Corporate governance Governance Partnerships ESG REPORT 2022-23 have been downloaded over 3,400 times and Among the flagship projects is the Climate have reached almost 24,000 students across Game - a unique data-driven simulation that the globe. gives the readers a sense of what it takes to ESG is an opportunity Building on the momentum from initiatives, manage the global climate crisis. With 400 this year, Infosys and Economist Impact will predictive choices, the game places the players ENVIRONMENT create the Value Chain Navigator (VCN) – a at the heart of crucial decision-making to reach visual, interactive, data-driven tool that helps net zero by the year 2050. Each player has to business decision-makers understand the next successfully limit global warming to below SOCIAL steps they need to take to manage value chain 1.5 °C by selecting the best course of action for emissions. each sector that the game focuses on. GOVERNANCE Within VCN, the users will be able to explore Performance on governance goals Economist Impact interviews with Bill Gates, Emmanuel Faber, the world of scope 3 via seven ‘levers’ where Patricia Espinosa and Ellen Jackowski on topics each lever represents a different area of Corporate governance In 2021, Infosys and Economist Impact entered such as climate change, scope 3 emissions, business action. These include areas such as Data privacy a strategic partnership with a shared purpose social justice, e-waste and more. TSP has business model innovation, product design of building a digital platform, The Sustainability also won some of the most coveted awards, and investment strategy. Information management Project (TSP), that advances sustainability including Webby Awards and World Media As an open digital platform, VCN aims to solutions. Group Awards in 2022. provide executives with insightful, practical, TSP, developed by Infosys, leverages and evidence-based business actions to our expertise in digital innovation and address these emissions in line with an transformation to deliver insights and data- evolving regulatory landscape. With almost 1 million plays till date and an powered solutions across the globe. It serves as Financial Times average of 15 minutes per play, the Climate a best-in-class destination for content focused Game has been very well received by FT on sustainability. Infosys and Financial Times teamed up in 2022 readers, climate influencers and some of the to build creative and immersive newsroom most influential people in business and global projects and cover issues that matter. Through politics. It has won over 14 awards such as this partnership, we have delivered engaging The Lovie Awards, German Design Award, digital platforms to create media experiences Corporate Engagement Award and many of the future. more. The game has also been syndicated in Japanese. Last year, we opened up The Sustainability Project to the next generation by partnering with The Economist Educational Foundation (TEEF) and created a series of six world-class teaching resources for 9 to15 year-olds on Since its launch, the platform has garnered sustainability themes. Our objective here was over 800K pageviews from 500K+ unique to enable the next generation to have inspiring visitors, who spent an average of 1:56 mins discussions on sustainability issues and to on the site, resulting in a total of more than think critically, communicate effectively and 17,000 hours. Today the platform hosts original understand global challenges. These resources Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 57

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