ESG at Citi Sustainable Finance Climate Risk & Net Zero Sustainable Operations Building Equitable & Resilient Communities Talent & DEI Responsible Business Appendices ESG Across Citi ESG Governance at Citi Our Material ESG Issues Stakeholder Engagement at Citi ESG at Citi QUICK LINKS ESG Across Citi ESG Governance at Citi Our Material ESG Issues Citi’s mission is to serve as a trusted partner to our We believe that effective management of our ESG than a third of the way to our goal. We again met Sustainability and clients by responsibly providing financial services priorities helps to improve business resiliency, our goal of sourcing 100% of our operational that enable growth and economic progress. Our risk mitigation and value generation. The same energy use from renewable sources. Climate Change core activities are safeguarding assets, lending is true for our clients, with whom we partner to money, making payments and accessing the support and finance their key ESG objectives. We remain committed to sharing our progress and In addition to creating ESG specialist teams capital markets on behalf of our clients. learning along this journey — as transparency and across our businesses, we have restructured With this approach in mind, we have identified accountability are keys to our success. some teams and business units to respond to As a global financial institution, Citi connects ESG priorities related to climate change; the growing opportunities in the sustainability millions of people across countries and cities sustainable finance; strengthening commu- and energy transition spaces. worldwide. For over 200 years, we have been nities; racial equity and employee diversity, helping our clients to meet some of the world’s equity & inclusion, as discussed below and ESG Across In 2021, we created our Natural Resources toughest challenges and embrace its greatest throughout this report. and Clean Energy Transition group that pulled opportunities. together the energy, power and chemicals In 2022, we made progress on advancing Citi businesses. We have more recently built out our Our commitments, considerations and priorities diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI) throughout Clean Energy Transitions team to equip us to around environmental, social and governance our firm, exceeded our aspirational diversity provide advisory services and capital solutions (ESG) issues are part of our business model and representation goals for 2018 and set new, Many of our business units have expanded their for companies developing energy transition central to our mission. While initially developed more inclusive goals for 2025. We continued to capacity and capabilities to serve the evolving technologies. by the investment community, the term ESG spend $1 billion annually with certified diverse needs of our clients. Across the firm, our teams And as important, we are building capacity has a variety of meanings today, reflecting our suppliers and completed an external audit of our are prepared to support and work with our through internal presentations, town halls and rapidly changing global society. Action for Racial Equity. clients, services and products in support of training pilots for industry banking and risk At Citi, we have identified our ESG priorities We also continued to progress our net zero their ESG strategies and related goals. We have teams, so that our bankers are equipped to in line with our business priorities. We engage finance and operations commitments. In 2022, ESG specialists in Banking, Capital Markets and engage with clients on their ESG priorities and on environmental and social issues from a we financed and facilitated an additional Advisory Services, Global Markets, Treasury and how Citi can help to support their ambitions. business risk and opportunity perspective. Our $123.5 billion toward our goal of $1 trillion in Trade Solutions and Citi Global Wealth. governance fundamentals contribute to the sustainable finance by 2030, putting us more strength and performance of our company. CCiitti 2i 200222 E2 ESSG RG Reeppoorrtt PPaagge 5e 5

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