ESG at Citi Sustainable Finance Climate Risk & Net Zero Sustainable Operations Building Equitable & Resilient Communities Talent & DEI Responsible Business Appendices Transforming Our Risk and Controls Environment Ethics and Culture at Citi Risk Management Human Rights Serving Our Customers and Clients Responsibly Responsible Sourcing Through our sponsorships, we seek to pursue not misleading. Additional policy documents, purposeful partnerships that align with our Our Treating Customers Fairly ELIMINATING OVERDRAFT FEES such as those related to Fair Debt Collection mission and values, that demonstrate positive Practices, advertising and sales practices, and societal impact, and that leave a legacy in the Principles In 2022, Citi became the first major U.S. complaint handling, work together to support communities we serve. For example, we have a bank to eliminate overdraft fees. This the overall fairness framework. • Works as described: Consumers can includes overdraft fees, returned item fees, long-standing commitment to supporting Para predict how products and services and overdraft protection transfer fees athletes and have partnered for many years with will work. As part of this program, Personal Banking & on Citi Retail Banking consumer deposit Wealth Management and Institutional Clients the International Paralympic Committee (IPC), • Appropriate: Consumers can rely on Citi accounts. which focuses on positively changing society’s to offer appropriate products and services Group employees complete annual Treating perceptions of people with disabilities. In 2022, that meet their needs. Customers Fairly training. The 2022 training Citi became a founding partner of IPC’s PARA • Value: Consumers receive value that is was assigned to approximately 100,000 Citi SPORT and committed to help grow Para ice reasonably related to the cost of the employees globally as of the time of this report’s hockey, with a focus on advancing gender equity products and services. publication. The training focuses on identifying in the sport. In support of this commitment, Citi • Ease of understanding: Consumers and escalating fairness issues and shows how was the presenting sponsor of the first Women’s understand the terms and conditions of fairness influences real-world results. World Challenge Para ice hockey tournament, the products and services (particularly Citi has formal escalation processes to our held in 2022 in Green Bay, Wisconsin. During the limitations and exclusions). governance committees and Board of Directors, year, we also continued to feature Para athletes to facilitate consistent, timely and appro- prominently in our global #StareAtGreatness priate identification, analysis and escalation of campaign, which seeks to change the potential consumer fairness and reputational perception of individuals with disabilities by within our servicing channels without requiring focusing on their incredible achievements. Treating Customers a legal name change. In 2022, we expanded and franchise risk issues. the program beyond our U.S. Branded credit We consider alignment with our Treating Fairly cards to include eligible U.S. debit cards as Customers Fairly principles when developing well. All customers with eligible U.S. Branded our employees’ variable incentive plans. For DESIGNING FOR ACCESSIBILITY We strive to adhere to high ethical standards, credit cards and U.S. debit cards can leverage example, we use client satisfaction metrics, We strive to provide products and services to earn and maintain the public’s trust and to this feature. As of the end of 2022, more than where available, along with other product-based that meet the accessibility needs and pref- deliver products and services that provide value, 35,000 customers had updated their first metrics, to encourage achievement of business erences of all our clients. For example, we clarity and dependability in line with our Treating names on their physical cards. results that adhere to internal policies and our offer braille and talking ATMs, large print and Customers Fairly principles. Our Global Consumer Fairness Policy provides Code of Conduct. We also routinely evaluate braille statements and raised-line checks incentive plans, training content, controls, for persons with visual disabilities. We also For example, many of our services are provided a framework for reviewing consumer fairness accept all calls placed through 711 and other in multiple languages to support the diverse concerns and a sustainable model for managing monitoring results and oversight activities telecommunications relay services. populations we serve, and our products are emerging risks. The policy covers all aspects to maintain a sales force that delivers on our tailored to meet the needs of the individuals of the consumer product and services life commitment to serving our customers with In addition, we have developed fully acces- cycle, including new product development, fairness, value, clarity and dependability. sible explanatory videos for our U.S. Branded in the countries where we do business. Cards business, to heighten customer marketing, sales (including variable incentive Additionally, we provide annual training and comprehension of key topics. This includes In addition, our chosen name feature was compensation), underwriting and onboarding, have measures in place to monitor sales real-time descriptive transcripts, embedded designed to solve key pain points for our as well as all other stages. These include practices, including auditing and metrics that closed captions and content readability. transgender and nonbinary customers by expected controls, such as review of adver- assess client risk profiles. When appropriate, giving Citi customers the option to use their tising and marketing by Compliance and Legal, we contact delinquent clients using their credit chosen first name on their eligible card and to make sure they are clear, truthful and are Citi 2022 ESG Report Page 83

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