ESG at Citi Sustainable Finance Climate Risk & Net Zero Sustainable Operations Building Equitable & Resilient Communities Talent & DEI Responsible Business Appendices ESG Across Citi ESG Governance at Citi Our Material ESG Issues Stakeholder Engagement at Citi Examples of ESG Stakeholder Engagement in 2022 (continued) Stakeholder Group How We Engage Examples from 2022 Governments and • Meetings, briefings, letters, conference calls, hearings, industry associ- • Submitted comment letters on the SEC’s proposed climate disclosure rule and the the Basel Committee on Regulators ation events, public policy forums, public conferences and convenings Banking Supervision’s proposed principles for the risk management of climate-related financial risks • Membership on government councils and committees and industry • Became a founding member of the Biden-Harris administration’s Economic Opportunity Coalition, which aims association boards to catalyze and align public and private investments to address economic disparities and accelerate economic opportunity in underserved communities in the U.S. • Head of Community Investing and Development is a member of the Federal Insurance Depository Corporation (FDIC)’s Committee on Financial Inclusion • Participated in working groups for Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETP) in Indonesia and Vietnam Shareholders • Group calls and meetings (quarterly earnings calls, conferences and • Held Fall ESG investor roadshow to discuss our ESG-related performance Citi-hosted group meetings) • Participated on panels at ESG-related conferences, discussing our sustainable debt issuance, climate • One-on-one meetings to discuss financial performance and ESG issues strategy and cultural transformation • Communications through our Investor Relations and Corporate • Added a new ESG section to the Investor Relations website Governance teams Stakeholder • Working groups • Participated in a working group facilitated by RMI, formerly Rocky Mountain Institute, to design and develop Groups and • Joint business ventures the Sustainable STEEL Principles (SSP), a solution for measuring and disclosing the climate alignment of steel Nongovernmental • Industry groups, roundtables, workshops and events lending portfolios with 1.5˚C climate targets Organizations (NGOs) Suppliers • Meetings, calls, conferences and workshops, Best Practice Speaker • Advanced a Supplier Diversity Mentor Protégé program Series, emails • Hosted “Doing Business with Citi” supplier best-practices event in LATAM in conjunction with WEConnect • Published supplier requirements and principles • Supported the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) Centers of Excellence Certificate Program • Awarded New York & New Jersey Minority Supplier Development Council (NYNJMSDC) National Corporation of the Year CCiitti 2i 200222 E2 ESSG RG Reeppoorrtt PPaagge 1e 111

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