Supporting Financial health An inclusive economy is one where everyone has customers and a pathway to economic opportunity, including the 昀椀nancial knowledge, skills, and resources necessary onmental to support themselves and their families. That’s communities why Wells Fargo is committed to providing a Envir variety of resources and products designed to enable individuals to learn how to manage money responsibly, build and improve credit, plan and Wells Fargo focuses its social impact on building a save for the future, and reach their 昀椀nancial goals. sustainable, inclusive future for all by supporting Examples of Wells Fargo’s commitment to support 昀椀nancial health, housing a昀昀ordability, and small 昀椀nancial health include: Social business growth through employee volunteerism, † strategic philanthropy, and products and services. • Hands on Banking® is Wells Fargo’s free, noncommercial 昀椀nancial education program Philanthropy Unit 2019 2020 2021 intended to teach money management skills for all life stages, where users can learn at Total philanthropic USD their own pace. The program provides tools to giving (excluding Open (in millions) 455 390 280 help teachers, nonpro昀椀t 昀椀nancial counselors, for Business Fund) ernance and Wells Fargo employee volunteers deliver v Open for Business USD N/A 85 335 昀椀nancial education in schools and communities. Go Fund (in millions) • The Smarter CreditTM Center includes References resources to help customers understand, build, Community impact map and improve credit, as well as manage debt and plan for large purchases. Wells Fargo donated • Through CollegeSTEPS®, a website Wells Fargo created to help college students manage their nearly $615 million in money, students can access guidance and charitable contributions resources on topics such as paying for college, 昀椀nding scholarships, understanding credit, in 2021. managing money, and preparing for the next steps after college. † Wells Fargo does not control this website. The link is provided for your convenience, but Wells Fargo does not endorse and is not responsible for 17 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022 the content, links, privacy policy, or security policy of this website.

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