cant accounting policies, page 95 [email protected] 2-4 Restatements of information Wells Fargo ESG Report, Operational Sustainability, Scope 1 and Scope 2 (location & market based) Emissions, Note 3; Scope 3 emissions, Note 4 ernance Wells Fargo ESG Report, Small business growth philanthropy, v Open for Business Fund, Note 3 Go 2-5 External assurance Environmental Data Assurance (PDF) Activities and workers 2-6 Activities, value chain, and other business relationships Wells Fargo ESG Report, About Wells Fargo, Supplier engagement Wells Fargo 2021 Annual Report (PDF), Wells Fargo & Co., page 204 Wells Fargo Stories 2-7 Employees Wells Fargo ESG Report, Employees 58 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

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