Additional topic-speci昀椀c disclosures Disclosure number Disclosure name Disclosure location GRI 401: Employment 401-2 Employment Bene昀椀ts provided to full- time employees that are not Wells Fargo ESG Report, Employees, Bene昀椀ts provided to temporary or Wells Fargo Bene昀椀ts part-time employees GRI 403: Occupational health and safety onmental 403-1 Occupational Occupational health and Health and safety management system Wells Fargo ESG Report, Employee safety and health Envir Safety 403-2 Occupational Hazard identi昀椀cation, risk Health and assessment, and incident Wells Fargo ESG Report, Employee safety and health Safety investigation 403-3 Occupational Occupational health services Health and Wells Fargo ESG Report, Employee safety and health Social Safety 403-4 Occupational Worker participation, Health and consultation, and Safety communication on Wells Fargo ESG Report, Employee safety and health occupational health and safety 403-5 Occupational Worker training on Health and occupational health and Wells Fargo ESG Report, Employee safety and health ernance Safety safety v 403-6 Occupational Promotion of worker health Go Health and Wells Fargo ESG Report, Employee safety and health Safety GRI 404: Training and education 404-1 Training and Average hours of training Education per year per employee Wells Fargo ESG Report, Employee training and development 404-2 Training and Programs for upgrading Education employee skills and Wells Fargo ESG Report, Employee training and development transition assistance programs 404-3 Training and Percentage of employees Education receiving regular Wells Fargo ESG Report, Employee training and development performance and career development reviews 63 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

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