ESG at Citi Sustainable Finance Climate Risk & Net Zero Sustainable Operations Building Equitable & Resilient Communities Talent & DEI Responsible Business Appendices Transforming Our Risk and Controls Environment Ethics and Culture at Citi Risk Management Human Rights Serving Our Customers and Clients Responsibly Responsible Sourcing • Supporting suppliers through seminars on Building navigating the lending process, including SUPPORTING MINORITY-OWNED BROKER-DEALERS introduction to lenders through Bridge built Capabilities of by Citi Aligned with our Action for Racial Equity commit- • Onboarded three minority broker-dealers to the ments, we continued to expand our capital equity share buyback platform and established Diverse Suppliers • Networking with and identifying certified market activities with minority-owned broker- a pipeline through 2024 for additional broker- diverse firms through participation in the dealers to assist with business and franchise dealers The SCDIS team provides U.S.-based small firms National Minority Supplier Development development. Highlights from 2022 include: • Hosted an annual breakfast at which diverse and women-, veteran-, disability-, LGBTQ+- and Council (NMSDC) Conference & Exchange, • Engaged minority- and women-owned firms to broker-dealers can share best practices and minority-owned businesses access to business and attending matchmaker sessions via participate in 88% of our benchmark debt issu- network with Citi leaders opportunities, training and mentoring. Our team NMSDC, New York & New Jersey Minority ances, including 100% of our USD transactions identifies certified diverse suppliers, including Supplier Development Council (NYNJMSDC), • Worked with minority broker-dealers exclu- small businesses that can meet our supply chain New York National LGBT Chamber of sively to lead several bond issuances: needs, then subsequently works to build their Commerce, Minority Supplier Development • Black-owned broker-dealers: capabilities. Highlights from 2022 include: UK, WBENC and WEConnect $2.5 billion deal (January 2022) • Collaborating with the NYNJMSDC to host • Women-owned broker-dealers: the 12th annual Sustainability Symposium, $2.25 billion deal (March 2022) during which Citi participated on an CITI RECOGNIZED FOR • Veteran-owned broker-dealers: ESG-focused panel addressing supplier EXCELLENCE IN MINORITY $2.0 billion deal (May 2022) diversity, the UK and Australia Modern BUSINESS INCLUSION • Hispanic-owned broker-dealers: Slavery Acts, climate change and preparing AND SUPPLIER DEVELOPMENT $2.75 billion deal (September 2022) suppliers to meet net zero expectations In 2022, Citi was awarded the National • Conducting regional “Doing Business with Corporation of the Year Award by the Citi” sessions across Asia Pacific, Latin NYNJMSDC. This award recognizes best America and Mexico, open to any supplier practices in inclusion of minority businesses, A New Opportunity for a South African Woman-Owned Business affiliated with select diversity certification including Asian, Black, Hispanic and Native agencies, during which we shared best American suppliers, as well as demonstrated Citi supports the Broad-Based Black Economic woman-owned business to run the coffee shop practices for doing business with Citi and results in areas important to minority supplier Empowerment (BBBEE) program in South Africa. in one of our local facilities. This achievement other large companies development processes, including policies, In 2022, our BBBEE Scorecard improved from had a significant positive impact on our BBBEE • Supporting the NMSDC Emerging Young growth in spend, minority business develop- Level 3 to Level 2, due, in part, to our work to Scorecard, and as a result, Citi is more likely to ment, and leadership and engagement. support and empower diverse businesses in the be awarded requests for proposals (RFPs) and to Entrepreneur Program, which helps entrepre- region. For example, our South African Country be recognized as an organization that supports neurs build their businesses, and providing Sourcing Manager collaborated with our Country supplier diversity, the empowerment of small a related scholarship to the Tuck School of Business & Travel Shared Service Head of Dining businesses and the growth of the South African Business for a minority-owned business Services to support the development of a Black-, economy. Citi 2022 ESG Report Page 85

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