Waste Environment ESG REPORT 2022-23 tons/day are installed across India locations to enable conversion of landscape waste into Waste recovery options compost, which can then be used as organic ESG is an opportunity manure in our landscaping applications. Recycling As on date, our biogas plants have a capacity ENVIRONMENT Waste such as paper, plastic and metal, are to treat 10 tons of waste a day. The bio- recycled, converted into other usable forms methanation plants/ bioreactors in Infosys Performance on environmental goals and circulated back to the supply chain. are high-rate digesters where the organic We have established biogas plants in our loading rate is significantly higher even when Climate change campuses where food waste and landscape its loaded close to its rated capacity. Bi-phasic Water waste is treated through bio-methanation bio-digestion, known for its effectiveness, process, which produces biogas an alternative was tested at one of the Infosys sites. This Waste to LPG in our food courts. We also have sludge testing helped overcome challenges, such drying beds located next to our biogas plants as inconsistent input feed rate as well as the Organic waste segregation at Hyderabad SOCIAL to dry the slurry. Soon after sun drying, dried quality of wet waste. The trial was a great manure can be used for landscaping. Vermi success as we were able to establish process composters with a capacity of around eight stabilization at all our bio-methanation plants GOVERNANCE across India. Location Quantity Total quantity Total LPG cylinders equivalent Bengaluru 17,643.57 Thiruvananthapuram 1,955.93 Hyderabad - Pocharam 16,032.26 58,189.25 cu.m. Approx. 25,000 kg Mangaluru 2,933.13 Biogas Hyderabad - Gachibowli 3,281.18 Pune 16,343.16 Reuse We follow a waste hierarchy and we prefer reuse over recycling. Waste generated at source gets segregated and evaluated for reuse if possible. Waste like wood, STP sludge and bio manure slurry from bio-methanation plants gets reused inside the campus. Construction and demolition waste is sent to government authorized landfill sites where it further gets reused for various purposes by the municipal corporation. Used oil from kitchens is utilized in biogas plants as it has high Solar sludge drier in Infosys Hyderabad codigestion COD (chemical oxygen demand) levels, which in turn generates increased biogas. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 22

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