Waste Environment Co-processing Mixed waste challenge Waste vendor evaluation Environmental compliance Co-processing is the use of waste as raw In fiscal 2023, development centers in India had At Infosys, our green procurement policy We have a strong environmental management ESG REPORT 2022-23 material, or as a source of energy, or both to dedicated authorized vendors to collect, sort ensures rigorous vendor evaluation. Waste system aligned with ISO 14001:2015 standards replace natural mineral resources and fossil and dispose mixed waste to ensure minimal vendors undergo a detailed vendor site audit across all India locations in line with our HSE ESG is an opportunity fuels. Generally, waste which cannot be reused waste to landfills and maximize recycling. against several regulatory requirements. strategy and covers a significant portion of or recycled and has high calorific value is Post this, commercial proposals are invited the employees across the organization. The selected for co-processing. and scrutinized to ensure they comply management system is implemented across ENVIRONMENT At Infosys, waste such as tetra packs, tea bags, We have diverted with requirements. The proposals are then locations globally based on applicable legal Performance on environmental goals rubber waste, paper packaging, low value of mixed waste shared with the commercial team for further requirements and internal benchmarks and are plastic, plastic gunny bags, thermacol, foam, from landfills negotiations, if any. Once this process is a part of our internal audit coverage. Climate change carpets, discarded mop refills, lanyards, ceramic 90.45% completed, a formal agreement is entered into waste, flex banners, artificial grass mats, floor during the year across with the vendors. Vendors are audited annually We ensure adherence to the applicable legal Water mats, glass waste, cloth waste etc., are sent for based on the waste vendor checklist. requirements across our locations. We conduct Waste co-processing. India locations environmental impact assessments for all our E-waste management routine and non-routine activities and the significant concerns creating an environmental SOCIAL Co-processing achieves a superior At Infosys, we have been persistent in our impact include depletion of resources like environmental performance as compared TRUE Certification- efforts to ensure that we reduce, reuse, recycle power and water, waste generation and GOVERNANCE to landfill and incineration which can zero waste to landfill and dispose e-waste responsibly. Our e-waste disposal, and emissions that are part of our be demonstrated through life-cycle includes computers, desktops, laptops, material aspects. assessment of waste. Co-processing Infosys’ India centers are heading keyboards, mobiles, printers, cartridges and Environmental impacts of new services, is also recognized by the UNEP Basel towards the 2030 target of zero waste to batteries. Generated e-waste is always sent activities and changes in process or legislations Convention as a practical, cost-efficient, landfills through the adoption of TRUE back to original manufacturers (under buyback are also conducted. We conduct environmental safe and environmentally-preferred Zero Waste Certification. schemes) or authorized recyclers who provide impact assessment studies for all new projects, option compared to other waste us certificates on the successful recycling wherever applicable, covering impacts related treatment options. In fiscal 2023, we embarked on a journey and recovery of the material. The selection to air, water, social aspects, and biodiversity, to obtain TRUE Zero Waste Certification of authorized recyclers is done keeping in among others. Waste disposal options through Green Business Certification mind the extent of resource circularity in Inc. (GBCI) for our owned campuses at their process. E-waste is regulated through No cases of monetary or non-monetary As per Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) Bengaluru, Chennai and Pune. legislation and hence we evaluate the vendor sanctions for violations or environmental and State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) to ensure all compliances are addressed prior grievances have been reported in fiscal 2023. guidelines, bio medical waste, oil-soaked to disposal. Our campuses are built on state-approved cotton, oil filters from DG sets, and other wastes land in industrial areas and are not adjacent to are disposed of through authorized agencies. protected areas or biodiversity areas. These agencies incinerate the waste as per A process for monitoring requirements in prescribed guidelines. The resultant ash is sent line with legal requirements is established to Treatment, Storage, Disposal Facility (TSDF) and we ensure that all parameters are always landfills for safe disposal and in a few locations, maintained well within the defined norms. it is diverted for cement manufacturing. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 23

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