ESG at Citi Sustainable Finance Climate Risk & Net Zero Sustainable Operations Building Equitable & Resilient Communities Talent & DEI Responsible Business Appendices Expanding access to banking is also important Because of our global network, Citi is in a Letter from Our CEO to Citi’s continued success. Last year, we unique position to lead on critical business and became the first of the largest U.S. banks to economic issues and help our clients tackle the eliminate overdraft fees and returned-item challenges before them. In every aspect of this fees for our customers. Through our Action work, we are acting with urgency and holding We are living through a period defined by of “green-collar” jobs. Simply put, the energy for Racial Equity initiative in the U.S., we’ve ourselves accountable for getting it done. I invite unprecedented change. Every company I know transition, energy security and economic stepped up our partnerships with minority- you to read the following report and learn more is continually assessing its strategies, because growth are not mutually exclusive and must be owned depository institutions (MDIs) that about how we’re fortifying our business and it is abundantly clear that the geopolitical, tackled simultaneously. can help increase economic mobility in the helping our clients and communities do the same. social, environmental and technological devel- most underserved communities. We recently Whether it’s the drive to net zero, expanding opments of the next decade will have impacts Sustainable finance goes to the heart of our created a first-of-its-kind Diverse Financial financial inclusion, or investments in local for generations to come. firm’s long-term interests. By investing in Institutions Group to lead our engagement infrastructure, we are backing up our commit- the health of the communities where we do with MDIs, diverse broker-dealers and asset ments with action and measurable results and At Citi, helping our clients navigate the business, we can ensure that these communities managers. These initiatives are not separate positioning Citi for a new era of success. challenges and embrace the opportunities of will allow us to continue operating there in the from what we do day to day; they are enduring our rapidly changing world is fundamental to future. Since 2020, we have now financed and commitments embedded in our business. our mission of enabling growth and economic facilitated $348.5 billion in environmental and progress. Importantly, it’s also vital to our own social finance activity, putting us well down Within our own walls, we are committed to business and central to how we deliver for our the path to meeting our $1 trillion sustainable creating a company that reflects the diverse clients and help them sustain their businesses finance goal by 2030. This financing has been communities we serve. This ensures that we have Jane Fraser for the future. directed toward myriad opportunities in commu- a multitude of perspectives to truly understand Chief Executive Officer nities across the world, including supporting our clients’ challenges and opportunities and None of this work is straightforward. Partnership microfinance in Peru, financing community solar help them prosper. It also gives us a competitive between the public and private sectors is projects in the United States, financing access edge in the talent market and helps us attract essential, and addressing the thorniest to clean water and sanitation in Brazil, and and retain the best talent from all backgrounds. economic challenges requires a balancing helping expand access to healthcare in India act between competing needs and economic and increase food security in Nigeria. To that end, we have set new and more inclusive realities. We often find that the path of progress aspirational goals to increase underrepresented runs through the middle. Here in the U.S., we are putting our balance sheet groups in the more senior levels of the firm, to work to lift up local communities. For the as well as establishing the first aspirational Nowhere is that more true than for the energy 13th year running, we’ve been the number one recruiting goal by a major U.S. bank for LGBTQ+ transition. On the one hand, we must continue affordable housing lender in the U.S., financing early-career hires globally. We have exceeded the to support our clients who make sure there is approximately $6 billion in projects in 2022 alone. three-year representation goals we set in 2018 an ample and affordable energy supply to meet We also more than tripled our initial commitment to increase the percentages of women in the the world’s needs. On the other hand, we are to the Citi Impact Fund to $500 million so we firm globally and Black talent in the U.S. We also also enabling the investment that’s critical to can provide capital to startups, many of them continue to champion pay equity in our industry the transition to a low-carbon economy. That led by diverse founders, that are focused on the by annually publishing the pay gap between includes advising and financing our clients in “double bottom line” by driving positive social and men and women globally and U.S. minorities and their decarbonization journeys, investing in financial impact. U.S. non-minorities. necessary climate technologies and ameliorating the workforce impact by catalyzing the creation Citi 2022 ESG Report Page 3

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