ESG at Citi Sustainable Finance Climate Risk & Net Zero Sustainable Operations Building Equitable & Resilient Communities Talent & DEI Responsible Business Appendices Transforming Our Risk and Controls Environment Ethics and Culture at Citi Risk Management Human Rights Serving Our Customers and Clients Responsibly Responsible Sourcing risk profile and design contact strategies that an emerging fairness risk related to a business, which includes goals for spending with certified are vetted for compliance with applicable laws. product or service, or to the adequacy of diverse suppliers. We are also committed to Supplier Diversity Spend Goals We ensure that contact strategies are vetted handling complaints. procuring goods and services from women- for privacy and fairness considerations before owned businesses, with an emphasis in • Continue to spend $1 billion annually with implementation. We hold a Fair and Inclusive Banking off-site developing markets. The Supplier Diversity/ certified diverse suppliers training with senior management from across Racial Equity task force meets bi-weekly to • Continue to spend $250 million annually Our Global Financial Access Policy establishes the company to deepen their understanding of review progress against our supplier diversity with certified Black-owned suppliers the guiding principles and minimum standards fair lending and consumer fairness. goals, evaluate spend with diverse suppliers • Increase spending with certified women- for fair, equitable and nondiscriminatory access and discuss new opportunities with broader owned suppliers to the goods, products, services, facilities, initiatives across the company. privileges, advantages or accommodations 2022 Spending with Tier 1* that Citi provides to customers and clients. Responsible In 2022, we engaged sourcing and business Certified Diverse Suppliers Further, it prohibits discrimination against colleagues throughout Citi to share infor- actual or prospective clients on the basis of Sourcing mation with them about more than 200 diverse $1.3B $599M race, ethnicity, sex (which encompasses gender suppliers that have expertise in information spent with Tier 1 spent with Tier 1 as well as sexual orientation, gender identity technology staffing, learning and development, certified diverse certified Black-owned and gender expression), religion, national origin, customer experience, neurodiversity, career suppliers** suppliers disability or other prohibited factors. This Our Supply Chain Development, Inclusion and entry, and advertising and marketing. We $189M commitment is backed by training, processes, Sustainability Team (SCDIS) leads our efforts undertake a broad range of activities to expand spent with Tier 1 certified controls and oversight to help prevent discrim- to make decisions that support our responsible our base of diverse suppliers. Highlights from women-owned suppliers ination. In addition, we continually work to sourcing priorities: 2022 include: understand evolving discrimination risks and * Tier 1 suppliers are those Citi procures goods and • Support and expand diverse suppliers • Enhancing our internal processes to better services from directly. update our approach to preventing such risks in pinpoint business needs, so we can more ** This includes spend with many types of certified diverse our business strategies, as well as in the design • Encourage supplier sustainability practices suppliers, including Black-owned and women-owned firms. and delivery of our products and services. effectively identify diverse firms that are • Mitigate social and environmental risks qualified for specific opportunities at Citi Citi has a Global Complaints Standard and a related to suppliers formal complaint handling and governance program to ensure proper controls around Connecting Diverse SUPPLIER POLICIES identification, capturing and monitoring of consumer complaints, including those Suppliers to Our The following standards and policies guide responsible sourcing initiatives and communicate our submitted to regulators. A global complaint Business expectations related to environmental and social issues to our suppliers: forum assesses complaint volume trends, • The Citi Statement of Supplier Principles outlines the guidelines for our sustainable supply chain issues and appropriate actions needed to Citi integrates supplier diversity across our entire initiatives, including those related to human rights, ethical business practices and environmental address areas of potential risk. Allegations business. Our SCDIS team sets clear supplier sustainability. of discrimination or complaints that meet diversity goals and embeds them in our sourcing • The Citi Requirements for Suppliers provides detailed processes and procedures that our suppliers specific fairness triggers are escalated for processes. Every bid over $250,000 requires the must follow for contractual compliance and information about other key Citi policy obligations. review, to determine whether the allegations consideration of certified diverse firms. • We also ask suppliers to abide by the Citi Statement on Human Rights, including compliance with are substantiated. Additionally, complaints modern slavery regulations. For more information about our approach in this area, see the Human metrics are used to identify where there may be One of our Action for Racial Equity commit- Rights section. ments is investment in Black entrepreneurship, Citi 2022 ESG Report Page 84

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