1 Scope 3 Emissions Unit 2019 2020 2021* 2 Category 1: Purchased goods and services MTCO2e 2,304,829 1,639,281 1,429,619 Category 2: Capital goods2 MTCO2e 455,599 358,268 348,249 Category 3: Fuel and energy-related activities MTCO2e 148,420 123,970 121,357 (not included in Scope 1 or 2) Category 4: Upstream transportation and Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant distribution3 Category 5: Waste generated in operations MTCO2e 9,921 7,622 13,058 Category 6: Employee business travel MTCO2e 71,019 14,111 4,795 (air travel only)⁴ onmental Category 7: Employee commuting MTCO2e 613,405 313,757 218,795 Envir Category 8: Upstream leased assets3 Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant Category 9: Downstream Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant 3 transportation and distribution Category 10: Processing of sold products3 Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant Category 11: Use of sold products3 Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant Category 12: End of life treatment of sold products3 Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant Social Category 13: Downstream leased assets3 Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant Category 14: Franchises3 Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant 3,5 Relevant, not Relevant, not Relevant, not Category 15: Investments calculated calculated calculated Notes ernance *Wells Fargo's environmental data included in the Statements of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions has been reviewed by an independent v third-party accountant for the year ended December 31, 2021. Go 1. MTCO2e stands for metric tons carbon dioxide equivalent. 2. In 2020, Scope 3, Category 1 and Category 2 emissions reporting transitioned to USEEIO 1.0 emissions factors from previously utilized UK DEFRA emissions factors. This methodology change resulted in a large decrease in emissions. In 2021, USEEIO 1.1 emission factors were applied resulting in additional accounting re昀椀nements. 3. Categories listed above as "not relevant" or "relevant, not calculated" include activities that were not yet calculated, not applicable to Wells Fargo's business activities or they have already been included in Scope 1 and 2 emissions. 4. Category 6: Employee business air travel emissions in 2019 and 2020 have been restated to re昀氀ect a correction to the emissions calculation. 5. Wells Fargo is in the process of calculating this data, but has not made signi昀椀cant enough progress to report 昀椀gures. Refer to SM Wells Fargo CO2eMission for additional information. References Environmental Data Assurance (PDF) CDP Report (PDF) 12 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report 2022

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