onmental Envir SM • Wells Fargo Assist o昀昀ers a variety of Family Advisory Network, Wells Fargo is options and support to customers facing committed to empowering service members 昀椀nancial hardship related to credit cards, and veterans, as well as their families, to gain home loans, loans, and other accounts. 昀椀nancial knowledge and skills that can help Social them manage all stages of life, from permanent • In 2021, Wells Fargo announced the Banking change of station to deployment to retirement. Inclusion Initiative, a 10-year commitment to help unbanked individuals gain access to • A national alliance between Wells Fargo and a昀昀ordable, mainstream, digitally enabled Disability:IN provides continuing education transactional accounts — making 昀椀nancial opportunities for disability-owned business education and advice accessible. enterprises and service-disabled veteran ernance disability-owned business enterprises. v • For the LGBTQ community, financial planning Go whether simple or complex can come with • The Wells Fargo Investment Institute (WFII) a unique set of challenges. Wells Fargo's provides education, guidance, and insights to LGBTQ Resource Center provides valuable inform investment decisions. The Wells Fargo information, from everyday banking to Investment Institute’s Social Impact Investing starting a new business. team specializes in managing sustainable and responsible investment portfolios for individuals • Wells Fargo invested a total of $50 million and institutions. In 2021, a new client-speci昀椀c in 13 African American Minority Depository ESG report was released, which utilizes vendor Institutions (MDIs). As part of the capital and proprietary data from the Global Manager investment, the MDIs will have access to Research team within Wealth and Investment Wells Fargo expertise and assistance. Management, to provide ESG risk, product • As the exclusive sponsor of the Military Family involvement, and carbon footprint data on Financial Readiness Council, led by the Military client holdings. 18 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

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