Climate change Environment Nurturing social development ESG REPORT 2022-23 Carbon neutral events Carbon offset program Infosys organizes a few public events ESG is an opportunity Infosys was among the first corporates to generate emission offsets. While this approach through the year. In 2023, Infosys commit to bold climate action. The Company requires careful long-term planning, intense envisioned to make these events a ENVIRONMENT took up active measures to reduce and due diligence, and strict management control, hallmark of sustainability. Environment- streamline the energy demand in its campuses. it is significantly more rewarding. 2,40,000+ friendly measures, like the use of Performance on environmental goals This demand-focused approach helped in sustainable construction materials, reducing carbon emissions to a great extent. Infosys partnered with local NGOs to undertake rural families continue to benefit water conservation measures and zero Climate change Infosys has also invested in renewable energy projects in rural India that would benefit plastic use, emphasized Infosys’ holistic Water (solar PV) plants to avoid emissions. However, society. These projects include improved from our carbon offset programs approach to sustainability. Detailed there are unavoidable emissions due to cookstoves and household biogas plants, carbon emissions were calculated for the Waste business travel, employee commute etc., that which improved rural livelihoods, community Since 2016, we have implemented eight travel of the participants to the event. had to be offset to achieve carbon neutrality. health and social harmony. Improved indoor efficient cookstove projects, four biogas, one These were then compensated by Infosys’ SOCIAL air quality and diversified income have ensured each of rural electrification and integrated carbon credits. This effort made all the Infosys’ carbon offset program has carefully a better standard of living for women and community-based projects (solar, cookstove, major events organized by Infosys in 2023 selected grassroots social development children. street lighting and public health center) across carbon neutral with minimum impact on GOVERNANCE projects, implemented them at scale to India. the environment. Improved cook stove Self sustained Biogas unit Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 14

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