Corporate governance Governance Engaging with stakeholders through various channels and ESG REPORT 2022-23 earning trust through transparent communication ESG radar The tone for transparency is set at the top. The Company prides itself on its compliance with global Thought leadership ESG is an opportunity guidelines, standards and corporate governance codes ensuring timely and accurate disclosures. We Infosys published its inaugural ESG Radar 2023 continue to publish our independently assured ESG disclosures based on the GRI Standard 2021. The Infosys Knowledge Institute report. We surveyed 2,500 executives and ENVIRONMENT (IKI) ESG experts and found that companies need In fiscal 2023, Infosys’ ESG performance was recognized globally by to radically reinvent how ESG fits within the several industry rankings and assessments The Infosys Knowledge Institute harnesses the enterprise. ESG is no longer a good to have but SOCIAL intellectual capital of Infosys subject matter a business necessity. The Company has been recognized for its many efforts to consistently demonstrate experts to produce unique and fresh content GOVERNANCE commitment to sustainability, ethical leadership, and responsible business practices. and insights on the business impact that technology can drive for prospects and clients. Infosys topped the charts in the CRISIL ESG risk management, mitigation initiatives, IKI also develops its proprietary data and Performance on governance goals insights through multiple large-scale surveys Corporate governance Leadership Rankings and was featured in transparent disclosures on emissions, and and quantitative analysis. These are published the CRISIL Sustainability Yearbook, 2022 emission reduction initiatives across the throughout the year through its flagship Data privacy for the second consecutive year. supply and value chain. Radar maturity assessments, the annual Tech Information management Infosys was conferred an ‘AA’ rating in the For the sixth year in a row, in 2022, Infosys Navigator report on future trends and the Practical Sustainability MSCI ESG ratings. The MSCI ESG ratings is listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability ongoing TechCompass tech trends series. These measure the ESG performance, including Indices (DJSI), a leading benchmark for are supplemented by IKI-authored books, Our book, Practical Sustainability – Circular the management of financially relevant corporate sustainability. including Practical Sustainability and The Live Commerce, Smarter Spaces, and Happier ESG risks and opportunities, of companies In their latest ESG Risk Ratings, Enterprise. IKI also creates new proprietary Humans, is globally recognized as an industry worldwide. Sustainalytics recognized Infosys as video content through expert interviews, standard in delivering climate change Infosys is also a forerunner in driving an industry-wide and regional top- webinars and online roundtables with clients, solutions having won international awards climate action across its operations. It rated ESG performer. Sustainalytics is a Infosys executives and academics or industry for economics, business, and journalism has been recognized for leadership in renowned independent ESG and corporate influencers. IKI has collaborated with 500 excellence. corporate transparency and performance governance research, ratings, and analytics clients and created over 1,000 assets since on climate change by the global firm. inception and regularly publishes in leading environmental nonprofit CDP, securing a business and technology media. For more place on the CDP annual A List in 2022. EcoVadis, a globally acclaimed ratings information, go to This is the seventh year in a row that platform for corporate social responsibility Infosys has been featured in the leadership and sustainable procurement, recognized category under the CDP Climate Change Infosys with a Gold medal for CSR disclosure - a testament to Infosys’ climate practices. Infosys has been a recipient of action efforts, including climate-related EcoVadis Gold for over seven years now. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 56

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