Corporate governance Governance ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity Our corporate governance reflects our value systems, culture, policies and relationships with our Our Board instituted an ESG Committee on Interaction with other Board stakeholders. Integrity and transparency, the core of our corporate governance. Since it's integrity April 14, 2021, to discharge its responsibility ENVIRONMENT and transparency, it has to be ensure sound practice and performance that, in turn, help us gain to oversee matters related to organization- committees and retain the trust of our stakeholders. wide ESG initiatives, priorities, and leading ESG SOCIAL We practice the highest level of corporate governance across all our business functions. A strong, practices. The ESG Committee reports to the The ESG Committee works closely with independent and diverse Board leadership nurtures and sustains effective corporate governance Board and meets every quarter. other Board Committees to further our ESG throughout the corporation. Independent Board committees review and formulate industry- ambitions. For instance, it informs ESG risks GOVERNANCE leading governance practices. Objectives of the ESG and challenges, if any, in achieving progress on the goals, to the Risk Management Committee Performance on governance goals and invites its support to address the risks. It Corporate governance Read the Infosys Board Diversity Policy Committee interacts with the Stakeholder’s Relationship The composition of our Board ESG governance The objectives of the ESG Committee are Committee to discuss performance on ESG Data privacy provided in the ESG Committee report that assessments and actions for improvement. It as on March 31, 2023 In October 2020, we launched our ESG collaborates with the CSR Committee for social Information management Vision 2030. Our focus has been steadfast forms part of the Corporate Governance Report impact programs. It also interacts with the Size and composition of the Board on leveraging technology to battle climate in the Integrated Annual Report. Cyber security Risk Sub-committee as part of Non-executive and Executive change, conserve water and manage waste. The objectives are also provided in the its efforts to track progress on the information non-independent director director On the social front, our emphasis has been ESG Committee charter. management ambitions. Nandan M. Nilekani Salil Parekh on the development of people, especially In addition to the ESG Committee, other around digital skilling, improving diversity and The ESG council reports to the ESG Committee. inclusion, facilitating employee wellness and The purpose of the council is to execute the Board committees and senior management experience, delivering technology for social programs and plans of the ESG Committee are also actively involved in enhancing our Independent directors good and energizing the communities we live to achieve the ambitions outlined in the ESG performance and disclosures on a range of ESG D. Sundaram Bobby Parikh and work in. We have also redoubled efforts to Vision 2030. The council nominates sponsors issues, relating to our different stakeholder serve the interests of all our stakeholders by from the executive leadership team, who work groups. Refer to Infosys Integrated Annual Michael Gibbs Chitra Nayak leading through our core values and setting closely with the ESG ambition leads to ensure Report 2022. Uri Levine Govind Iyer benchmarks in corporate governance. progress on the goals. The council has overall responsibility for ESG governance, reporting, ESG performance evaluation communication, branding and to take stock Indians Foreign nationals of the performance and discuss programs and ESG goals are a part of the corporate The plans, as appropriate. scorecard and the performance parameters 62.5% 37.5% Board of leaders, and are cascaded to various levels in the organization. ESG performance of the ESG Committee Company is linked to the compensation of the CEO & MD and leaders. Men Women 87.5% 12.5% ESG Council Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 51

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