Corporate governance Governance World Economic Forum (WEF) • Infosys' presence at WEF annual meeting: ESG REPORT 2022-23 – Infosys CEO & MD participated in a public session on Accelerating the Reskilling ESG is an opportunity Revolution. With labor markets in flux from the fallout of the pandemic, technological shifts and the green ENVIRONMENT transition, up to one billion people will need reskilling, training and lifelong SOCIAL learning by 2030. The session covered details on how much progress has been made and what needs to happen next to GOVERNANCE reach this target. – Infosys General Counsel and Chief Performance on governance goals Compliance Officer participated in a Corporate governance WEF public discussion on Investing Responsibly in Sustainable Governance. Data privacy While a significant focus on climate Information management change is influencing global investment priorities, responsible and sustainable governance remains essential to ensuring a just economic recovery. The speakers discussed actions and meaningful approaches that will empower investors to take a holistic Infosys has had a 23-year strategic-level 1.5 °C requires significant collaboration and approach to sustainable governance partnership with the World Economic Forum shared responsibility between the private so that integrity is incorporated in their (WEF). Key ESG initiatives undertaken with the and public sectors and are ready to work strategic decisions. forum include: side by side with governments to accelerate – Sustainability is embedded into the • Infosys is a founding business partner of the transition to net zero. As part of this fabric of Infosys. Our presence at Davos WEF’s 'Reskilling Revolution' initiative that community, we signed an open letter for 2023 was completely carbon neutral. aims to provide one billion people with world leaders at COP27 committing the All avoidable emissions were offset with better education, skills and jobs by 2030. same. the use of sustainable methods and Infosys integrated the Pathfinders Online • Infosys is a key member of the Chief materials. For unavoidable emissions, Institute on the platform. Diversity and Inclusion Officers Community. Infosys invests in commensurate certified • Infosys is part of WEF’s Alliance of CEO It is a signatory of Partnering for Racial Gold Standard Carbon offsets. We Climate Leaders community, a CEO-led Justice in Business, a global coalition of also had a session in partnership with community committed to raising bold organizations and their C-suite leaders Economist Impact on Managing Risk climate ambition and accelerating the net committed to leveraging their individual across the Sustainability Landscape that zero transition by setting science-based and collective power to build equitable emphasized on the risks to sustainability targets, disclosing emissions and catalyzing and just workplaces for professionals against a turbulent macroeconomic and decarbonization and partnerships across with under-represented racial and ethnic geopolitical landscape. global value chains. Alliance members identities. know that limiting global warming to Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 58

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