Climate change Environment Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of Renewable energy share of renewable energy in its power mix for India operations. ESG REPORT 2022-23 buildings Greening the energy mix Infosys Hyderabad and Bhubaneshwar are Being a leader in design and construction utilizing renewable energy from the recently- To enhance its efforts towards meeting the launched green tariff mechanism for ESG is an opportunity of sustainable buildings, Infosys is doubling environmental goal of carbon neutrality, Commercial and Industrial (C&I) consumers. its efforts to reduce carbon emissions by Infosys has adopted the use of renewable ENVIRONMENT considering a LCA of buildings that looks at the energy in its power mix. Infosys has set up solar upstream and downstream carbon emissions PV panels on the rooftops of office buildings. during their life cycle. This information is used In total, Infosys has 14.4 MW of rooftop and Performance on environmental goals to make a comparative analysis of alternative ground mount solar PV panels. Further Infosys Climate change materials and construction technologies that has set up a 40 MW captive solar power plant 57.9% can help reduce overall environmental impact. at Sira, Karnataka. In total, Infosys has 60 MW of of electricity for our Water The LCA can be used for the following total installed solar capacity. Waste purposes: Infosys also procures green energy through India operations are from 1. Identify potential for improvement of third-party power purchase agreements. renewables SOCIAL environmental performance. Through these measures, Infosys has 57.9% GOVERNANCE 2. Comparison of environmental performance using alternative materials. The Command Center in Infosys Bangalore 3. Documentation of environmental Infosys collects data continuously through its performance for certification, labelling and command centers. This command center allows marketing. us to schedule ‘auto-pilot operations’ using a 4. Drive our climate action agenda across our built-in intelligence system. This has enabled supply chain. us to monitor over 35 mn sq. ft. of office space. Infosys Kolkata's LCA-based approach has set Analyzing this granular data, Infosys has made an example for the rest of the corporates. informed decisions in new building design and improved operational efficiencies. Command Center Data - Our command center has also allowed us to adopt a data-driven operations approach the New Oil to manage, on a real-time basis, occupant comfort, indoor air quality, energy intensity, By collecting and reporting data metrics, water intensity, the health of critical assets, companies can better understand the impact critical operations, renewable energy of their operations on the environment, society, generation, water and waste treatment, and and governance. This data helps in arriving at the overall performance at all levels within all a baseline against which emissions reduction our buildings in our campuses. can be tracked and monitored including This data has played an instrumental role in inefficiencies, leakages, and excessive usage of facilitating Infosys to be a leader in carbon resources. neutrality and setting high benchmarks in the industry. The solar field at the Infosys Hyderabad campus Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 13

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