Corporate governance Governance ESG learning for suppliers ESG assessments Our centralized procurements are in India, but we engage with local suppliers for local We launched a dedicated ESG learning channel In 2021, we made a commitment to assess needs across geographies. The proportion ESG REPORT 2022-23 for our suppliers on Infosys Springboard. The 100 of our top suppliers (by spend) on ESG of spending on local suppliers (in India) was portal contains ESG learning and best practices over a four-year period. As on fiscal 2023, nearly 66% in fiscal 2023. We did not have ESG is an opportunity and provides learners an opportunity to we have covered 46 suppliers through any significant actual and potential negative discuss, ideate and engage on ESG topics. this assessment. The assessments covered environmental and social impacts in the supply governance, ethics and compliance with chain. We did not have any significant changes ENVIRONMENT law, fair business practices, labor practices to our supply chain in fiscal 2023. SOCIAL and human rights, health and safety, and environment. The assessment is based on a No. of MSME protocol which leverages the Infosys Supplier suppliers 24,891 GOVERNANCE Code of Conduct (SCoC), ISO 26000, GRI, contract staff UNHRC, Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) and Performance on governance goals other international frameworks. The Infosys 777 engaged Supplier Code of Conduct leverages the UNGC Corporate governance principles including protecting and upholding of top 100 suppliers Data privacy internationally proclaimed human rights, 46% underwent ESG assessments endorsing treating all persons with respect in the last two years Information management and dignity while safeguarding their rights, the elimination of forced and compulsory labor, the abolition of child labor in the supply chain and strong corporate governance practices A course on the ESG learning channel including anti-corruption and anti-bribery and promoting fair business practices across the supply chain. As an environmentally conscious organization, Infosys also urges suppliers to protect the environment and make abstemious use of scarce natural resources in their business processes. As part of the onboarding process, all vendors have to accept the Infosys SCoC, and this is ensured and tracked by the procurement team. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 53

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