Disclosure number Disclosure name Disclosure location Governance 2-9 Governance structure and Wells Fargo ESG Report, Corporate governance and ethics composition Wells Fargo Leadership and Governance Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), Board leadership and composition highlights summary, page iii; Board Composition pages 15-26 2-10 Nomination and selection of Wells Fargo ESG Report, Board of directors the highest governance body Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), Director election standard and nomination process, page 27 2-11 Chair of the highest Wells Fargo ESG Report, Board of directors governance body Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), Strong independent Board leadership, page 19 onmental Wells Fargo Leadership and Governance 2-12 Role of the highest governance Wells Fargo ESG Report, Wells Fargo’s key ESG themes & focus Envir body in overseeing the areas, Corporate governance and ethics, Culture management of impacts Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), The journey: rede昀椀ning culture, page 51 Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), The Board’s role in risk oversight, pages 31-34 Wells Fargo Corporate Responsibility Committee Charter (PDF) Social 2-13 Delegation of responsibility for Wells Fargo ESG Report, Corporate governance and ethics managing impacts Wells Fargo Leadership and Governance, Corporate Responsibility Committee 2-14 Role of the highest governance Wells Fargo ESG Report, Corporate governance and ethics body in sustainability reporting 2-15 Con昀氀icts of interest Wells Fargo ESG Report, Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, Alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development ernance Goals v Go 2-16 Communication of critical How to Contact the Board of Directors concerns Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), Year-round engagement process, page 3; Communicating with the Board, page 22; Board of Directors and Human Resources Committee, page 57 2-17 Collective knowledge of the Wells Fargo ESG Report, Governance highest governance body Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), Board quali昀椀cations and experience, page 17 2-18 Evaluation of the performance Wells Fargo ESG Report, Board of directors of the highest governance Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), Comprehensive body annual evaluation of Board e昀昀ectiveness, pages 35-39 2-19 Remuneration policies Wells Fargo ESG Report, Executive compensation, Code of Ethics and Business Conduct Wells Fargo 2022 Proxy Statement (PDF), Director compensation, page 42; Incentive compensation risk management, page 59; Executive compensation, pages 88-98 Wells Fargo Corporate Governance Guidelines (PDF), page 5 59 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

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