Corporate governance Governance Building sustainable and responsible supply chains ESG REPORT 2022-23 Infosys believes in and is committed to partnering with the highest quality suppliers to ensure that we deliver best-of-breed business and IT solutions to our clients. As a signatory to the Sambandh ESG is an opportunity United Nations Global Compact, Infosys leverages the UNGC principles covering human rights, Sambandh is our biannual supplier labor, environment, and anti-corruption as foundational principles for building and improving meeting. This year, the theme at Sambandh ENVIRONMENT its sustainable supply chain practices. The Company’s Responsible Supply Chain and Supplier was ‘Sustainable procurement through Diversity Policy is an expression of our commitment to integrate these principles into our engagement’. supply chain relationships and towards building long-term environmental, social, and economic SOCIAL opportunities for diverse businesses. This commitment is manifested in our internal activities and Over 700 suppliers engaged in Sambandh processes, as well as through the organizations we engage with externally. Integrity and ethics across locations in India. The engagement GOVERNANCE govern all our supplier partnerships, while also supporting and encouraging the aspirations of included workshops and discussions on the diverse businesses. principles contained in the Infosys SCoC and Performance on governance goals ESG-compliant procurement practices. Corporate governance Infosys Supplier Code of Diligence before empanelment Data privacy Conduct As part of the pre-contract and evaluation, Information management we perform exhaustive due diligence of Infosys prides itself in the way it conducts suppliers in sanctions, corruption, financial its business and has always been a company crimes, litigations and ESG issues at the time of with a strong commitment to ethical business onboarding and periodically thereafter, with practices and sustainability. Infosys encourages the help of a third-party tool. This assessment its suppliers to join in this commitment, based covers compliance, adverse media, information on a shared set of values and principles. Infosys security, physical security and sustainability, pursues mutually beneficial relationships with based on the type of vendor. We have its Suppliers and seeks to work with businesses onboarded 1946 new suppliers in fiscal 2023. that are committed to act fairly and with Additionally, we have incorporated ESG criteria integrity towards their stakeholders, observing into the supplier onboarding process. 45% of the applicable rules of law. The Supplier Code our new suppliers were screened using the of Conduct (SCoC) draws inspiration from the third party tool. Infosys Code of Conduct and Ethics and the principles of the UNGC. It provides a detailed account of material topics that we are focused on to nurture and sustain responsible supply chains. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 52

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