WASTE Environment ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity Infosys’ waste management approach is based Waste management on the philosophy of Reduce, Reuse, Refurbish, ENVIRONMENT Repurpose and Recycle. We seek to uphold Today, we use the equivalent of 1.5 Earths our ambition of zero waste to landfills through Performance on environmental goals to meet the resource needs of everyday life. active minimization combined with technology According to an estimate of the carrying investment in recycling and streamlining Climate change capacity of our planet, it takes the Earth systems and processes. With our efforts, we 18 months to restore what is used in just contribute to a circular economy and convert Water 12 months. Every year, the world produces waste into resources. Infosys has established Waste 2.01 billion tons of municipal solid waste, robust waste management practices, focusing of which, at least 33% is not handled in an on waste collection, segregation and disposal environmentally responsible way. of waste. SOCIAL Today, waste management is a crucial GOVERNANCE challenge globally. Waste management Segregation at source includes the collection, segregation, and Waste segregation at source refers to the disposal of waste. Waste collection is a critical process of identifying and segregating various step in managing waste. Segregation of waste types of solid wastes at the place or location at source helps in quick disposal and has of their generation. We segregate waste monetary advantages like extracting energy mainly into two categories - hazardous and from the methane generated by decomposing non-hazardous waste. Separate storage of waste. Solid waste management operations are various components of solid waste such as typically a local responsibility, and nearly 70% biodegradable wastes including landscape of countries have established institutions with / garden waste and food waste and non- the responsibility for policy development and biodegradable wastes including sanitary regulatory oversight in the waste sector. waste and non-recyclable inert waste, various categories of e-waste, and construction and demolition wastes is practiced. A color code for bins has been implemented for different types of waste. Reduce Reuse Recycle The Infosys waste management practice involves segregation of waste at source, secondary segregation, efficient collection and handling, recycling, and effective disposal of all wastes while adhering to applicable Refurbish Repurpose Recycle legislations. This enables reduction of negative environmental impacts. We also insist on eco- The biogas plant in Infosys Hyderabad friendly packaging for all our purchases. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 21

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