ESG at Citi Sustainable Finance Climate Risk & Net Zero Sustainable Operations Building Equitable & Resilient Communities Talent & DEI Responsible Business Appendices Our $1 Trillion Goal Financing the Low-Carbon Transition Financing Social Impact to global markets to mobilize capital, with the In fact, for 13 consecutive years, Citi has been Financing goal of providing support to social enterprises the No. 1 affordable housing lender in the U.S., and small businesses in these communities as published in Affordable Housing Finance. to accelerate and optimize their work and to Social integrate social impact into our business model At Citi, being a leader in the affordable housing as a part of this process. The recent expansion industry does not just mean making debt Impact of Citi Social Finance builds on our 15-plus-year and equity capital available to expand the track record of developing new business models U.S. affordable housing supply; it also means and partnerships, leveraging market-based being an innovator and market leader. Over the approaches to help improve the livelihoods of past several years, we have worked with our Addressing societal challenges through social low-income communities around the world. clients to find new ways to lower the cost of financing activities is a central part of our building housing and to increase the supply of $1 Trillion Goal for Sustainable Finance by 2030. This work, which is focused on supporting housing for our most vulnerable populations. This includes financing activities that support emerging markets, is complemented by our For example, Citi was among the first banks to access to affordable basic infrastructure, social finance activities in higher-income provide construction loans to projects using affordable housing, diversity and equity, countries. Examples include our work to finance modular, or factory-built, housing. economic inclusion, education, food security affordable housing projects in the U.S. and to and healthcare. underwrite bonds that help advance a range of social solutions. Social Finance in Supporting Emerging Markets INVESTING IN LOW-INCOME Affordable Housing Billions of people around the world lack access HOUSEHOLDS to basic necessities — clean water, education, As part of our social finance focus, we are Supporting affordable housing is an important electricity, financial products, housing and aiming to invest in opportunities for 15 million element of our $1 Trillion Sustainable Finance medicine — which significantly hampers their low-income households globally, including Goal. We focus on financing affordable economic progress and social growth. Our 10 million women, by 2025. In 2022, Citi housing in low- and moderate-income urban Social Finance team helps to meet our $1 Trillion provided more than 2.5 million households, and suburban areas in an effort to ease the Sustainable Finance Goal by working across including nearly 1 million women, with affordable housing crisis in the U.S. We offer a Citi businesses globally to develop scalable access to essential goods and services in range of housing finance solutions, including business platforms and client solutions that emerging markets. construction lending, tax credit equity and enable the bank, our clients and partners to permanent financing through our balance sheet. expand financial inclusion, accelerate access to basic services, boost job creation and scale Citi Community Capital, the bank unit through social infrastructure development in emerging which we finance all types of affordable housing markets. The team leverages our firm’s local and community development projects, reported expertise, multiple balance sheets and access approximately $6 billion of lending to finance affordable rental housing projects in 2022. Citi 2022 ESG Report Page 23

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